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Fighting Sioux Fan

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Posts posted by Fighting Sioux Fan

  1. Why does not Oklahoma deserve a shot at the championship? USC has one loss, so does OU and LSU. OKlahoma clearly dominated during the season and lost only in the Conference Championship for the Big 12. The SOS was also tougher then USC. Even if you throw our that Quality Win crap, OU still is better in the BCS. It sucks for USC, that is how it works though. Maybe they should not have lost the game that they did...

  2. Even before Saturday's game, UNA fans were still furious about the undefeated Lions having to travel to face a team that the committee ruled had a better strength of schedule index.
    See, this is why it is better for UND to NOT play against NDSU after this year. I hope that Bison fans can understand this now.

    As for the article, UNA fans really need to stop making thier excuses! They were out played on the field. A good team finds ways to win under the conditions that are hostile. UNA did not overcome these conditions and they lost. What are should we do about these situations? Have all fans watch the games on TV and in a neutral venue?

    It is also hard to imagine a bigger homefield advantage for one team to have.

    I would say having the National Championship in your home stadium would be a bigger advantage...

  3. On another note, when a fan of a team loses there is ALWAYS somebody who comes out and complains about how rud the home crowd acted. Or better yet, complain about how crappy the alerus center is(bison fans). It's mostly sour grapes.

    UNA fans need to suck it up and admit that they lost on the football field and not in the stands. I was not at the game so I do not know if any of this stuff actually happened, but this appears to be yet another case of the lossing team whining because thier team lost. It was a good game, do not let it get ruined by this. If you can't take going into a hostile arena, don't show up here. UND fans are there to cheer on our team and to intimidate the opposing team, it is part of the game. The only bad thing though is the racial slurs, I sure hope that this did not happen.

  4. this is the stat that I like:

    North Dakota 6 5-1-0 10 points

    Minnesota 12 4-7-1 9 points

    UM has played twice the games as UND but UND has one more point.

    What are the Gopher fans going to say if they DON'T make the NCAAs?

  5. Where did you hear this? I've been watching a lot of sports this weekend & haven't kept close tabs on the case.

    The blood was the same as her bloodtype, but not necessarily HER blood. I am hoping the best, but...

  6. Great game so far, UND is firing on all cylinders and play well in all aspects of the game. UNA, on the other hand, is not playing as well as they were touted. If UND keeps playing like this through next weekend, well...

  7. IMO, it kind of puts a black eye on this UNA team.

    It does not make them look good at all. It makes me wonder what other things that they could be doing to win? Extra scholarships and drugs, what kind of program do they run down in Alabama?

  8. Sorry man, didn't mean to offend anybody or clutter up the board. Just having a little friendly discussion here.

    I'll try to be on better behavior. Just don't send me to the board purgatory or anything :D .


  9. Regarding the earlier post about the UNA coach that won the 3 National Championships in the mid 90's. The coach was Bobby Wallace, he is now the head coach at Temple. GO LIONS!!!

    ooh, Temple, are we supposed to be impressed?

  10. I suppose that the Gopher fans are frothing at the mouth at playing Anchorage next! It is a long season and the gophers have a hole to dig themselves out of. It is not like we thought the gophers would be contending with MT and AA for the 10 seed in the playoffs. UM does have a tough conference schedule for the rest of the year if you do not use Happy's definition of cupcake.*

    *Every team is a cupcake by his thinking process (or lack there of)...

  11. HAHA...yeah I think it was posted in another thread. Flippin hilarious. At least we now know for sure that INCH is a hack site :glare:

    INCH seriously blows! The schedule for UND has not been updated with scores since the Hall of Fame game against UMD, and they still list Marc Ranfranz as being on the team...

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