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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. I also posted this in the game thread... UND asked me to share this with you.

    I will help defend Matt Schill and the crew on this one....,,,not his fault (beyond control)

    I was watching (ISU Basketball) same provider, was spotty at the start then cleared up. I just wish they would add the new servers other than the night they appear to have the most volume.....?

    Tried Sioux Hockey on the web, decided to go the old fashion way transitor radio style.... :angry:

  2. just a question........from our lists...?

    The UND AD job will roughly pay 125-130 a year to start, probably a 1 year deal with a 1 year option.

    Who is willing to: leave their current situation, take basically a lateral financial move *, uproot ther family, and not know who their direct supervisor (boss) will be in 6 months.....?

    *exception AD at Minot my guess is 80 year

  3. You certainly may be right about that, although I can't help but wonder why it would have taken him that long to realize that the UND salary was not going to be enough to warrant a move. In other words, I would assume the general salary range was known well before he withdrew from consideration. With that said, I certainly would consider him to be a good candidate should be choose to apply again.

    Molde does have considerable administrative experience, and he has dI experience in that he was a longtime head football coach at Western Michigan.

    I believe Al Molde was offered the AD job last time around. UND could not match his demands, for annual compensation amount or length and term of contract. These I believe become different with a state institution vs a private College. He did receive a new contract upon returning to Gustavus.

  4. Here's Kevin Fee's list of possible candidates with local connections, all of whom have been previously mentioned on this board. link

    I think that list is a great start. IMO None of these gentlemen will even consider the job, until a new president has been named.

    It would not surprise me that UND's administration will rush to hire a new AD, and by doing so turn away some of the best possible canidates.

  5. I got this email the other day....Fits proudsioux...?

    This is pretty slick... Don't even think about using spell checker!!!!!!!

    fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it. ONLY FORWARD IF YOU CAN READ THIS

    Please Enjoy...!

  6. You are right, Roger didn't have experience as AD when he took over. Although I think Roger did a good job as AD, there were some things that were not done that the Athletic Dept had to deal with when Roger left that is reflected in Bunings statements to Harmensen.

    Every AD makes mistakes and there is no possible way that they can get everything right. If you were looking for an exception to the rule on coaches turning into ADs, then I would say Roger would be that exception.

    That being said, I don't think Dean holds the same attributes that Roger has and thus I don't believe he would be a successful AD at UND.

    Roger Thomas probably faced more issues as a AD then any of UND's previous AD's. The transition to playing (and paying) in two new facilities and all the issues of not only completing design and construction of facilities, plus adapting to issues of no longer having revenue streams such as concessions, tickets, marketing, promotion ect....after adapting to REA taking over almost all of these items. Then to top if off we need to balance a budget where we now have to "PAY" to practice and play games in both the Alerus and REA. These continue to be major issues that the new AD will face.

    RT also hired Dave Hakstol and Dale Lennon and we won two National Titles while he was AD by the way....not too bad.

    My #1 pick has always been Rob Bollinger, and continues to be. That being said I think right now UND needs a "Face for the Program" one of trust, intergerity, honesty, and one that is reconizable to Facility, Coaches, Alumni, Students, and Fans.

    Hire all the bean counters you need (no offense to bean counters) we need a Man that we can count on, that you can point to and say with pride he is "Our Guy"

    IMHO.... both Dean Blais and Rob Bollinger fit that criteria to a tee, and I would welcome either one of them back at UND.

  7. What happened to Sweeney's partner from last year? I can't remember his name, but I just now noticed that there's a different guy this year.

    Bredahl is too busy representing "Mo Gibbs" :lol:

  8. I, and a lot of other UND fans, actually have a lot of respect for SCSU football due in large part to the Hedberg/Underwood connections to UND. We know those guys can coach. I can only assume that the Husky struggles of the past two years are a combination of injuries and having fewer scholarships than the usual top dogs of the NCC.

    This was not a typical UND vs SCSU matchup today......I was very surprised with the ease UND dominated this game.

  9. Really shows the lack of a marketing department at UND. We could have or should have had a game of the week oppurtunity. Great exposure for your school and program.. :crazy:

  10. If UND comes out flat, this could be a tight game, but I really don't expect it. There's no sugarcoating it--SCSU has a bad offense. Their defense is very capable, but if you can score 17 points or so, that should be plenty considering SCSU's struggle to score points.

    It's a little ironic that last week, UND played a team led by an ex-Sioux defensive coordinator coaching a team known for its offense, and this week UND plays against a team led by a former Sioux offensive coordinator coaching a team known for its defense.

    Do not forget Coach Scott Underwood their DC, was a linebacker coach at UND from 96-2000 :ohmy:

  11. Childress is the only reason Brooks is on an NFL roster at all.

    That is not entirely true.... Brad Childress is the reason Brooks is on the Vikings roster.

    Brooks has established himself as a decent back-up quarterback, he has had good enough production in alot of games for other head coaches and offensive coorindators to take notice. His past history with Wisconsin, and hs pre-season game against Philly years ago, is why Childress wanted him. I have seen and heard press conferences from Denver's Mike Shanahan, Then San Deigo OC Shottenheimer (now with NY Jets), Atlanta Falcons then HC Mora, and many others think his intangibles like Football Knowledge, Poise, Proper Mechanics, Work Ethic, and Athletic Ability that he could be a back up for alot of teams in the NFL.

    Here is Mike Shanahan's thoughts on Brooks two years ago..... open page, then click on.... start real player.....

    listen to what he says at around the 5 minute mark, after asked about Testaverde, he jumps right to Brooks...

    <a href="http://mailafriend.guide.real.com/index.html?link=http://play.rbn.com/?url=nfl/nfl/open/2003/broncos/demand/audio/games/2005/jets/112005_shanahan.rm&proto=rts" target="_blank">http://mailafriend.guide.real.com/index.ht...m&proto=rts</a>

  12. Rob is a great guy...but let the new president handle this one.

    I'm not talking Rob (at this time).....I'm saying let the inmates run the asylum, certainly can not do any more PR mess and damage the current leaders have gotten us into....?

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