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Everything posted by mygarske

  1. What the hell kind of fan are YOU?!?! "Demise of the program"? You're one hell of a hockey authority. Not that many of the rest of this on this board are "experts" (Dags, PCM, a couple more are the exceptions) waiting for our NHL scouting job to come along, but we sure as hell don't throw the boys overboard with this kind of pansy ass wimpiness. We haven't "held the basement" for the past 3 years and we won't the next 3. WE ARE YOUNG!!! It takes time, they will come together, like they did the last 2 years. We also play in the best conference in the country, and that's a good thing, it will make our guys mature faster. If you're going to jump, then jump and leave the rest of us that are willing to stick by our team alone. Lucky guys like you weren't on the Lewis & Clark expedition, they would have never left the cabin.
  2. Is there any talk about the 2 point leaders from Shattuck, Derrik Stepan and Brock Montpetit? I'm too lazy to go back through 103 pages and we've re-hashed the history of past Sioux goalies enough. Let's get back to the prospects. Reason I ask about Stepan/Montpetit, a co-worker is a coach here in the St. Louis Park public system and said he over heard at a tournament this past weekend that the Sioux had landed ANOTHER Shattuck scoring machine. Naturally I puckered at the thought it was little Toews, but he said it wasn't him but it was Shattuck's current leading scorer. Looking at the stat sheet as of 12/4 on the official Shattuck site and those two are tied at 36 points, but clearly Montpetit is the leading scorer with 23 G to Stepan's 16 G. He might be confused, but this guy is a Goof season ticket holder and has sent kids to D I so I'm thinking there's probably a grain of truth to this rumor. Any thoughts or insights from our "inside sources"?? If they are both signed and I missed it, forgive me, I have small kids and don't get to read here as much as I should.
  3. Next weekend will be the first time in over a year that I get to use my season tickets, a PERFECT weekend for a come back sweep at home. Get Oshie and Toews a couple of goals a each, maybe a hatty, get Lammy back between the posts and lots of freshman scoring! Plus, it will be my 2 yr old's first game, she already knows to say, "GO SIOUX!!" every time she sees the logo and will be wearing her brand new jersey. I think the timing and the intensity will be perfect for the boys. Like it has been said before, it's only November. I would rather struggle and learn now and peak at the right time. How many times have we watched WCHA teams lose 1 or 2 games in all of November and December, and then slide miserably in Feb. & March? And I think we need to remember we are still a pretty young team and we are replacing a lot of scoring and locker room leadership. Let them get comfortable on their lines, take the lumps and start coming together in the middle of January for big finish on their way to St. Louis.
  4. Here, let us help. We didn't have enough shots on goal, but we made up for it by not playing defense or hustling until the last 1:24.
  5. For the love of god!! This guy is standing on his head!!
  6. I thought so too. Let's see if he can get Shep next!!
  7. Good advice, should have known better! I'm going to do the same.
  8. my feed just froze up and she is left in a rather, well, compromising facial position. anyone else lose the feed?
  9. And just like that, the typical Goofer dip$&it shows his true colors. You are a waste of time and flesh. I would hope that the admin would ban you for that kind of unbelievable comment.
  10. Hey, how's Tyler Hirsch these days?
  11. Goofs game is over and here come the trolls. Just so typical.
  12. I'm going to take back what I said about the announcer. How about the call, "tick, tack, toe and duncan has a goal!!" I don't care who are, that's funny!!
  13. finley gave him the damn feed!!
  14. Goon, any birds left near D.L.??
  15. they are playing a sat. sun. schedule due to a pumpkin ball game on campus. They should be ASHAMED, bumping hockey for a subpar sport. The played the "border battle" with Wisconsin. Goofs won 2 - 0. Speaking of the goofs, guess which headcase is out of the line indefinitely? Yup! Tyler Hirsch was suspended by the Chia Pet. The Rug and Woogie said it was because of academic reasons, haven't heard or read anything about it in the Red Star this week, but heard the announcement tonight b/4 game.
  16. My favorite one is the 6 wheeler ATV! Almost as good as the Dahlstrom ads. Ha!!
  17. I'm sorry, I just figured since Commie was one of the most colorful and memorable players in the last Stanley Cup and he was a hockey announcer he might do some homework or know who he was. I guess we're spoiled by TH. I don't really care, I'm just glad we can see the game.
  18. Who wants the sea pup fans to plant those f'in cow bells up their a$$es?? This ain't some winter olympic event!
  19. This moron on the AA feed didn't know if Commadore played defense or not!
  20. I'm hoping the brain trust at Dataflix is taking notes! Sorry. Just bitter for all those crappy feeds over the last 3 years.
  21. HA!! Yea, it's working now. I ain't too damn good with the typing.
  22. I just tried to go throw the "official" sea pups website, created an account, gave them my email, all that crap. Still didn't work. I think last night the 1st period sucked for coverage as well. I'll be the designated "keep hitting the button until it opens" guy.
  23. it says the link is old. I wonder if they are putting the kybosh on us?
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