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Everything posted by mygarske

  1. Just like every other team we have played this year. We out play, out shoot, out hustle the other team. Their goalie stands on his head and plays like it's a frozen 4 final. That $hit is getting REALLY old.
  2. L E T ' S G O S I O U X!!!!!
  4. I can't believe UW hasn't scored more. Every other pass was dam near through the crease.
  5. Who do we have for zebras tonight?
  6. The O'Brien one was just plain giving up. If you're going to lace them up, play it to the end. That guy just gave his goalie the equivalent of a "look out block" in football. Yup, tried, but couldn't stop him, here he comes.
  7. You have plenty of money right, Buck? Where would you get a plate like that?
  8. Goofers now blowing out Mankato out, 5 to 1. And they only have 6 1/2 forwards playing tonight. That makes me very nervous.
  9. Have to admit, I was worried about Forney with all his injuries at the beginning of the season. But he has really been picking up his game and adjusting the college over the last month or so. I think that Freshman line (Forney, Zajac & Vandevelde) is going to explode in the second half. Lord knows we'll need it with the hole we've dug. They really seem to fit well, playing style and a shared "attitude".
  10. I suppose someone with really $hitty minor league team will figure what the hell and give him a shot. If they already suck, they don't have much to lose. Or, he could just step into the Blackhawks lineup. Ha! Just kidding.
  11. Interesting conversation conversation about the Hirsch drama.
  12. Are these the first cameras used in sports television? Wow!
  13. Yea, dripping with sarcasm, this is Siouxsports after all. I just thought he (Foyt) was really busting his a$$ out east last weekend and Hak couldn
  14. I'll re-new my request for Bina to net one.
  15. Well he IS retired, he might be starting his next sports career. Speaking of our local boy. After watching so many games I had forgotten what a good announcer TH really is, even for a homer. Sure would be great to watch the game with TH in real time doing the play by play.
  16. After listening and watching Radke play the last couple of weeks - does anyone think he will see any playing time once the 3 WJ guys return? Especially with Foyt becoming a goal scoring pheeenom?
  17. This would be a great time for our newest offensive defenseman, Bina, to snap another goal in to continue his onslaught!!
  18. I just caught part of the break interviews, The Rug couldn't stop with the, "we're down FIVE GUYS" excuses. Boostrum said something about being down to 8 forwards. Did someone get hurt in the first? I am finishing work and had the game muted. It's almost as if they are already starting excuses for their second half slump. Wouldn't that be nice!!
  19. AMEN!! I knew you of all people would be with me on the TV rant. The other thing that chaps me is when you check the grid, the listing says "game to be announced". A guy gets a little pucker thinking maaaaaybe it will The Fighting Sioux....NOPE! It's Woogie and THE Rug bad mouthing whoever the goofs are playing tonight. Just drives me nuts!! You would think from a pure marketing aspect they are going to get a lot more viewers if they have another, different hockey game on in MN & NoDak instead of soccer or women's pumpkin pushin'. But what do I know, I'm sitting in my basement watching hockey, listening to hockey and typing about hockey while drinking beer. I swear, I REALLY am married, to a woman.
  20. And for those of us in the belly of the beast(s) - we have to put up with all the wall to wall goofer puck coverage. And now that they have fired ALL of the other major sports coaches, they are lovin' the goofer skaters even more. Not sure if anyone else has the Fox College Sports package of channels, but they really suck too. I don't know how many weekends I have gone looking, hoping, for a Sioux hockey game only to see in the guide a women's pumpkin ball game or a HIGH SCHOOL soccer game. WTF??? It's good for coverage of 2 series, the goofs (already get it with regular Fox channel) and Wisco. There is some value in seeing some of the East Coast schools play, and tonight it will be nice to watch the Wisco Menver (one of my single buddies moved out there & said it's a complete sausage fest, 5 guys for every chick, hence the new name) later on tonight. But man, they waste a LOT of good hockey when they don't cover games like our's tonight. Just a rant while we wait.
  21. I agree with the "traditionalists", the hockey sweater is not meant to be messed with like some goofy basketball tanktop. There is one aspect to sports that keeps all of us coming back time and again - nostalgia. Look around competitive sports, any level, any sport. Which are the teams with the most loyal fan bases
  22. Or maybe this: http://www.tradershockey.com/ She should be on the front page with a big deer.
  23. I think this is the link you were looking for: http://www.ajhl.ab.ca/leagues/rosters_prof...59919&pos=G It would be difficult to focus on the puck when you skate in looking at that.
  24. You got me all excited Goon, not good. I just checked the listings for the Fox College Sports channels, you won't believe this. WOMENS basketball, some bowl preview and a breakdown of the BCS. What a waste of good hockey. You can catch the Denver Mercyhurst game at 8:30, but with so much quality hockey wasted, it just doesn't seem exciting. Those listings were for Maple Grove digital service, maybe the good folks in NoDak have more sense and pick up the hockey instead, but down here we get chick pumpkin pushin'. Looks like the internet will the only way I see a game this weekend.
  25. GREAT call Siouxdonyms!! Clear as a bell! Thanks for the great tip!!
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