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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. Just watched the H.S Football show on ESPNU....

    When talking about signing day they mentioned more than once "this kid verbally committed 3-4 times in the last month"

    They are kids, lets not forget that.....

  2. Mankato hired Todd Hoffner, who was USD's offensive coordinator the past two years. He's originally from Esmond (ND), and got his master's from UND.

    Was a Grad asst back with Roger Thomas and the boys......Great Hire for Mankato!

  3. It would also be hard for this kid to pick NDSU since he wants to be a Medical Doctor. He probably heard that U.S. News and World Report has ranked UND's School of Medicine and Health Sciences as one of the top schools in the nation for its reputation in rural medicine. He probably also heard that President Bush picked Lloyd K. Everson, M.D., one of the founders and vice chairman of US Oncology, to the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB). Dr. Everson earned a BS in Chemistry in 1965 and a BS in Medicine in 1967 from the University of North Dakota. Maybe Mr Heimler has similar aspirations.

    Of course, he could have also heard that UND ranks in the top 100 public universities, according to the Washington Monthly and is also listed among the best national universities by U.S. News & World Report.

    He might have also heard about the more than 700 Presidential Scholars at UND.

    Or that UND ranks among the top 10 most entrepreneurial schools in the nation, according to a report by Entrepreneur Magazine and the Princeton Review.

    Maybe he'll change his mind and want to be an attorney and he heard that the UND School of Law has been ranked the third "most wired" law school in the nation, according to "The National Jurist" magazine.

    He probably also heard that 96 percent of UND Law School grads pass the Minnesota Bar Exam on their first try. This is an almost unheard of pass rate.

    He might have heard about Ronald Davies - former federal judge who ordered the integration of Little Rock Central High School. Maybe he'd like to have a high school named after him like Mr. Davies.

    Or maybe he won't go into medicine or law and decide to graduate from the top Aerospace program in the country. He might want to try and win another National Championship with the University of North Dakota flying team. Or he might want to be a NASA Mission Specialist like Karen Nyberg.

    He might want to be a Pulitzer Prize winner like Maxwell Anderson, or a Rhodes Scholar like Thomas McGrath.

    You never know, he might decide he doesn't want to be a Medical Doctor, Lawyer, NASA Mission Specialist, Federal Judge or a Top Gun and instead get into Politics and perhaps be the Governor of North Dakota or a U.S. Congressman or Senator like:

    Fred G. Aandahl - former governor of North Dakota and former U.S. Congressman

    Dick Armey - former United States House of Representatives Majority Leader

    John E. Davis - former governor of North Dakota

    Byron Dorgan - current U.S. Senator for North Dakota

    Lynn Frazier - former governor of North Dakota and former U.S. Senator for North Dakota

    William Langer - former governor of North Dakota and former U.S. Senator for North Dakota

    John Moses - former governor of North Dakota and former U.S. Senator for North Dakota

    Ragnvald A. Nestos - former governor of North Dakota

    Allen I. Olson - former governor of North Dakota

    Earl Pomeroy - current U.S. Representative for North Dakota

    Ed Schafer - former governor of North Dakota

    Maybe Mr. Heimler was out in New York and saw when they had full page articles in the NY Times about the 7 time National Champion Fighting Sioux, or another time when they had a full two page article on the "school on the prairie". He might have been on a United Airlines flight and saw a large article on the UND Hockey team with front cover picture. He might have picked up the Wall Street Journal and saw a large article about the University of North Dakota. He might have read about the last North Dakota University to win a football National Championship. Maybe he wants to be ultra rich like another former UND football player became last October and sell his business for $1.6 Billion in cash. Or maybe he wants to be ultra rich like another former Fighting Sioux athlete and then give the school $104 Million to build a palace on the prairie.

    I'm only scratching the surface here but I think even a Ag College guy can start to get the picture. This just isn't possible if you pick the AC.

    This could be my post of the year......nicely done

  4. I thought Bruce did a outstanding job, he was straight forward, honest, sincere, and may I say looked very "Presidential"....

    He is one of us, he talks to you in a level that you can understand, he has a pride in UND from long ago to the present, and has a vision of UND in the future.

    He will be able to re-solve issues that others may waiver on, and is creditable because he has lived thru alot of the situations that UND is now facing.

    I wish Bruce and his lovely wife Ann all the best results in this hire.

  5. Bruce Smith begins on campus interviews tomorrow....

    Just a note, I really think it is worth your while to go greet and meet the man that not only myself, but a lot of Fans, Athletic Staff, Alumni that I come in contact with, agree that would make a outstanding next President of the University of North Dakota....

    Good Luck to Bruce Smith and his lovely wife Ann......

  6. From what I saw, three main problems:

    1) Many missed shots right under the basket. Can't do that.

