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Posts posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. 14 minutes ago, UND1981 said:

    If Bison keep winning these championships, will they will move up to FBS (or NCAA require them to move up) before we are good enough to beat them? 

    Let's be honest, NDSU cannot even consider FBS because of their blatant disregard for Title IX compliance.  A move to FBS would draw even more scrutiny towards an area that they are seriously hoping no one will ever take a serious look at.

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  2. 6 hours ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Hahahahahahahaha. Oh, wait. You're serious? Oh. Well, that's cute.

    Are you talking about just for you? If so, alright. But it'd be a much bigger deal to GF for the hockey team to win one, IMO.

    I love the football team, but no. Just, no.

    That's probably true, but if UND wanted to solely focus on increasing interest in GF they'd probably just be better off paying some people to drive in circles for hours at a time.  That's what really brings them out.

    • Upvote 2

    This is ridiculous.  Other than Toews and Parise, none of the players you listed is a household name outside of Grand Forks.  To the average sports fan Marcus Williams and John Crockett are every bit as famous any of the other players you listed.  Even Toews and Parise's popularity pales in comparison to FCS products like Tony Romo (Eastern Illinois) and Randy Moss (Marshall).



  4. Why am I just finding out about this thread now?  Assuming this sport of fockey requires any athleticism at all I'd have to take the football players whether they be from NDSU, UND, Fargo Davies, etc.  Hockey is the sport for 5'9"  160lb wannabe tough guys who aren't athletic or tough enough to play real sports like football or basketball.

    • Downvote 9
  5. Wentz back on the practice field for the Bison. Coach Farley's head is spinning as I type this.

    Are you guys going to start him this weekend?  You've really been a much better team with Wentz on the bench.

  6. http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2015/12/6/9859054/big-12-championship-game-big-ten-bob-bowlsby

    B1G playing dirty to keep the Big 12 from having a conference football championship game.  Will likely lead to the Big 12 adding a couple teams.

    I really can't fault the B1G for opposing this.  They basically wanted to do this for years before their expansion and weren't allowed to because of rules put in place by the Big 12 and the SEC.  Why should they change now that the Big 12 is down to 10 teams because four schools left to play elsewhere because they couldn't stand UT?

  7. If UND won a championship in FCS football it would be a much bigger deal than any of the hockey titles.  Most schools actually participate in and care about football.  There are like 10 schools in the whole country that can say that about hockey. 

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  8. So right now some NDSU posters over on AnygivenSaturday have a link up to this thread where their gloating over this.   Let's remember that when one of them tells you how you're not supporting the state when you're cheering for them to lose in two weeks.  Apparently these guys haven't figured out that just because their football team wins, it doesn't mean that they personally aren't classless pieces of trash. 

    • Upvote 5
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  9. WIU wasn't remotely competitive with either ISU, NDSU, or in their FBS game.  They beat a Jackrabbit team that is going to get absolutely stomped in Montana and a UNI team that will probably take their annual playoff dump in their own beds two weeks from now in Portland.  I'm sure at that point you'll probably still be on here thumping  your chest because WIU beat up on a non-scholarship team and then lost handily again to ISU.


  10. I understand the injury situation and limits on talent and recruiting that Bubba has - but - what we are seeing that passes for "Bubba Ball" is just crap.  At this time in his second year I at least expected an assignment sharp, mentally tough team that sometimes got beat on talent but didn't beat themselves and were tough to play against.  I don't expect to be out-adjusted every half time and to pee winnable games down our leg.  Missed blocks, poor execution - at some point that has to be on the coaches.  Not impressed so far.  Time for the team and coaches to figure it out.

    That's a pretty fair point… we're not losing to good teams.  We're getting beat by the cellar of the Big Sky because our staff is incapable of making second half adjustments.

  11. I think we just don't have enough athletes yet.  Can't handle injuries because backups aren't good enough

    That's a loser excuse.  Every team has injuries at this point in the season.  We can piss and moan about injuries and depth but their losing games because they can't stop making dumb penalties and turnovers with the game on the line.  

    • Upvote 1
  12. I don't want to see UND on NDSU's schedule given the conference affiliation and the fact that handcuffing NDSU's scheduling oopportunities hurts NDSU's football program. I would fully embrace UND making a MVFC push.

    Do you guys seriousky want to be in Big Sky? 

    I enjoy UND being in a football conference instead of being an independent, which was UND's options when the Big Sky came calling.  If a spot ever opens up in the MVFC and the Summit I think UND should pursue it.  I don't see that happening as long as the eastern half of the MVFC is opposed to it, so until Youngstown leaves or Indiana State or UNI finally pulls the plug on their football programs I don't see it happening. In the meantime, I feel UND can become a nationally competitive team in the Big Sky, but unfortunately is probably 4-5 years away due to some incredibly short-sighted and stupid decisions within the athletic department.

