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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. This may have been discussed before, but, if so, I didn't see it and I promised someone I would try to find out. Why is it that our hockey cheerleaders aren't on the ice?

    Part of budget cuts...

    REA charges UND for practice time to use the ice. They UND Cheer squad simpliy did ot have the budget funds to pay for ice time. I believe they made a concession to keep Hockey Cheerleaders and not cut their entire budget, but they are required to attend and cheer at Women's Volleyball, Hockey, and Socceer as well. IMO I think it is a sad deal when you can not give a little Free ice time to your cheer team....?

  2. I was told by a friend of a friend, who's cousin knew someone that worked at a Bar, that was married to a UND football player in the 60's who in High School was Coached by a now TV producer who once lived in Michigan.....

    Look for a announcement by Wednesday or Thursday.....Game ON!

  3. Just my opinion...

    Why do we televise home games..? I have always felt that if these were to be available it should be for a individual game fee or package price. This would generate some additional revenues to help defray the costs of televising the important away contests, wether it be Hockey, B-Ball, or Football. Statewide coverage is good and helps promote your programs, but local people should attend the events and not rely on "FREE" TV coverage...IMHO

    The games the people in Grand Forks want to see are the ones that can not get too....away games

  4. Ok, Here is what we do....

    WDAZ, Mid-co, and REA(?)..Get together and rent the GVSU webcast cameras and staff, we use WDAZ production staff, Wdaz Satelitte Truck beam it back put it on Mid-co (FSSN) channel 23, Hire Dan Hammer and Tony Stein as the broadcast crew-simulcast it on radio so Clear Channel might as well get involved also.....

    If we can not put that together, anyone want to carpool...?

  5. Will this be because of possible public outcry (aka what the people want that might not happen otherwise without the emails and calls?) or.....

    because business (TV station/s) sees a profit (advertising) or goodwill?

    When I used to own the Bar we would always try and contribute every year to get playoff games televised. I do know that whatever Mid-co or WDAZ got barely covers the cost of airtime, production, staff, travel ect... to televise these type games, they are not cheap.

    And on the other hand as a advertiser I never did see or here a great appreciation in either sales or comments for the contribution.... :D

    I did it as a way to support the community and Sioux Atlhletics.

  6. Ok, I must be getting old and losing my memory. I will get my crack re-search staff on this, but I can not remember a playoff game that either WDAZ did not produce, pick up a feed, or mid-co cable did not somehow get us a feed if it was locally televised (away game)......?

    I will bet beers that this game at GVSU will be announced by thursday......any takers....?

  7. Sioux lost again today, in overtime, 99-91. They were agains plagued by turnovers and poor defensive play.

    Youmens was fouled at the end of regulation on a three ball....

    He stepped up and hit all three with no time on the clock to send it to OT....

    This was a positive.... :D

  8. It was certainly a great event, took my oldest son (2 at the time) now he is 25? Remember waiting in line with son and the Camcorder to record the event...IT WAS ELECTRIC! when they played "Hail to the Chief"...WOW!

    Only regret I did not pay the 1000 for a lunch and picture with Ronald Reagan, had the chance and turned it down (1000 bucks alot money back then)..that would have been great...

  9. Swyg says Koenig is starting to assert himself. :D

    I was hoping his knees would be in better shape going into this year, but Swyg just said that he doesn't practice on Wednsedays so he can rest up. :silly:

    I've followed Tyler for his whole career he will always be hurt, somewhere. Just can not seem to stay healthy...? :lol:

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