    2) A number of defensive breakdowns that gave USD an easy bucket. Several times, a player was left unguarded right under the basket.

    3) Lack of a viable 3-point threat. Baageson's injury hurts here. We don't have a player who can consistently hit 3's. Beck and Guinn can hit the shots, but are really streaky.

    Just a thought.....

    Maybe the other team is better....? (at least played better)

    Only 4 Turnovers....?

  7. Could the bad attendance for baseball be because Kraft field is a crappy stadium. I remember when they added bleachers in 1996 for the GF Varmints baseball team. Look at NDSU they have Newman Outdoor Field which is good for the Redhawks but really nice for the NDSU baseball team. How about sending some Engelstad money over to build a new baseball stadium say a 5000 capacity field with the whole 9 yards. Then maybe attendance would rise.

    I'm going on record and saying the UND baseball team had a greater attendance then lets say "Women's Hockey". Und administration just chose not to charge.....? I do not think people would mind spending a couple of bucks to see a baseball double header, on a sunny afternoon.

  8. The somewhat limited support for Lacrosse (mine included) arguing that it could "bring in crowds", just means that it could generate some sort of revenue. Not hockey, or football, or basketball revenue, but just some sort of revenue. Baseball generates no revenue at all. In this climate, we are lucky if we can have 15-20% of our games at home, and that might even be optimistic. The North Dakota environment does not entice very many quality baseball players to want come here where they can't swing a bat outside year-round, hence we will rarely be very competetive. Nobody suggested dropping a whole bunch of the non-revenue sports. They and the student-athletes that participate in them all have their place, and UND has thrived in many of them such as Swimming & Diving, Women's tennis, women's golf, and track & field to an extent. But baseball generates zero-buzz, zero-interest, zero-revenue, and realistically can have zero-success in this state/climate. Money would be better spent toward an entirely different men's program, or simply cut it, and invest those funds into existing women's programs and/or other non-revenue sports, regardless of gender.

    Baseball has alway been somewhat or close to a self-sufficent sport. They may get what 3 scholarships, but have had as many as 60 student athletes (enrollment..?) come here to go out and try and make the team and play for UND. These young student athletes have cleaned arenas, sold consessions, worked as a UND labor force at times, held fund raisers, contributed to the Grand Forks community and helped with GF youth baseball immensely.

    To say there is zero interest is wrong, UND's most famous alum is more likely to support baseball at UND then the other sport he played basketball. If the move to the almighty D1 is gong to cost us some of the sports such as Golf, Softball, Baseball, Track, Tennis, if the fund raising is not there, then we should have not made the move in the 1st place.

    People would be surprised to know that other than Hockey (not sure about this now with REA), I am not sure any sport could be considered revenue producing....? Sometime add up the cost of Salaries, Rental of Facilities, Travel, Scholarships, Equipment ect, and weigh that as to what Revenue they make in regards to Attendance none of them make UND any money.

    If the NCAA is going to mandate this 25% rule, raise the money, or go scholarship free and compete other schools do it, with only 3 schollies we were close to that anyway.

    P.S. Is baseball not America's pasttime...?

  9. In many ways, this new streak of continuous REA sell-outs contradicts the above statements about the REA. How can we possibly complain about a sold-out arena possibly for the entire year? :lol::blush: Hodgson and Semrau have to be doing some things right and need to be given well-deserved credit. More marketing should be done if the arena wasn't selling out, but with the sell outs, that would be money-spent with little return. With the current REA management's track record, it seems like a good decision to market football and basketball through the REA next year.

    REA Tickets are Hot

    The Arena (IMO) sells out because of two things the product on the ice and the arena itself....

    We are taking about marketing UND and Athletics as a whole, I will just speak towards Athletics how is the attenadance figures in the other sports....? Basketball, Volleyball, Socceer, Swiming....these are all down since REA has taken over marketing. As a memeber of the Fighting Sioux Club and Business Owner (former) we use to get schedules , posters, media guides, and game day promotion schedules. Tell me thel ast half time show, ice period break, or game day promotion that make you attend a event...?

    We have now is "Bike" raffles that once again who makes money on and where does it go....?

    I wonder with the suite revenue, hockey board advertising, increased ticket prices, more attenadnce and the overall rise in prices of amenities (conncessions, apparel, cost to ride zamboni, cost of B-Day message, cost to tour) In my opinion 7 years ago we got FREE media guides, saw more Game promotions, recived posters and schedules before the seasons began, and in some sports (Basketball) had better attendance......

    Just a thought, I realize it was less people, but I wonder if at the Old Ralph if the sold out attendance steak was more than 10 games....?

    Anway back on Topic of "New Pesident" sorry to hijack the topic

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