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Everything posted by mygarske

  1. The Chia Pet was really chapped off!! After all the calls Shepherd gave them all night he has NOTHING to bitch about. You're right though, I haven't watched any other game this season where they were bitching that much. Let's hope they keep coming unglued like that.
  2. This is a good sign for the rest of the night!! Big win for the Dogs!! Way to go!!
  3. And the Goofs streak comes to an end in Mad Town!!!! BADger nation has yet ANOTHER reason to get completely HAMMMMMMERED!!!!!
  4. BADgers miss the empty net by a hair. Need Duncs to finish those empty netters. BADger nation going insane!!!
  5. Way to go Dogs!!!!!!! Let's even out the WCHA all around tonight!!!
  6. Here you go: mms://
  7. Derrik Sheppard doing all he can to give the Goofs the win in Mad Town. Wow! Obvious hook on Howe in the wide open. Even Shep the Dip had to call that one.
  8. You know the boys are playing Fighting Sioux hockey again when even LEE is willing to smack some guys around if they get to close to Lammy! Man is it great to see them throwin' lumber again!! Let's pour it on!!!!
  9. Feed from the website is bad, but there is worse out there - take for instance the Fox College Sports Package. This has to be the most moronic night of college hockey programming in TV history! Here on Comcast in the twin cities we have not 1 channel of Goofs v BADger, 2 you say? That would be pretty dumb, to show the same game on 2 channels. Well we have found the idiots in search of their village - they are the programmers for the Fox College Sports Channels. They have the Goofs and the BADgers on THREE FRIGGIN' CHANNELS!!! With game after game of great college hockey on tonight, they couldn't somehow change just ONE of the games??? Goon, you pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?? O.K. I feel better now, all the bad vibes are out. Big wins for the boys this weekend. 8 goals tonight 6 tomorrow night. GO SIOUX!!!!
  10. Since I'm a newbie I didn't dare start a thread. And, it wasn't really a good time until we had our World Junior players back. Does anyone think that there will be some line changing for this weekend and the 2nd half run? One would think Hak will re-unite Toews, Oshie, Duncan, but then again maybe not. Put Toews with Miller and maybe Genoway or Porter. I think the freshman line of Zajac, Forney, Vandevelde is great together and will put up some surprising numbers this weekend. So what about the rest of the forwards? Does Hak do some demoting and promoting? What are the predictions?
  11. Living in Mpls. I am at the epicenter of do gooder liberals that hate athletics. Funny thing though, I don't remember the selling out the Maridouche for a debate on socialized medicine. Hmmm, wonder why? But I didn't get a chance to read the Herald today. What's the deal?
  12. Feed is back just in time or Hak's comments.
  13. What the hell is the deal with the audio feed. Games over so they have to save the batteries for the next game? For the love of god, let's quite acting like Mayville State and update our friggin' technology.
  14. I was trying to do my AZSioux impression. Almost had it, but I'll take the 2-1 win. What a huge character win!! Denver falls 4 - 0 to Wisconsin.
  15. Duncan passes to Oshie for the empty netter tonight.
  16. And, it's GO TIME in Denver!! And of course the chicken $hit$ at Fox cut away when they start throwing punches. Adam is doing ALL that he can to get Denver back in this on. PP for Denver, they pull the goalie AGAIN. This is hilarious!! Elliot is standing on his head! Come on Dunc, empty netter for the turkey!!
  17. Dever has pulled their goalie with over 7:00 minutes left in the game!! I don't think even Blaiser has brass ones that big.
  18. I'm with you PCM. I have been calling for that since the St. Lawrence game last weekend. They are really starting to play well together and are way over due.
  19. I'm back from the stupid dinner party and have that game going. Adam is in his usual role of the most self important ref in the world who must control and ruin the entire game for the players, fans and coaches. What a complete ass. Sounds like our guys brought out the big boy pants tonight and have come to play! And as I read through the thread I see that AZSioux is now not only a psychic, but the new president and founding member of the Joe Finley School of Power Scoring. You gotta get t-shirts made Monday morning.
  20. I'm with Redwing77, completely agree. Losing sucks, but for cripes sake lets not pull all the scholarships and burn down the Ralph. We expect them to win. I also expect more from us alumni and fans. None of us could actually see the game tonight, but from what I heard tonight, things sounded better than they have in past weeks. Over the course of the last three games we have seen some really great improvements. 1. Phil is back on his game. Makes those saves that turn a game and can turn a season. 2. Our defense has pulled it together and is playing solid, blocking shots and not giving up the body on the rushes. 3. Our freshman are starting to come up to the speed of the WCHA game. I still believe the line of Forney/Zajac/Vandavelde has a huge 2nd half in store for us, they're almost there now. 4. Those god awful 2nd periods have been 1,000 times better, think Alaska, Mankato, etc. And, we bring back Toews who has definitely found the back of the net again, is healthy, has some new stitches for the bitches and is known to have a better 2nd half than 1st. We add to our improved defense with Chorney who had an incredible World Juniors tournament, chipped in some huge goals and helpers. Lee, given his bench time at WJ and the improvement of our d corp - has even more incentive than ever to pull his head out of his ass and pick up his play. Oshie has looked and played healthier than any other time this season. And yes, we DO have a great coach to bring the boys together and finish with a strong second half. I remember last year when the same angst and "F! em all!" attitudes and comments were being posted on this same board. I get the frustration and being disappointed at a loss by a team with such great promise and talent. What I don't get is some of you completely giving up on a bunch of 18, 19, 20 year old kids if they don't play perfect every night or every weekend. I'm all for playing to your potential and winning traditions, but you guys are throwing in the towel half way into the season. Our guys all have rock solid character and you
  21. Do it, I can't keep the dam feed working! Pretty much fits with the night we had.
  22. Go to the official UND website and use their link and you can get back on the Sioux broadcast. Here, allow me: http://fightingsioux.com/info/broadcast/
  23. I'm a glass half full kind of guy. I try to forget about those games at the Ralph where it was really just their goalie standing on his head and we were missing the shooting, hustle and goal scoring. But there have been more games with the effort than without. Besides, the season is really starting now.
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