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Everything posted by mikeypat15

  1. Also they need to go back to playing stompin tom connors, and the good ole hockey game song right before opening faceoff
  2. here's a corny one, how bout the "unpursiouxable line" i don't think unpursueable is a real word, but i don't think anyone will catch this line, whether it be in terms of points, or the other teams defense. Once your behind them, you cannot pursioux
  3. They should make the song "money for nothing" their theme song, after all the school is making money for next to nothing (scholarships)
  4. I've been checked the past 4 years, heres what I do to help them out, they actually appreciate it cause other students get on them about being slow. When you walk about tell them while they are scanning your ticket, you will swipe your id, and their like sure, after all its doing half their job
  5. I retract my statement from earlier this week about Lammy, and splitting up Toews and Oshie, as of right now, the lines should stay where they are. Good game to all especially Martens, Miller, and Zajac. BTW anybody like Duncan getting into it on the faceoff, brings back good Prp memories
  6. If only I had control of the starting lineups and an expense account, I have great visions of the starting lineup. Some good songs, Baba O'Reilly Pending the titles and some of the language: Hells Bells Highway to Hell
  7. I saw Zach walk off during the first last sunday, he came back to the bench for the second but did not play. Wonder what the injury might be? Does anyone know if Finley sitting has to do with the rumors flying around?
  8. phil just seemed to have some slow reactions in net. I don't what it was he just did not seem quick to react. Can't remember any huge examples. It may just honestly be that Jordan was such a strong goalie in net and were just used to him. As for my comment on jpar playing the puck. I hated when Jpar would make stupid mistakes coming out of the net at wrong times, everyone hated it. But I love that Jpar had two assists, seeing an oppurtunity down ice skating out and making a pass up ice. Phil simply plays the puck behind the net, yes smart and by the book, but at the same time teams can watch tape and really get to know our breakout
  9. They must have wrote these last april
  10. Keep toews and oshie off the same line, keep duncan and toews together, they like to be more fancy and should stay together, look at the play yesterday. Keep oshie and kozek together as a powerful duo who are more aggressive on the puck rather than having to score fancy goals. TJ didnt do much yesterday, he seemed like he was trying to be to fancy and not enough agression and that is not him. My 2 lines, obviously forney can mix a lot of this up, don't know his style enough. Let's not forget about fabian, god did he look great yesterday. too early to determine the other two lines: porter-toews-duncan kozek-kaip-oshie Also keep radke and finley together on D, or finley and jones, need to keep enforcers together, and players of the same style together rather than splitting them up D lines: Lee-Chorney Bina-Genoway/Jones Radke-Finley/Jones Lastly, right now phil needs to be in goal, but we need to give anthony a couple chances. So he gave up his first shot, but now he's given himself a challenge to win back the fans from the start. Phil looked slow in net, and i miss the way jordy plays the puck. Personally, im trying to like phil, but between the pipes did not look good yesterday. I'm done with this run on sentence O yea, we need to work on our passing and freeze some pucks before friday
  11. No love for Toews froms ESPN and Hockey News http://proxy.espn.go.com/nhl/preview2006/n...preblackhawks06 Look at the way bottom at the top prospects
  12. If the bears win this weekend, whether it be by 100 or by 1 in OT, all the analysts will be talking about a possible super bowl run, and just watch the odds in vegas go down as the year goes on, if it continues this way. I know there is no alexander this weekend but just look at the seahawks D and Hassleback last weekend. This game means alot
  13. Over the summer I caddied for Trent Yawney and we did a lot of talking about JT. They loved his skill and his play, but Trent was most excited about his character. He said that was one of the main reasons they nabbed him and not some goopher whose name we will all forget in a couple years. The Blackhawks as we all know are struggling right now, and they looked at JT as not only a new face of the team, but someone who on and off the ice could possibly bring fans back into the UC
  14. I hate that for four years here, never has season ticket distribution not been clouded over with distribution problems. You would think after four years they could get the system right. My freshmen year was the only year it was somewhat normal, the only reason that system failed was because people cut. They need to go back to a system like that. That makes it so the people who want the tickets the most get the tickets. Not someone who has a umail account, a computer, and 5 minutes to get the tickets
  15. There is now a facebook group that i was invited to join even though i didnt get tickets, that is for the people who got tickets. Really kinda a bragging kind of group. 1 of 50 is the name. I quickly got on and told them their having theres taken away. If i got tickets today, the last thing i would have done was brag about it, like 3 of my friends did
  16. Well good to hear, glad he was aplogetic, my friend and roomate are not happy they lost their tickets
  17. Anyone want to demand a recall election vote or even a demand for a resignation of student leaders
  18. I can understand the liability, but that can also be dealt with. We can all act like humans. I think camping is really fair, it gives the people who want the tickets the tickets. Not some random who has a computer and a umail account, or some guy who puts his name in a lottery gets tickets. I have also pushed for the test, to give it to the fans who are most knowledable about sioux hockey. Anything to make it more of a sports event rather than a social event, like it has become since we went to the lottery, and probably this
  19. Friend just got done at the Ticket office, it is pushed back one week to next Sunday at 1, official word. What happens to the people who got tickets already is my question.
  20. I say allow camping in the Wellness center parking lot, its not being used right now. We then have an orderly walk over the the Ralph on the day it goes on sale. It can be done. We can act like humans, and act orderly in a simple 500 foot walk
  21. Here is why I do not want lottery Everyone has computers, meaning a lot more people have signed up for this than past year. Majority of people use there U-mail account so the majority of people got the email and were like what the hell i'll sign up. The highers numbers mean more people are going to be placed into the lottery, causing the odds to go down drastically as in last year, when the lottery was kinda quiet. I think we camp out in the wellness center parking lot, and sale goes on wednesday or something. Not next weekend cause I can't make it, lol.
  22. i'm ready to put some long underwear on and camp
  23. We're sorry, but due to the large number of users buying tickets at this time, the system is temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few minutes. wtf, come on guys, 1 time ok, but 3 times now, some of us have lives
  24. no tickets available still message
  25. my roomate got them but his confirmation email said he got men's season football tickets
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