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Posts posted by stickboy1956

  1. I thought I was in Mariucci for about 60 seconds Saturday night. During the break between the end of the 3rd period and overtime, the little kid reciting the Herb Brooks speach was played on the video screen. Seriously?!?! Any team other than Minnesota, that would have been fine. However, a little tidbit of info for the genius (I may have been listening to Sid's show for too long) who run's the videos; Herb Brooks used to coach the goofers!!!! How could you not know that?

    Did you know...

    1. The speech was given to Team USA, not U of M (former Sioux Dave Christian was in the room).

    2. Reports suggest that Brooks steered Zach Parise to UND.

  2. Someone commented on Kristo...the kid is snakebit and is trying to shoot his way through it...I'm not a big fan of that approach. In fact, I would strongly consider swapping him with Trupp right now on the top 2 scoring lines. He will be an impact player, but he needs to use his teammates. I bet he's beating himself up over that breakaway.

    Gopher passing was better with guys actually leading guys into open ice with their passes. Sioux passes were off.

    Malone almost got his neck broken in OT against the endboards, I know it was OT and everything, but that easily could've been 5, so surely should've deserved 2.

    Shepherd's penalty call on a cross check, when he's at center ice with the other official 10 feet away was b.s.

    Eidsness was not sharp on Saturday night...If I'm coach, we're getting a Dell on Friday in Alaska. Bariball's goal...all he did was wait for BE to go down, and he went upstairs...it doesn't get easier.

    The team leaders need to work out how to get the boys back up for Saturday games. We come out flying on Fridays, but Saturdays are a little slower.

    What can you say about Genoway...if he's not defensive player of the week, it is robbery.

    Marto is a gamer. Directly responsible for a two goal swing.

    He needs to position himself better for the second save - too often he turns easy saves into adventures on the rebound.

    We need to see Dell.

  3. Did anybody else notice that there are equal numbers of MN High School "A" ranked players to WHL "A" ranked players? Also, the WHL has only one more "B" ranked player. LOL @ "The Fastest Route to the NHL".

    I was also surprised that Brock Nelson was not on the list. I'm sure that may change during the hs season, but he is putting up some good numbers playing against some of the A/B players listed in the Elite League.

  4. welcome brock nelson

    NICK MATTSON - D - Indiana- USHL

    DANNY MATTSON - F - Omaha - USHL

    MIKE FINK - F - Des Moines - USHL


    MICHAEL PARKS - F - Cedar Rapids - USHL

    BRENDAN O'DONNELL - F - Winnipeg South Blues - MJHL

    DEREK RODWELL - F - Okotoks Oilers - AJHL - 2009 Draft Pick of New Jersey, 5th Rd, #144

    COLTEN ST. CLAIR - F - Fargo Force - USHL

    ZANE GOTHBERG - G - Thief River Falls - MN-HS

    BROCK NELSON - F - Warroad - MN-HS

    Forbort, N Mattson, Parks and Gothberg listed in CSS 2010 Watch List


  5. With regards to revenue, a lot depends on how much hockey adds to the cable Big Ten Network. Cable networks are charged for the right show the BTN at like a $1 a month per subscriber. For instance, if hockey is added and the BTN gains 1 million homes as a direct result, that's an additional $12 million flowing anuually to the Big Ten. Cable companies resisted the BTN because of the fee: but they finally gave in to the Big Ten commissioner Delaney. If even 250,000 homes were added to the BTN because of hockey, Delaney would likely want a BTHC.

    Delaney is considered one of the most powerful men in sports. If he wants a BTHC (and all indications are that he does), he has the power to alter Maturi's and Minnesota's opinion.

    Why would they gain a million/250,000 subs if hockey is added? Haven't they already saturated the cable systems in the B10 viewing area?

  6. It just goes to show you, at least in the eyes of big time institutions... The Wisco's, Ohio State's, Mich, Mich St of the world, we're pretty small potatos no matter how strong our program is. At least that is the perception. I look at it this way, if their starting off point really had only one dissenting voice (Maturi @ Minny) then I look for this to be a reality much sooner rather than later. It sounds if Alvarez is looking at it from a fiscal perspective... Travel Costs, TV Money, Attendance, I think it will finally presented in a way that would make sense for Minnesota and they most likely will go- There allegiances with these institutions in regards to the other sports along with the Big 10 Network, will make it a no-brainer for them. It will be a sad day because we will be left in what will be essentially the Northern Sun back when the NCC was so strong. You would much rather be in the NCC. I think the writing is on the wall, I feel that this will be a reality-- this will be the new look in college hockey in 5 to 7 years.

    Minnesota will fight this because of money.

    They are the only team with a lucrative TV deal, that depends on historical/regional rivals like UND, UMD, SCSU, Denver. That agreement changes significantly with a BT HC.

    The conference tournament gate/tv revenues would be altered as well. Even if it is kept in St. Paul, I don't believe the other BTHC schools fans would travel like the WCHA teams do.

  7. Lets start the season off right and play some FIGHTING SIOUX HOCKEY!!

    sioux, 5-1 - gregoire,kristo,genoway,toews,hextall


    ---free radio at fightingsiooux.com but you have to sign up

    ---pay webcast also at fightingsioux.com

    ---Weekend games on DirecTV

    For those with DirecTV, you will be able to watch this weekend's games at home.

    The Sioux-Merrimack series will be broadcast live on Channel 617, Fox College Sports. FCS will take the Fighting Sioux Sports Network feed.

