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Everything posted by sioux7>5

  1. How many tickets do you request? How long have you done the lottery? This is only the second year I have done it and I got tickets each year.
  2. It was my second year using my priority number. I am just glad I got tickets again. Since I lived in Denver for a long time it will be fun to go back and have some fun and see friends. I usally go once a year. But have not been there for almost 2 years now. I am really excited.
  3. I just went to the mailbox and I got my letter today too. I am pumped. i only applied for 2 tickets this year instead of 4. This letter came way earlies then last year. I am excited. Now for the fun to start. Can we please just drop the damn puck!
  4. Exactly. Let the experts do their jobs.
  5. You are exactly right. That was my intial point. I just get so tired of the blame game. This could have just been an act of god and can not be explained. But my thoughts and prayers are with the families of the missing and deceased. May God bless them all.
  6. Sorry I typed to fast. But my point is the same. I still have to say what they hell is your point. One has nothing to do with the other. By the way, were you this outraged when a bridge collapsed on the Clintons watch. Or is that not the same thing. One more thing there is no need to be a complete and total ass.
  7. Even if the war was not going on, this bridge would have still come down. Let me re-state this and maybe you will understand this time. It was not scheduled to be replaced untill 2020. That was not a deision that Tim Pawlenty made or President Bush, it was according to the engineers and the way the rate the bridges. If you need me to spell it out simplier I will, but I think an adult should be able to comprehend that.
  8. I still do not think that you can blame a specific administration. As you said there is blame to go around. This has nothing to do with the war. This bridge was not scheduled to be replaced untill 2020. The engineers make that call not a President or Mr. Pawlenty. I just think it was a tradegy and people need to stop for a minute and pray for the famlies and stop trying to make this a blame the republicans situation or even blame the dems. It just makes no sense to me.
  9. GIve credit, what the hell are you talking about. Did you blame the righteous one Bill"try this cigar" Clinton when that bridge collapsed 10 years ago. I doubt it. It collapsed and we do not know why yet. I think it was in very poor taste that Ed"the idiot"Schultz would blame someone and start trying to blame the president while they are still trying to recover bodies. What an incsesitive ass. Unfortunatly, Palenty is going to get the people going after him. Everyone bitches about gas prices and then what if he would have signed that bill. People wold have blamed him for raisiing the gas even higher. It was truly a lose-lose for the Gov. Ed needs to take a step back and shut is cake hole or in my opinion take a long drive off a short cliff.
  10. Do Sioux home game tickets go on sale on Aug 9th? Does anyone have a link to that info and how much tickets will be this year?
  11. When will he join the team? This fall or next year? Sounds like a good addition.
  12. I am adding Ed Schultz to the list of things that annoy me. What an idiot.
  13. Just got a phone call and Ed Schultz just blamed the bridge collapse on President Bush, he actually said that it is his fault. Can someone please take morons liek this out. Eddie you are by far the biggest idiot on the planet. I wish he would take a long drive off a short bridge.
  14. I intern at a local TV station and I am telling you that I am thinking it is going to be a long day for me at work. I just hope that the death toll does not rise anymore. My god be with them all.
  15. All well here. This is really sad my family has been watching coverage all night. I have a friend that lives right there and we had a hard time reaching him, but happy to report that he is fine.
  16. Interesting article PCM, thanks for sharing it. If I understood it correctly and I would like to think I did but I could be wrong. It basically says the earth takes care of itself and always has. The climate change people are just being alarmist. But once again thanks for sharing.
  17. Happy Birthday, have fun, but for gods sake be careful.
  18. Scientists. How about idiots, isn't Al Gore one of these people. He invented the internet to you know. What an idiot. He must be a Gopher fan
  19. Any ref with the last name Anderson or Sheppard!
  20. In the words of Andrew Dice lay"for gods sake you could blindfold these people with dental floss" Thought that fit your post. How about people that always play two balls while golfing in front of you and do not think that they are holding up play.
  21. Gopher fans that have that entitlement attitude. Professors(my public speaking prof)that thinks that I really give a rats ass about her political believes. Shut up and teach!
  22. What? You truly lost me here, how can anyone know what might possibly offend someone else, should we carry a list with us and upon talking to someone hand it to them. The list would tell them what words offend me, so please refrain from using them. That argument is truly insane. I am offended by rap music, but I still have to hear it when some moron pulls up next to me wth there radio so loud it shakes my car. Should I tell them, I am sorry that music if offensive to me, please shut it off. So after I get my ass kicked, Gothmog are you going to come to my rescue and tell those young men that their music offends me and they should not listen to it, since it is so offensive. Just curious.
  23. What argument are you going to use next. My personal favorite is when people give the" if even one person is offended then you have to change it". No it means that people not to stop looking for reasons to be offended. Anyone can be offended by anything if they want to be. My wife is Irish and thinks Notre dame should change there name, Gothmog are you going to back that?
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