  13. I think we're going to continue to see a few more departures than we're used to for the first few years.  It's pretty much par for the course for a rebuilding football team.  The idea is to replace these guys with better, more committed athletes so that in 5 years we can come out of this a really good football team. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. Hey if you don't care or want to see NDSU on UND's schedule it will be a lot easier on you if you just GTFO the board.  Until then the rest of us are sick of your garbarge.

  15. Its both.


    """"So you want me to name names of the company and the people involved who have had projects delayed and other companies who havent received full payment for services performed?"""""

    Let's cut the crap… you have no sources and are completely full of it.  I think it's time you head back to the trailer park to enjoy your victory while polishing the framed piece of toilet paper you call a degree.

    • Upvote 1
  16. Let's be honest, NDSU is meeting the requirements set forth by the ncaa.  Their athletics scholarship plan is certiified by the ncaa.  Is that honest?

    Let's be honest . . . UND offered FCOA for hockey with no intention of doing FCOA for all sports.  Faison acted like the cat that swallowed the canary when he said that UND was doing FCOA for hockey where they were needed to compete at the highest level.  He had zero intention of doing FCOA for anything but hockey.  He certainly didn't need it in the BSC, still doesn't.  Let's be honest.

    Let's be honest . . . NDSU said "who cares that UND is offering FCOA for hockey, that doesn't affect us, we will do what's right for us."    NDSU looked at FB, BB, Wresting, T&F and other sports and said that everything needs to be included based on recruiting against FBS level teams in all of these sports.  NDSU received a matching donation offer for 3 years from a doner which put them in a good spot to easily achieve the 750k needed starting in 2016.

    Let's be honest . . . when UND saw NDSU was doing FCOA for all sports, Faison had a steady stream of coaches in his office.  Then he gulped and said, Me Too . . . and went to find a scissors.  Let's be honest. 

    So is NDSU's policy in other parts of the university that women should have half the opportunities they afford men?   It would seem so.  Maybe they should put that on a recruiting poster?

  17. Ya, its a shame that NDSU doesn't have cutting sports and decimating what they offer on the table like UND.  What a great lever that is!!  Maybe they could cut coaches salaries further too, lots of great options for UND.

    Let's be honest the only reason NDSU doesn't find themselves in the position where they need to cut sports is because their administration has taken the position that providing equal opportunities for women athletes to compete isn't a worthwhile goal.

    • Upvote 4
  18. These are pretty great :)







    I'll gladly take back all of the things I've said about Faison over the past week.  Props to him for getting this done!   By the way has anyone tried the crow their serving in Grand Forks these days?  It's excellent.

  19. Sure is a lot of crying by the Bison faithful on this thread.  It's part of the game and every program/ team does it.  Hell I've seen film of Bison O-linemen hi-lowing opposing d-lineman and taunting them after they've injured their knees.  Even in the Montana game, Deluca delivered a headshot on Montana's QB when he was sliding.  How it wasn't flagged as a 15 yard penalty is beyond me.  It's a brutal game and if that's too tough for you then start watching golf and cheerleading.

    • Upvote 1
  20. This blatantly false. There have been ongoing discussions internally for months about the topic, how to proceed and how to fund it.

    He's going to have to discuss this with a few more people than he can contact internally if he is going to get it done.   I, honestly, don't understand why he wouldn't speak to this issue when addressing the FB alumni if he had any plans of trying to fund it.  I guess I have little respect for a guy who will look you straight in the eye and tell you how committed he and the school are to the FB program and then neglect to even mention this.   

    • Upvote 2
  21. Some of this responsibility is on the coaching staffs as well.  They have to start spreading the message to their alumni on how important this is for the university.  

    NDSU's way of doing this is one example of how to do it.  They choose the raise money now route to capitalize on their momentum.  A solid business case can be put together for this and I think UND fans would step to the plate as well.  There is no award for being the 2nd FCS team to do it.  They aren't starting until 2016 so they aren't going to get recruits this year because they announced this yesterday.  

    However, now a bullet point for the other regional schools is its here.  To be competitive, we will need to push this forward but the communication of the dollars and what it is for is the key component.  Also, a big year from the basketball, football and volleyball programs wouldn't hurt.  

    Actually this is Faison's responsibility to go to the alumni with this, which is probably the biggest problem I have with him.  Larsen went to his alumni base with a targeted dollar amount of what this would cost and they stepped up.  Has anyone heard  Faison say anything on what it would cost for UND to fund this for football, MBB and comparable womens sports?  He hasn't even tried and I bet has not even crunched the numbers for funding this other than for M/W hockey.  I'm a football alumni and season ticket holder who has donated money to this program and the athletic department.  I'm on mailing lists for both of these and just last month golfed in our alumni golf tournament here in the cities where Faison spoke.  Do you he think this might have been a topic that he should have addressed to an audience of football alumni, many of whom are generious donors to the program?  Radio silence.  He isn't even going to try.

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