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The Walrus

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Everything posted by The Walrus

  1. I would think the list would be long and rich with UND tradition, disciples of Roger Thomas... In no particular order... Jeff Tesch..............Bemidji State Tom Dosch............Jamestown College Randy Hedberg......St Cloud State Kyle Schweigert.....Minnesota Duluth Tim Tibesar............Kansas State And I would not discount any current staff members, that would like to throw their hat in the ring... Chris Mussman Mike Mannausau Tim Belmore John Kelling UND is a great job and in time will get better.....That is what great tradition gives you.
  2. Totally agree! But working for Prince at KSU is no easy job (15-17 hour days), he is a task master, but probably why he is successful. I just guessing at some point Family Balance issues will come into play for Tim, expecting their 1st child soon. Would a Head Coach at a FCS have less load than a Coord / Head Coach at a FBS school... That's the question...?
  3. Dale Lennon loves UND, it will be the hardest coaching decision he has ever had to make.... His family also loves the community of Grand Forks, Their decision will be equally as difficult.... We can hope.... Whatever Dale and his family decide, I wish them nothing but happiness, They are a truly special....
  4. Tim Tibesar....is our 2nd Head Coach if Dale Leaves.... The 1st Head Coach to lead us thru transition is anybody's guess...If Dale leaves... I do not believe Tim would even consider leaving the DC Position to lead us thru transition...IMO
  5. That is not true...I'm wrong alot of times, just never admit it...lol I really hope, I missed this one....
  6. Not that this means anything.... 5 out of the 11 posts in the Mike VanDeist open forum thread want....Dale Lennon http://www.bobcatnation.com/bobcatboard/vi...pic.php?t=10443 I really would of thought that with all the National Championships, Montana ties, ect..... The MVD train would really be rolling after his open forum...?
  7. I hope I am wrong.....But after watching the Open Forums, reading the news reports, scanning the message boards, and looking at their resumes. My feeling is Dale Lennon will be offered the Head Coaching position at Montana State Unversity. Because of his mid-western attitute, presence, poise and polish, his age, and most of all his creditinals I find it very difficult for him not to be the leading canidate... His record of achievments (UND FB academic GPA , Team Grad Rates and Team Win and Lost Records) accompany that with his track record for turning around a trouble program (Mary)... Is just what MSU needs right now. And I believe if it is offered he will take it. If this does happen at least Siouxsports.com will have something to talk about this Summer.....Who will be Next?
  8. He did not want the final decision, only to be asked "What his opinon was" UNI did not schedule this for the money(although I'm sure UND garuntee was alot less than a 1AA School), UND did it for the money, If we would have lost, got a kid injured, missed the playoffs, yep thats worth 100k . Or maybe New Management at the REA...?
  9. I really hope someday the truth about these deficits come to light, Roger was the man held accountable, however REA had alot more to do with this then people know. I wish I could get all the facts and figures and have tried, But REA is a private trust not open to public financial audits.
  10. I sure hope this was sarcism...? I had the oppurtunity to enjoy lunch and part of the afternoon, and Dinner today with Coach Bohl at the Bison Open, held in the rain at the Grand Forks Country Club.... He is a "Class Act" very similar to Dale, Roger, Randy, Jeff, and Bubba some of the other Coaches I have been fornuate to associate with, he was very down to earth polite and enjoyable to visit with on many fronts.
  11. We had a scheduled game with Mesa State of Colorado, on that weekend..... It blindsided Dale with the scheduling of UNI, it was about the Benjamins ($) we got 50, 000 to play UNI (Bus Trip), were it would of cost us $50, 000 to fly out and play Mesa State... Yes, in worked out well, but if we would have lost to UNI, we certainly would have missed the playoffs... I believe the tought process was that you never take points off the scoreboard , and you certainly should not take a win off your schedule, not that Mesa State was a easy win, but they were a D2 quailifer and more attractive of chance to get a win than UNI.... Also early in the schedule, do you want to risk injury on unlevel playing fields....? In any instance however, should not your Head Coach be a least part of that decision making process...?
