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Posts posted by stickboy1956

  1. http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/243958/

    There is now some credibility to the theory that Omaha will apply to the WCHA. I still don't think it's nearly the done deal that some here want it to be.

    Omaha has all the leverage in the world on this nego...they can basically demand that the WCHA tourny be at the Qwest every other year and there is nothing the WCHA can do about it, except say no to both Omaha in Bemidji, in which case Omaha loses nothing.

    We'll see...

    The league owns all the revenue from the final 4/5/6 - there's no tangible upside for UNO to insist Omaha host the tourney.

    The best venue to maximize revenue is the X - for all teams in the league, including us and UNO.

  2. Very interesting..Remember back in the 90's when the Sioux would be lucky to have one draft pick on their roster. Now in 2009-10, they have the potential to have 18 draft picks on their roster

    Only Cichy will come from this draft class - we will have 15 rostered draft picks - 16 if Forney comes.

  3. As reported by Brad, Danny Kristo and Mike Cichy will be invited to the World Junior Evaluation Camp in August. Kristo comes at no surpise. Cichy may come as a surprise to some but remember that three years ago he was playing for the NTDP and was considered one of the best U.S. fowards in his age group, he just took a bit of a set back when he dropped out of the NTDP and went back to Boston. After having a great year in the USHL and at the World Junior A Challenge, he finally gets the recognition he deserves.

    It's official


  4. I know there must be some UND students out there on this site who are going to be as upset as I was when I found out that there is going to be no seniority given to the older students for next year's hockey tickets.

    Granted I have no clue how they used to do things back before I came to school here but when I was a freshmen only %10 of the season tickets were reserved for us. Now, this year's freshmen will have the same opportunity to get season tickets as I do as a senior. I waited 3 years to get top priority and now they are doing away with it.

    Makes me a little upset they chose to do this without gathering larger input form students.

    The other change that doesn't bother me as much is we will be camping out for tickets. The odd thing is that we will only be allowed to line up 5:00pm the night before they sell them at 8:00am the next morning. You have some students that will wait a whole week or even longer to guarantee their seat. I just wounder how it is going to be handled when the large mass of students fight for position at 5:00pm.

    What's the source of this information?

  5. Most of the fwds from last years top 2 PP units are back. You have Vandy and Hextall from the top unit and Frattin, Trupp, and Gregoire from the 2nd unit. The issue is definitely who does the point. Aside from Genoway and Marto, you need 2 others to run the point. I got the feeling last year that LaPoint may be a guy that the coaches thought at some point could be at one of the points. I also think I remember seeing Trupp at the point on the PP a few times. Interesting...

    I've got a feeling Cichy and Kristo will see PP time next year.

  6. It seems like the comments supporting/defending rough/cheap play revolve around the teams/players you are fan's of. Sidney bashers and Red Wing fan's take one side, Pen fans take the other.

    For all of you - how would you compare what Sid did to what Prpich did in Dever a few years ago? Is all stickwork created equal?

    I think everyone needs to relax and enjoy game 6.

  7. Forney was the 15th foward not Rowney, it's for sure that Kristo, Cichy, Bruneteau, and Rowney will be here and there is no official report that Forney is coming in. In your originall post you assumed that Forney comes back and those are the 15 fowards, I put up the situation that it might make sense not to bring him in.

    Obviously there is some risk that guys could leave early, but as of right now I don't see Gregoire as a two year player or Malone and Frattin as three year players because they haven't proven that they're capable of playing at an NHL level, but that's my opinion.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see one less forward on the roster from last season.

    Also there will be a potential logjam in '10 if we bring in "too many" forwards this year.


    Goals "lost" (seniors and early dept)

    2009: 54/146 total - 37%

    2008: 32/129 - 25%

    2007: 39/153 - 25%

    2006: 64/164 - 39%

    We will need the freshies (Kristo/Cichy especially) plus progression from the soph class to make up the difference. I think the Jr. class is what it is.

    Looking back, who would have bet Martens would have outscored Kozek and Watkins last year?

  8. Assuming, of course, that Blais and the talent of US players have improved since 1994. Dean led the team to a 1-5-1 record that year.

    He may have the best goalie in the tournament this year in Mike Lee. That could go a long way to winning a medal.

  9. Assuming, of course, that Blais and the talent of US players have improved since 1994. Dean led the team to a 1-5-1 record that year.

    This will be a good audition for an NHL coaching job. As we all know the WJC gets tremendous coverage in Canada and Blais clould get lots of buzz with a good showing.

  10. Carolina is horrible and it's no surprise that Pittsburgh will probably sweep them - or for sure win in 5. Yes, I know Carolina beat Boston and it probably sounds like sour grapes, but the Eastern Conference Finals would be completely different if it was Pittsburgh vs. Boston. No way Pittsburgh sweeps the Bruins...in fact, it would have been a Bruin victory in 6 or 7 games!

    No team in the top 4, top 8 for that matter, is horrible. Pittsburgh is just better, that's all.

  11. From Kevin Pates in Duluth


    "... ALSO there is talk that WCHA commissioner Bruce McLeod will be in Omaha this week to talk with Nebraska-Omaha officials about joining the league. At the same time, Omaha's new athletic director, Trev Alberts, is in the midst of a search for a hockey coach, to replace Mike Kemp. The most recent rumor is that Dean Blais is the coaching front-runner."

  12. Anyone see Kane stop back checking on the game winning goal? He had the high man on the 3 on 1 and stopped skating.

    All I saw was Campbell make a bonehead play with the puck at the blueline with 3 forwards deep. All he had to do was get the puck low, not try a spin-o-rama or whatever he was trying to do. That goal is on Campbell, not Kane.

  13. Sid is indeed good. However, Toews (whom I think you are referring to), is better in front of a microphone.

    I was referring to Parise, not Toews.

    Like it or not, pro/major college sports is entertainment (we don't get in the door for free) - hype is part of the business.

    It's easier to sell players than teams - thus the hype for Sid, AO, etc. It's not new - fans came to watch Hull, Orr, Gretzky, Mario, etc. in the past.

  14. Would Blais take another kick at the NHL can with the Wild? Or has that ship sailed??

    I think getting Brad Berry back in the mix at UND would be HUGE.

    Berry is a great coach - so is the Bird - it's a wash as far as I'm concerned.

    I would hate to have to play a team coached by Eades.

    I think it's Dean's job if he wants it. If SJ had more college experience he would be more of a contender.

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