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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. I've mentioned that before. No one seemed to agree.

    Which one UND the University or UND Athletics.....? I think both are very lacking, Athletics has fallen on the the shoulders of REA in the last 5-6 years, what do some people expect from a multi-million dollar donate facility with huge revenue streams of cash being dumped into it, they are suppose to help UND Athletics advertise....? (sarcasm)

  2. I'm disappointed that the Sioux weren't more competitive last night. Last year, UND lost by only three at St. Cloud, and that was without Youmans. :D


    Last year at St Cloud we won, 1st NCC road win ever for Coach Jones, I know I was there, Feb 1st 75-72.... ;)

    That being said, count me amoung the disappointed also..... ;)

  3. On the coaches' show tonight, Swyg said that Mussman will be named as Lennon's successor on Friday.

    And some say UND has no leadership..."Swyg" is in charge....... :lol:

  4. I believe Wayne Nelson will have some quotes from Dale in tomorrow's Hearld addressing the situation....

    It happened so quick, over Christmas Break and such, however I know Dale will in his own way handle this situation. I am confident he was not happy the way it came down, and if could do it over differently he would.

    He was more than just a "Coach" at UND, he was a mentor to many, great for the community, father figure for some, friend to most......

    But he was and always will be just one of us.......

  5. Dale was introduced at half time of the Saluki vs Butler basketball game....


    During halftime of the SIU men's basketball game, Lennon was brought out to halfcourt and received a standing ovation from the sold-out crowd at SIU Arena. He kept the crowd fired up by asking how it would respond to a touchdown, or to a Saluki victory.

    But he saved the crowd's biggest cheer for last.

    "Now, how much noise will be made after we win a national championship?" Lennon asked. After the cheering finally died down, he concluded with, "Then let's do that."

    I'm sure the crowd went crazy with Dale's half time future prediction..... I think it will happen.

  6. Walrus:

    In your humble opinion, why did Lennon leave?

    I posted it under the Lennon gone thread....Just my opinion, I have yet to talk with him about this.

    I did not see this one coming, a complete surprise, but understandable....

  7. Tell me again:

    Contracts with coaches mean what exactly .... ?

    All of them have "out" clauses.

    I guess it depends on the integerity of the Coach....I believe Tim will stay at KSU....

  8. Congratulations to Dale and his family, I will now become a Saluki Football fan for at least 5 years.....

    UND needs to get it's act toghether, It has taken too long to make moves and decisions that effect individual people's lives. With no President, No Athletic Director, No firm time table for the Facilites Master Plan, and the yet Official we are going D1 announcement?, the on going never ending Sioux logo debate with NCAA ramifications, I respect Dale's decision to better himself with this oppurtunity professionally and his family personally.

    Best of Luck Dale and thank you for all you have done for UND and Sioux Athletics....

  9. I believe Tim is under contract for one more year, so he will not be leaving KSU for UND at this time....

    I agree with UND92,96 that Bubba Schweigert will become the DC at Southern Illinois....

    Dale will probably take at least one, maybe two Asstiants from UND with him to Southern Illinois....

    I believe UND will go internally and hire Chris Mussman (9 years at UND) to be their next Head Football Coach....

    The next five years of transition will be a learning experience for us all....

    Go Sioux....! :glare:

  10. Oh come on, you can't do that to us. That's just cruel. Please tell? Pretty Please? ???

    Dan Edem

    6' 2" 220 #

    Tight End

    All State

    Eastview High School, Apple Valley, Minnesota

    Dan was offered full at Montana and Montana State and Choose UND.....Welcome

    Don't be so stingy "Vince"... :D

  11. Bakken blog:

    Thoughts? I think he's being a little harsh with the men's team. Mayville isn't a bad team, and they shot lights-out in the first half. I suspect Mayville is getting some players who are in NAIA not because of lack of talent, but due to the less stringent eligibility requirements. Playing/shooting like they did last night, I'm not sure anybody in the NCC or NSIC would have beaten them by 40. And regarding having to replace Little and Youmans, it won't be easy, but if I'm not mistaken, doesn't UND still recruit under dII rules at least through the end of the school year? If so, that would seem to make the possibility of signing a couple more juco studs easier than it will be in the future.

    What paper does this "Bakken" guy write for....I've never heard of him....? :D

  12. Glas is a great basketball mind and he did architect probably the best 4-5 year period of UND basketball in history, but to me he is also to blame for running one of the top two most storied NCC basketball programs directly into the ground in this decade.

    I hardly call his last five years with a record of 86-58, a couple of third place NCC finishes, one playoff apperance, and becoming UND's all time winningest Mens Basketball Coach, running a program into the ground......?

    Include the 99-2000, and the 2000-01 seasons he looks even better...?

  13. What was sad was the state of a perenially underacheiving program that Glas left. It became more and more clear that McDermott was a major part of the Sioux success in the early 90's (as well as, of course, talent like Guldseth's). Glas would have never lasted as long as he did without those glory years.

    Jones going to the Princeton offense could be just the prescription for the Sioux. Disciplined players from Minnesota and Canada may very well have an interest in that type system.

    As far as scheduling, look for these teams:


    Utah Valley State

    Cal St- Bakersfield

    Houston Baptist

    Texas-Pan Am

    South Dakota

    I will not throw Rich under the bus, because he was a friend and I feel a Great Coach with Integerity and Morals.....His teams may not have been as sucessfull as any of us would have liked, and he did indeed miss Greg Mac, but you have to admit it was enjoyable watching the likes of Kyle Behrens, Tom Jacobson, Hunter Reinke, Jerome Beasley and the most exciting couple of games against the storied University of Kansas even tho we lost by 30 were fun, enjoyable, and exciting to watch, all of which happened in his last 5 years at UND....

    Everyone that is disapointed in UND basketball, under Rich, Should compare stats with the years under Dave Gunther.....Their careers are almost indentical in wins, losses, playoff apperances, and championships......However Dave is considered a "Legend"

  14. I to am optimistic about the UND mens program, all I am saying is that the days of the Great conference rivalaries with USD, NDSU, SDSU, Morningside and such with nearly 6000 fans hanging from the rafters, loud and proud because your team was nearly unbeatable on it's home court for two to three years in a row........

    When will that ever happen again......? Those were the Glory Years (imo)

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