    The broadcast also will be on all of the regular FSSN channels.

    For those w/cable

    Fox College Sports Atlantic (Friday) and Central (Saturday).

  8. Based on some of your recent posts/comments in this thread regarding Canadians I am going to go out on a very short limb and guess that you grew up in the State of "Thinks it Knows" Hockey. If you are from North Dakota by any chance did you attend NDSU.

    Remember Hab-it - we don't have Sioux hockey without Minnesotans.

    Even Ryan Duncan and Johnny T had to come to Minn to further their hockey education :ohmy:

    Chill with the Canada vs. Minnesota stuff - that's chaff for the rodent fans.

  9. They are cheap patches and it makes the jersey look cheap. Why do they not think these things through before proceeding? Do the marketing people lack the pulse of the fans on stuff like that. I would probably have bought the jersey if it wasn't for the cheap arm patches.

    Reebok NHL Replicas have the same kind of shoulder patches.

  10. Looks like some games may be on Fox Sports.

    The Manitoba game is listed as being on Fox Sports Atlantic along with the Friday game with Merimack.

    The Sat game with Merimack is on Fox Sports Central.

    Looks like this w/e football with USD is also on Fox Sports Atlantic at 4pm.

    It looks like the deal between Fox College Sports and FSSN is already paying dividends.

    Between FoxCollegeSports and Charter/Comcast, which shows SCSU, MSM and UMD home games, Sioux fans in the Twin Cities my not have to trek to Sensers as often this year.

  11. I'm not a guy who knows a lot about systems so I found reading this blog entry on Russo's blog interesting to read.

    What made me want to post here was this paragraph:

    In the past there has been discussion on this board about Hakstol's offensive system. When Hak took the job he said he was going to run an up-tempo system and it wouldn't be a lot different from what Blais ran.

    There have been numerous criticisms in the past that Hakstol is running a dump and chase system which is ineffective and boring. I don't remember enough nor am knowledgeable enough about Blais's system to know how similar or different Hak's is.

    But anyway, what I did think was interesting is that the new Wild coach, Richards, is supposed to be implementing a very up-tempo, puck possession type system and here a good part of that is dump and chase.

    This made me remember the criticisms of Hak's system and wonder if there's more going on in Hak's system then he's been given credit for.

    I'm interested in the discussion.

    I don't think there's much difference between the Blais/Hakstol philosophy.

    Here's what I see as different:

    1. We have recruited a lot of high end skill players over the past few years. When they are on a rush, they are less likely "dump and chase" and more likely to try to beat a defender one-on-one - or we will play more of a possession game in the attack zone - control the puck and wait for the rest of the team to enter the zone before going on the attack.

    2. We see a lot of opponents utilize a "Delayed Forecheck" (I won't use the T word) against us. In trying to navigate against that we don't always end up with 3 forwards hitting the blue line together. The intent of the DF is to slow the pace down. You need patience to beat it - being too aggressive will lead to turnovers in the neutral zone, which is the intent of the DF.

    3. You often see 3 Sioux forwards below the dots on offense. This is anything but conservative.

  12. i have a question for you about mattson... when the u-18 was here, he got very little playing time, mostly pp and some pk also. was is just that he was younger and there were guys ahead of him, or does he still have things to work on before he is wcha ready? it seemed he could put on some weight yet, but that is true of most 17 and 18 year olds. just wondering, especially since he didn't get drafted. from what i saw of him, he is a very good skater, and good with the puck.

    NICK Mattson was not draft eligible (the D that played at the NTDP and will play in the USHL next year)

    DANNY was draft eligible (the F that played at Holy Angels and will play in the USHL next year)

  13. If his father and rest of his family are in Fargo, it would make sense for a 14 yr old kid to be with his family and play in Fargo. If dad is commuting, then I am guessing he will be with GFC.

    I don't think the NAHL is a league for a HS sophmore, age 15. Just my opinion, but another year of HS is good for a growing boy. Gives him time to weight train and put on muscle with a schedule that isn't too demanding. Also, it is still a young age to be away from family. I know it happens, but the NAHL is not the USDT where there is a VERY strict schedule and and emphasis on education.

    After that, I think it would be based on his development and what him and his family think is best for him.

    Obviously we have no say in any of this, but interesting to see how it plays out. Hopefully he will be in green and white, making plays like his father did in a few years.

    They can move to Moorhead and then leave him alone untill he finishes school.

  14. Well, since UNO was holding all the cards, I wouldn't be surprised if after the contract for the WCHA Final 5 (by that time will be Super 6 or something) is up with the Xcel Energy Center that it is then permanently moved to Omaha, and UNO gets 100% of the revenue from the tournament. Also, even if UNO takes last in the league and gets swept in the 1st round of the WCHA tournament, they still get to play in the Final 5/Super 6 - as the #1 seed. :)

    I also heard they will get to play all their games at home.

  15. Obviously I meant to say CCHA.

    The article says they are negotiating. UNO will fight to get some the WCHA tournament money when the tournament is moved periodically to Omaha.

    The league/the current member teams is not that desperate to expand that they would modify their current revenue split at the F5 to entice UNO to join. In fact, they should point out to UNO that they instantly gain revenue by getting revenue from the F5 at the X vs. the CCHA tourney at the Joe, which is about as well attended as a HS section final in Minn. In fact, it wouldn

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