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Everything posted by dagies

  1. My buddy needs to sell his 2 tickets for the Championship game on Sat night. He will be with me at the Thurs games. If you are interested in his tickets, call Greg at 605-432-6613. First come first served and I can't tell you what he wants for the tickets.
  2. Holy Smokes! He's a Dman with just better than 1 ppg AND just over 7 penalty minutes per game Yikes!
  3. http://www.aeros.com/news/?id=115 "For his contributions and dedication to community service, defenseman Travis Roche has been named the Houston Aeros
  4. I agree Scott. However, Dahl isn't the only coach who feels that way. Blais as much said the same in the article someone posted about REA chasing a regional.
  5. Sounds impulsive to me.
  6. forecheck, I saw you on the cover of the SI swimsuit issue. I'm sure you'll do just fine.
  7. We're thinking this place sounds good.
  8. Just dumb luck. Only time I have ever tried to buy them and I got club level.
  9. I'll be there with a few friends. We have 4 seats in Club level. Look for ol' #87 in the Road Green. As for our plans, we will, as most people, be looking for someplace we can walk to between the Thurs games where we can eat/drink. Our last resort might be driving to Famous Dave's on 7th to hang there. We all like that place, but we don't want to have to re-park the vehicle and pay the additional $$. Plus, it will be packed and one could lose a choice parking spot if not careful. So we plan to walk somewhere. I'm don't know where that can be but highly doubt it will be any of the bars close by the arena (McGoverns, Reid's, etc because they get SO packed SO fast). However, my friends are all big Sioux fans and I think they would enjoy meeting up with others if it was to work out. Sans other plans, I was going try and figure out a number of nice eating and drinking establishments several blocks from the X that we can walk to that won't be as crowded and difficult to get into and out of (especially into) as the real close in and popular options.
  10. This is a quote by Prof. Jeanotte in a Dakota Student article. So, the whole NA poplulation doesn't count as a "group". (referring to the SI poll/article). You need to have a "group" to be relevant? Very sad.
  11. I will be there with a few friends. Don't know what our plans are yet between games on Thurs but I know they revolve around finding somewhere DT St. Paul to eat/drink.
  12. dagies

    WCHA Goalies

    You are correct Sicatoka. I should have stated that assumption. I hope you are more right than I.
  13. dagies

    WCHA Goalies

    If you do a compare ratios and and assume that the other goaltenders each faced 36 shots per game: Magers 2.68 Vicari 2.71 Goepfert 2.30 Lamoureux 3.05 Franck 2.80 Ziegelman 3.39 Well, it looks better but it still strikes me that his numbers are not outstanding. Solid maybe, but I wonder if a solid USHL goaltender will be good enough to be a difference maker at the D-1 level? However, we know he was injured a fair share of the year. Question is, how much did that affect his play?
  14. Dick, this is helpful insight to someone (me) who has not played the game. Thanks
  15. dagies

    Defense 2002-03

    At this point I would be surprised to see David Hale leave early, but hey, one good year can change all of that. For as tough as we like to think David is, we/I don't see a lot of that on the ice. He's doesn't strike me as a physically dominating presence the way Commie was. And I don't think David's puck handling and puck decision making skills are all that solid. So, IMO, I hardly think he is ready to go to the Devils and I would find it surprising if he improves SO much that he would go after next year. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that David can't or won't improve. I just think he has a long ways to go and it might be a lot to ask that he do it in one year. The Devils seem to like to look at college D men. Rafalski?, Commie, DeMarchi, Martin...I would think they expect them to be pretty ready by the time they leave school. Commie left early but he was having trouble getting a fair deal with the WCHA refs and everyone was instigating with him, knowing that he was already on thin ice.
  16. dagies

    WCHA Goalies

    Dick, I think someone mentioned that was commented on by Tim Hennessey on the coach's show. But I don't know if that is official or not......
  17. dagies

    WCHA Goalies

    Looks like Denver and WI will have the top goaltending next year. MN could be in the top group, depending on how their 2 guys round out. Even UND could be in the top 5. Hard to say. Moreland wasn't that great at the end of the season. None of the other names on the list scare me that much. Will be interesting to see how new goaltenders to the WCHA figure into the top goalies during the season.
  18. dagies

    WCHA Goalies

    From strictly looking at numbers, I hope Sedevie stays another year. He is near last place in the USHL. Sedevie, Layne SF 21 1130:38 3.56 10 5 2 1 0 2 6 67 609 0.901 He ranks 20th in GAA and about 14th in saves %. I think, unless Blais thinks either Siembida or Brandt is going to be able to step up they need to find another option.
  19. I think this is MN's Four to win. However, does anyone else think Michigan is really hot right now and might be the darkhorse?
  20. Both Sicatoka and Kiork have provided some insightful analysis. I definitely agree. I have wanted an offensive D man because I think that may help move the puck out of our zone and help on the power play. Maybe with a year of exp our existing D men will not have so much trouble moving the puck out. And our young forwards........ Just keeping the puck out of our zone a bit more and sustaining a forecheck would probably result in fewer frustration and desperation penalties. In turn the puck would be in our own end much less, and we would have to kill fewer penalties. Does this seem like a recipe for 1 less goal per game? Or is that too much to expect....?
  21. Better than I thought. Thanks, Sicatoka. I don't think we should expect the same from young Zach.
  22. I agree with you too, jk. Tony Hrkac wasn't the Hrkac Circus until he went away for a year and then came back. Yeah, he had a good year by freshmen standards, but that's what it was a good year. Don't know the numbers....
  23. dagies


    Goon and Dagies: On the same page.
  24. Not an expert on beer distribution. Sorrygoon
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