  12. Just watched the webcast of Dale's open forum.... Really hard to be objective, because Dale is a friend, but I felt he did a outstanding job, Hansel's comment pretty spot on. Dale seemed very relaxed and very open and honest, took a couple shots at the press 1st off with the NDSU mixup, but also incorperated a little humor and levity while getting his points across on academics and accountability.... Our FB team had 59 with a 3.0 or better, and another 12 with a 4.0...WOW!...Also our FB team grad rate is 69% while UND student grad rate is only 51%.. He is such a class act, I hope we can keep him.... Here is what some of Bobcatnation is saying..... http://www.bobcatnation.com/bobcatboard/vi...pic.php?t=10428
  13. Just my thoughts... But I'm guessing back in 1978 , it was a competition factor, weather that be money (scholarship) induced or not, so they decided to level the playing field with sudivisions.... Again just my opinion.... but I can see the same thing happening in MBB and or WBB.... They will possibly try to expand the big tournament at the end of the year, but this will face great resistance from the major BCS conference schools as they do noy want to cut up the money pie anymore....I think in the next 10 years you will see subdivisions in MBB and or WBB... Just to help prove my point in the football discussion....Why are there BCS conferences if every Div 1 school has a equal oppurtunity for a Div 1 national title..? Also just a little fact since 1901 when the NCAA was started....95 of the possible 106 National Football Championships (Mythical) have been won by 14 Schools, these include the like of Minnesota, Harvard, and Georgia Tech, that now can not win there conferences...(so the arguement could be made only 10-12 schools have a actual shot) Oh and hey good luck on getting that Notre Dame game on NDSU's schedule, not in my lifetime.....
  14. Herd, Honest question.....Apparently in 1978 the NCAA voted on subdivisions for football....Do you know why...? and... Do you think that the NCAA will ever subdivide MBB or WBB.....?
  15. anyone know what the 60's terminology was....? I may like it
  16. So you would consider NDSU and UND (2012) to be playing Divsion 1 Football...? The NCAA did nothing but change subdivision names and confuse a already simplified system.... And in Basketball.... Somebody better get a hold of Myles Brand and tell him we need to quit making those Mid-Majors Schools feel inferior and give them a new subdivison name... or at least get the National Press to stop...?
  17. That is my contention the NCAA is the one lying, or playing make believe that everyone can compete on the same level.
  18. Lets be honest.... There are about 20 Schools that have a shot in Division 1 of wining a National Title in Football, Basketball (M orW), and you can even include those regional sports played on the National level like Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse, Baseball, Softball, Swimming, Golf, Track ect... You can label them all you want and call them what you will, so it makes you think you can compete, but the truth is the Bigger the institution is in enrollment, surrounding population, and their tradition the more money they raise, make, solicit ect....They will continue to Dominate. In our great state of North Dakota we may slay a giant once in a great while, but we will never cature the castle for the big three sports. This is what lowers the "Greatness" of our 7 Division 1 National Hockey Championships (regional sport) The Division 1 National picture is getting more and more deluted as time goes on with everybody thinking they have a chance at finding the rainbow, especially in Basketball..... Post Script: For those of you that know me, It would be like me and Mike Tyson fighting for the World Championship, We are both "Heavy Weights"?
  19. . Yea, right ! Thats why they call them a Mid-Major.....
  20. Got to give "Bakken" a pass, he is right now being inducted to ths ND Sportswriters Hall of Fame.....as I type! Wonder who wrote his speech....?
  21. How about Jeff Tesch's Bemidji Beavers at a all time high #13.....
  22. Sorry MplsBison....it's now official..... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedi...content.10.html
  23. the former MSU coach's press conference today, with his lawyer....interesting http://montanasnewsstation.com/Global/category.asp?C=50433 It is going to be a challenge for sure at MSU, with the latest problems and such.....?
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