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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. I hear Drew Daggett's name getting called a lot on special teams this year. How can he and Chris Anderson not get a sniff on the playing field at WR? Anybody have any insight to that? I keep hearing good things about both of them, but they are never get any playing time.

    Caulfield, Nicholas, Trenbeath all Seniors.....? But I agree should at least get some time....

  2. UND looked tired tonite when SWS made their run, and UND could not get back into it. Lots of athletism but that need to translate to points and we missed alot in side and out. Also dissapointed in the crowd, really hoped we could start getting the student section (some were there) to get involved stand and cheer....? SWS won tonite but not with a better team, just a Team that played better together.....

  3. SWS's HC Greg Stemen was a volunteer asst for Rich Glas back when his wife was the HC for UND Womens Volleyball. Greg has done a great job at SWS, his teams are well disciplined and always work hard. I would expect this to be a hard fought game, but with UND's hard fought win at UMKC I have to give them the edge. The momentum that Coach Jones and his staff seemed to get from the boys late last season has seemingly carried over. Hopefully we can get some fans and students in the Betty to cheer to boys to victory....

    Go Sioux!

  4. I agree that he has struggled(part of which is due to no protection on the O line at times). Danny has been great for the program and I greatly thank him for his time as a Fighting Sioux, but I agree, give Landry a few series to "taste" what it is like at a higher level.

    I've had this dicussion with several Head Coaches, I do not understand why we do not do a better job of preparing these athletes in competetion type circumstances. We rotate DB's, LB's, DL, RB's, WR's......and we can not give the Qb at least a couple of series a game, other than mop up duty......?

    I feel the same way with all sports, they need to taste little bits of the real competetion (quality minutes here and there) to improve.

    Danny has been fantastic (KKlosterman like) at times for the Sioux, but are Jake's 1st snaps under fire since Grand Valley going to be at Texas Tech next year......that would be unfair and a shame.

  5. An air base res. came up to me at Menards in GF and asked where I got my bison hat, he said his brother in law wanted one for xmas, he said he cant find any in GF to buy. What a shame. And you wonder why you cant get a game in fargo any more.

    we can't get a game in Fargo, because someone's brother-in-law can not buy a Hat.....

    Hell, I'll buy him a Hat, send me his name.... :(

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