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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. Enlighten me, what role did Kuper play in this fumbel?

    He may have gone the wrong way on a trap block...he colided with Jay Cutler and the ball came loose...they were on the 2 yard line ready to score..?

    That being said 1 man, 1 play never cost you a football game, there were at least a dozen game changing type plays last nite... that was only one of them.

  2. Why do we need a Nickname or Logo.....?

    We are the University of North Dakota !

    I'm beginning to warm up to this idea. It's kind of a play on the "We are Marshall". I think "We are North Dakota", could be very effective. Consider the programs who have a nickname that's one of their schools' colors, yet for marketing purposes use an unrelated mascot that holds some significant meaning to the program: Alabama Crimson Tide uses an elephant for their mascot.

    I think marketing UND as synonymous with the entire state could be very effective.

    I mentioned this earilier, it may only be a temporary solution (5-10 years) then maybe a logo, slogan, mascot or idea will arise that is just the right fit for UND....... When changing 75 years-? of history .....Do not rush into it.

    Til then......We are the University of North Dakota

  3. 2d requires UND to adopt a new nickname and logo, not just drop the old. Why?

    So does this mean that we could not just be ...The University of North Dakota

    It would be a one of a kind sort of statement, unique in a way of no others.

  4. I thought they'd have a better season also, although a big part if it probably is that their schedule is absolutely brutal. Currently, 7 of the opponents on their schedule are ranked in the Top 25 Poll nationally. 3 of them are NCC teams (Duluth is #3 in the nation) so they have to face each of them twice. Plus there is also South Dakota who got votes in that latest poll.

    I was trying to stay out of this...

    UND is a fully funded Women's Volleyball program , with a Great facility, Weight Rooms, Study and Computer Lounges, Locker Rooms, and Players Lounges.....

    and we lose to the University of Minnesota Crookston, who has less than 3 full scholarships, and not even close to the ammenities that we have....

    We have some very capable players....

    Time to elvaluate what the program and it's leadership or lack there of is doing.....

  5. Keep an eye on Colorado State. Lubick is rumored to be retiring, and the salary slot, at a half million, makes sense for everybody. And Fort Collins is just as close to Lincoln as Fargo is. Miles' presence won't hurt, either.

    When talking to Coach Bohl this summer, (Bison Open at GFCC) I personally think he will stay at NDSU and compete for that 1st FCS (1AA) National Title for the Bison, But after that who knows he has done a outstanding job to date. He will be asked to interview IMHO for a few jobs next year, but I think he will complete the transition.

  6. We don't have to worry about Bohl going to Nebraska because the fans would go crazy!

    Next Year Craig Bohl will be part of the discussion for the Head Coaching job at the University of Nebraska. IMHO

  7. Sunday Night Football on NBC.....National TV Audience

    When they introduce the players on offense for Denver, they let them do it themselfs...Chris says...

    Chris Kuper, University of North Dakota "Fighting Sioux"

    Pretty Sweet 1st time that has been done on the NFL broadcast (I think).....

    Nice Job Chris!

  8. UNO just plain beat us up front on both lines of the football.

    Sure we left some points on the board, and you can not do that when playing a Team as talented & as well coached as UNO and expect to win.

    I would like to play them again if we where a little healthier....Today hats off to UNO and Coach Behrns on a nice win.

  9. 11,563 said the announcers.

    Honestly it looked as if there were close to 13,000......Do both Bands count in attedance figures....?

    A few empty seats up top in the corners....but alot of people on the end zone mezzanine rails....?

    I thought is was a good crowd

  10. Not to disagree, but why do so many people think a UND connection is all that is needed for a high profile job at UND?

    Honest questions...?

    Would you elect a city council person, that did not live in your neighborhood...?

    How about voting for a Mayor that did not reside within your city limits...?

    Do you want the Govenor of your home state to have lived there....?

    Why is it every time we talk about a hiring at UND, weather it be Athletic Director to President it seems to be a flaw if you have a education from UND or have been born and raise in the great state on North Dakota...?

  11. "We currently have no idea whether or not Tom will be back at work on Monday," said Vice President for General Administration Phil Harmeson. "As of now, we have had no contact with him."

    I guess all Sioux Fans should start looking on the back of "Milk Cartons" starting Monday....?

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