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The Walrus

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Everything posted by The Walrus

  1. I'm taking wagers...3 to 1 odds, that the name will be changed again within 5 years.....
  2. I was told he was not invited.....That should speak volumes....?
  3. Interesting read... http://www.collegesportingnews.com/article...articleid=86105
  4. Star good post... Tibesar and Mussman would be very viable canidates, but under the last couple of hirings would not even be interviewed because of no head coaching exp..? You are correct that both Bubba and Randy would have great interest, but Und 92,96 is correct about current working environment, but our only hope of keeping some of current staff would be to hire someone that is familar with UND... We are geting way ahead of ourselves however, I believe UND is a special place for Dale and it will take a great offer to take him away, my guess he will be in the final two, and then who knows....? Hopefully the work that is going on behind the scenes, to mend some fences in Athletics will succeed...... I know one thing for certain, lose Dale and a lot of giving alumni will not be putting up a new practice facility very soon...
  5. My IYHO....Phil Phil recomended, the LTC to Cupcake, who hire him and then the LTC hired BR.... So in short PH, CC, BR with LTCTB have accomplished the lowest moral that I've seen in A-Dept. History, with DL, GR, KZ, DH, & more not being happy
  6. Depends on "Betty and Tom's" criteria......They may need to have been a head coach at a High School in Illinois
  7. I hope you are right, 2-3 years ago Dale would not even listen to other offers, things have changed
  8. If I am not mistaken a indian head logo of some heritage is also on all the State of North Dakota's State Patrol Cars.....
  9. This is something nobody knew..... http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/i...section=Opinion
  10. Looks like Greg Cascaes made it again...this time he travels to Prague, Cz......Congrats
  11. Both John and his brother Pete are former Basketball players for the Sioux, John will do a outstanding job with a former Athlete's perspective, currently he is a very successful bussiness man and giving alum...... He is the only one with any knowledge of Athletics, outside maybe Tim O'Keefe.... I'm surprised in no Athletic Administration or Coaching representation......Especially with our current move.....?
  12. Club is open and not a golfer in sight... Ist day of pool being open was friday-NOT! Rainy days and Mondays always get you down... Hoping for a decent Sunday and Monday....and yes the farmers need this....
  13. Far be it from me to ever question the State Board of Higher Educational person or persons that put this committee together......BUT..? Does anyone think that we should have some Athletic Department representation on this committee, since maybe we are making the BIG move to Div 1.... It may be nice to get some opinions from Athletics......? Just a Thought....?
  14. The Walrus

    Gas Prices

    filled the ford f-150 today......$81.99..... ouch!
  15. I believe it is all the Presidents men... When you are the Head Coach of of any program, You want control of your Budget, Staff, and Scheduling......This does not seem to be the case anymore at UND......Some decisions are being made in regards to teams sometimes without even knowledge of the Coaches.
  16. NDSU officially gets a good one....... http://www.in-forum.com/articles/index.cfm?id=166072
  17. I nominate this for best quote of the year.....
  18. I believe Dale Lennon loves UND and would have probably retired here and still could.... But there is alot of friction between administration and the coaching staffs, I have never seen the morale as low as it is right now in many areas.... In the past some coaches would not even entertain other options, I believe that climate has now changed.... That is about all I can say.....
  19. Everything is not as happy as it looks at the old brick stadium.....
  20. I wonder who could be a strong canidate for this job...? hmmmmm....?
  21. The Walrus

    Trivia ?

    Who was the "Coach" of the NHL Colorado Rockies in 1979-80 season.....?
  22. http://en.montrealalouettes.com/index.php?...age&id=6020
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