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Everything posted by mikeypat15

  1. bad play by finley, goal badg
  2. vandevelde did not push elliot it was elliot grabbing his snorkel and going diving
  3. woo that scared me, lammy didnt quite know where it was
  4. did oshie switch jerseys with watkins like D2
  5. too many men?
  6. hey they got finley right, i thought that was duncan
  7. i haven't seen that commercial in forever,, haha
  8. wow good run of shots there, u just need to break him
  9. correction, if they gave a chit about hockey, pp sioux
  10. what a goal in my mind, actually no goal
  11. good pk good pk
  12. earlier they did a close up and talked about finley for a good min and it was watkins on camera, that was obviously producer or cameraman error, but how do u mistake finley
  13. they can't figure out who finley is, last night it was miller, tonight it is watkins and fabian, its not that hard to figure out who he is
  14. those guys are getting better as the game goes on, ill take it
  15. haha i saw that, i thought wisconsin was a tough school to get into
  16. end first 0-0, finley has to shoot, HE DOES HAVE A SHOT
  17. badg penalty
  18. miller seems to be having another good game, right there with every shot and ever potential rebound tonight, so far
  19. atleast its not woog or maz
  20. shep is really not letting this game get out of control, that wasnt worth penalties, but i like 4 on 4 so ill take it
  21. to me it seems like that whole lines passing has been off all weekend, except that 1st pp yesterday
  22. I like the announcers specifically because they take into account their audience, and that they specifically know kids are watching. They continously make points for the kids to watch on the replay so the kids can become better hockey players. Anytime i see people giving tips to better the youth that will be continuing this game im happy. Anyone catch the Watkins is now Finley, did they do that yesterday with Miller to
  23. Super Mario Line, it has no meaning, but toews could be mario, duncan luigi (maybe the other way around because luigi is the taller one) and we got our Yoshie
  24. Not saying Hak was gaurunteeing the win last Saturday, but by sitting Brad Miller and others a giving others a shot before Wisconsin was a great move!!!! Let's him get an idea what flows and what doesn't, in my mind put the same roster from last Friday in tonight, even if it means sitting Forney. Does anyone know who traveled though, I know the team only brings who they need, so my theory above may be blown....
  25. Anyone going to wisconsin here's a good sign idea for the weekend. Dear Badgers, Congratulations on being last year's winner Tonight and tomorrow though, The Sioux have eat badger for dinner Go Sioux!!!
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