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Fighting Sioux Fan

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Posts posted by Fighting Sioux Fan

  1. Brandon Bochenski is fifth in Hobey voting currently. How the heck do guys from Michigan Tech and Alabama Huntsville get more votes then he does? Well, ballot box stuffing obviuosly, but honestly, do these people actually think that these guys are having better years then BB? What a travesty, it is a good thing that fan voting only is worth 1% of the voting...

  2. Do they even have classes when it is -10?

    Yup, I thought the radio said it was -24 this morning when I was starting the car, but I could be wrong. It has to get extremely cold to cancel class. Temps this cold is nothing new around here, why cancel stuff when it is that cold. We are not a bunch of pansies like people out east...

  3. but why leave for the NHL. They are so screwed up, I just don't think it makes sense. Not to mention the potential lockout.

    With the lockout and such, going to the NHL for next year would probably be a bad idea.

    Maybe the Florida Panthers will move to Winnepeg and the Blais can coach there!

  4. I voted Live in ND, though currently I do not live in ND, but Grand Forks is home. I could have voted for 1) Small town school succeeding because it is nice to see North Dakota beat big schools like Michigan, Minnesota, and Boston College and other big school like Ivy League schools. One thing I like to think of is when we play these schools from the East where the fan base might not be familiar with our program and we go out and annihilate thier team! It is good to see North Dakota getting some positive recognition! 2) Like the logo, jersey and name: this is not what brought me in as a fan, but I have native american heritage and I take it as a compliment and a tribute to Native American culture. 3) Love college hockey and just decided to cheer for a winner It love hockey plain and simple! I do not cheer for North Dakota because they are winners, I cheer for them because of my love of hockey and this has transfered to all things related to UND! 4) The best arena in college, arguably in all hockey: I would be going to games regardless of where we played, but it is nice having the new REA! 5) The tradition that has been created: North Dakota has a winning tradition in a lot of sports now, I like cheering for a school that is competitive in many sports not just one. I detest schools like North Carolina that are only good in one sport. I like schools that are competitive in all sports, schools like Texas (and Michigan, but I still hate Michigan).

    Hockey rules and so does North Dakota Hockey!!!

  5. The second period p*ssed me off. The sioux look too laid back out there. :D

    Especially Lundbohm! What is up with him this year! He needs to get his act together this year! Does he have senioritis? The one play if he would have skated a little faster he could have stoped the UM play but he did not. If he keeps it up, he better be sitting in the stands for another game or two!!!

  6. I missed the first period and did not get to watch very closely for part of the second, but the Sioux do not seem to be playing very good hockey in what I saw, IMO. Hopefully they come out firing and get some good bounces in the third...

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