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Everything posted by Redneksioux

  1. It's disturbing to me. Obviously he did not support the decision. You had asked what experts we can trust, I'd trust Redfield over the experts that pushed this decision through.
  2. The testing flaws if true are concerning, you'd think we'd have the test down 6 months into this. Increased testing shouldn't be leading to fear though, it should lead to some comfort. Identifying those infected so the infected can isolate should be helping to prevent further spread. We already know you can catch Covid more than once, so there's no such thing as letting it course through society until it's done. The faster it spreads the worse off we all are. At this point I can't see us ever getting back to "pre-covid normal". Maybe a vaccine will help get us there. Hopefuly.
  3. My point is the goal should be to accomplish the same thing, which is to reduce the spread of covid. Impractical because the quantity? Or impractical because the cdc wants less testing and not more?
  4. So why will Redfield not stand behind the decision? https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/public-global-health/513946-cdc-director-walks-back-change-in-coronavirus-testing Trump has been downplaying the need for testing and has insisted we need to be testing less. And the Coronavirus task force meeting just happened to take place while Fauci was in surgery.
  5. What is the White House and professional sports looking to accomplish with surveillance testing? Who gets tested there and how often? Waiting for the new CDC, (White House) guidelines.
  6. I'll tell you who I wouldn't trust right about now, the CDC, I mean the White House.
  7. The white house gets regular surveillance testing. So do professional sports. Why don’t schools?
  8. It sounds like he’s not exactly happy about the inconsistency (und mask mandate vs no mandate off campus). He’s gone so far to comment that they want to keep kids here in school but if things get worse students will be sent home and this will hurt grand forks’ economy. Ball is in the mayor’s court.
  9. Almost as if someone is able to pull the strings to their liking at the cdc. Hmm...
  10. Looks like you’ve been hoodwinked. Sounds like most experts believe we’ve actually been undercounting covid deaths. https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/infectious-disease-expert-for-va-u-of-m-slams-idiotic-covid-19-6-misinformation
  11. Hmmm so most that died from covid also had pneumonia or respiratory failure. How interesting. No spin in these articles at all!
  12. Spin it however you want. How is trump encouraging these clashes going to make things any better?
  13. How is this different from the way we count deaths from any other virus again? Explain to us how the thought of lowering death counts using the methods the department of health and cdc are recommending are radical. Go ahead and post those stats for us as well. Make sure you take a peak at grand forks’ current infection rate while you are at it.
  14. Point me to the last time in US history a virus killed 200,000 people over a 6 month period
  15. In this case in Nevada the first time around the guy was pretty much fine and asymptomatic. The reinfection gave him pneumonia. this is definitely a virus I think most would want to have as little exposure to as possible.
  16. Yeah testing 14% of the students is too much!
  17. If you have copd and are strangled to death, is the cause of death smoking or strangulation?
  18. I mean how horrible those folks had to hear those words and see those fingers. The world is supposed to be such a perfect place with law and order under Trump right?
  19. I've seen countless social media posts from Trump supporters claiming the chance of death from suffocation would have been non-existent if he didn't have lethal levels of fentanyl in his system. Just a hunch that many here would agree with that and think Derek Chauvin should be a free man.
  20. In the video I quoted, I didn't see anyone following anyone around. I saw some middle fingers and some obscenities, if they didn't want to hear or see that they shouldn't have walked out into the streets during the protest.
  21. A quick shot of reality for some privileged Trump supporters. Welcome back to the real world!
  22. You think the cdc made this decision? I understood they are the vehicle not the driver.
  23. So either vote for trump or you are defending violence/riots/looting. That’s not a naive at all is it?
  24. I hope they catch the guy too and he's locked up. Who is defending these actions though?
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