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Fighting Sioux Fan

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Posts posted by Fighting Sioux Fan

  1. Parise, Zach (University of North) 262 133 75 1784

    Lessard, Junior (University of Minnes) 220 58 146 1420

    Bochenski, Brandon (University of North) 102 266 67 1375

    Saviano, Steve (University of New Ha) 119 42 87 808

    Ballard, Keith (University of Minnes) 91 63 92 736

    Pock, Thomas (University of Massac) 81 67 69 675

    Voce, Tony (Boston College) 36 99 75 552

    Slater, Jim (Michigan State Unive) 30 58 121 445

    Edwardson, Derek (Miami of Ohio) 27 67 107 443

    Denis, Yann (Brown University) 24 76 94 442

    Voce, Tony (Boston College) 3 66 62 275

    ...and fan voting accounts for what? 1% of the voting? Too bad Lessard is going to win it instead of Parise or Bochenski :D

  2. Why do you hope that UND does not play CC in Springs? CC is not even going to make the tourney. The only way that CC is going to be at the tournament is if they are in the stands!

  3. The Wild are frustrating, they will not bring in any big name talent, that is one reason that they will never go anywhere in the playoffs for a very long time. Someone needs to remind them to score goals and play defense, not just play defense!

  4. Why Briggs, he was not very impressive at all! I agree that King should have gotten it. If not for him, AA would not have beaten CC. Briggs gave up four goals in two games, that is not all tournament team numbers, in my opinion!

  5. almost half are from the WCHA...all 3 finalists should be (unless Saviano gets the token Eastern guy nod)

    Three finalists should be from the WCHA, but that will not happen. I see Ballard not making it for this very reason. He could and should make it, but since we just saw a MN defenseman win the HB two years ago, he will not make it.

    I see Thomas Pock making the final three. He has had an outstanding year, and he is the only non-WCHA player that really jumps out at me as deserving to make the finalists. Unfortunately, I can see Voce making it just because he plays for BC. The only non WCHA player that is a ? to me is the guy from Miami, he might be deserving of it, but playing where he does keeps me from knowing anything about him besides his name...

    Parise of Bochenski? We know that only one will make the cut despite the fact that they both deserve to be finalists. The HB does not favor ND (because we win too much, I guess). I am putting my money down on ZP to be a finalist because Bo has not been dominating the game lately like he was earlier in the season. No disrespect to Bo, he is just as worthy, but Parise is the man!

    My last pick is Junior Lessard. He is having a very good season and he leads the nation in points. He deserves to be a finalist.

    My three finalists:

    Thomas Pock

    Zach Parise

    Junior Lessard

    who wins the HB?

    Junior Lessard

    why does he win and not a deserving UND player?

    Becuase he help resurect UMDs program

    North Dakota still wins the NCAA title though...

  6. Not to underestimate Tech, but why not sit Prpich for the weekend? Would it not be better to make sure he is as close to %100 for the Final Five and the NCAAs? It would be better to have him in those then against MT...

  7. Too bad Central and Red River could not join Section 8 and play in the MN state tourney! I like ND HS hockey, but there is just not the same level of competition there...

  8. However, as Tuesday's tour for the media revealed, you may very well be able to say that it's second only to Engelstad Arena at the University of North Dakota

    Nice arena, but this quote says it all for me...

  9. Hmm, maybe this should be for the best offensive defenseman in the NCAA? It appears that points are what it is all about on this poll. Who cares what INCH thinks about who is the best defenseman in the league. When North DAkota wins the NCAA title, we will know which team has the best defense!!!

  10. Yeah, I realize that. I just don't agree with it. I was a fan of the original Oakland Raiders... supported them through a move to Los Angeles and then a move back to Oakland. Although I'm glad they returned to Oakland... Oakland or Los Angeles isn't what really matters most. What matters most is that they're the Raiders. Same goes for the Stars in my opinion. Minnesota or Dallas... they're still the Stars, and that means more to me than what city they call home. Not trying to start a flame war with you, you're entitled to like or dislike whatever teams you want to like or dislike. I'm just offering another opinion. My opinion is that you grow up cheering for whatever team you like, and then you stick with that team through both good times and bad. That makes the reward so much sweeter when your team wins a championship. I personally can't imagine having a favorite team throughout my childhood and then at some point during my adult life deciding to become a fan of a different team. I'll go way out on a limb and speculate that you cheer for the Wild now... is that correct? I'm glad Minnesota has another NHL team, but I have a hard time understanding how a person who remembers the NHL before the Wild were part of it can all of a sudden call the Wild their favorite team. If you do cheer for the Wild now, was there another team you cheered for during the seven seasons Minnesota went without an NHL team? If so, that would mean you had three different favorite teams in less than 10 years. That's messed up.

    Comparing the Raider moving to LA is nothing like the Stars moving to Dallas. LA is only a few hundred miles away and is much easier to get to from Oakland than it is to get to Dallas from Minnesota. I felt betrayed that the Stars left and so does a lot of people. How could Minnesota be the State of Hockey without a pro team? Norm Green deserved to be strung up for moving the team. But now we have a new team! Now they just need to win more consistently and bring in more players. I would actually be more happy if Winnipeg got a team to move there because it is only a two hour drive compared to a five hour drive to St. Paul. But what ever happens, I will always dislike the Stars. To me they are the Packers of the NHL, but that is my own opinion. GO SIOUX!!!

  11. But all is well, Todd feels bad about it!

    I bet he feels bad, but only because he is suspended without pay. Bertuzzi is a thug! I bet he tells the press that he is sorry and then laughs about it all behind the scenes. Vancouver athourities are looking into the incident, will he actually get charged with anything?

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