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Posts posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. 2 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Well according to Fauci hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for COVID.

    It's clinically proven to actually increase the chances of death.   One would think that would be enough for people, especially someone who claims to be a doctor, but since Trump says it's good that's better than all of the clinical data proving otherwise.

  2. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    With 39M unemployed that's what you bring to the table. The way these payments/checks have been distributed hasn't been without issues (ask MM) but you really need to play a different card once in awhile.

    Do you ever look in the mirror and say "wow I am really an a****le"? Or does your wife just tell you that daily???

    I think it's important that we call out who's responsible for this mess and not just complain about it.    Trump and his movement's legacy (whether he wins or loses in November) will be a few hundred thousand dead Americans and a destroyed economy because he couldn't be bothered to do his job.   He and his supporters have weakened this country immeasurably and I'm not sorry that pointing it out hurts your feelings. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Another 2.44M file jobless claims last week..... nothing to see here

    $500 billion of potential wages, unemployment benefits and other aid sitting on the sidelines with Mnuchin until Trump can fire all of the people charged with overseeing how it's spent and funnel it into Trump org.   Nothing to see here.

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  4. 47 minutes ago, Goon said:

    Why should we trust the Freedom Foundation's analysis more than non-biased state coroners and Departments of Health?   As has been stated repeatedly on this website, the counting of Covid deaths is consistent with the counting of deaths from every other infectious disease.   There is no conspiracy here.  

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  5. 46 minutes ago, mikejm said:

    I was referring to someone's post about a state receiving more federal dollars than it paid into the federal budget; like North Dakota.
    Neither comment had anything to do with state budgets.

    My original comment was aimed at the fact that ND has benefitted substantially from an excess of federal aid received over and above the contributions of it's citizens.   It's arguable that both Grand Forks and Fargo would not exist in their current form without substantial federal disaster aid to recover from/ mitigate substantial damage from Red River flooding.   Both of those bills were footed by taxpayers in New York and California and other states so I don't see why North Dakotans should be opposed to extending the same aid to other states when they need it (i.e. disaster recovery for NY for the impact of the coronavirus).  Any opposition reeks of hypocrisy.

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  6. 33 minutes ago, keikla said:

    The Pier 1 stores in NY were liquidating long before covid hit.

    That's what I've seen with most businesses.  If your business was struggling before Covid19 then this likely pushed you over the edge.  If you were fine before, then you've likely been able to adapt and recover by now.  

    It's really not all that different than the 70, 80, and 90 year old Covid patients whose lives this board views as expendable except that there is no coming back from death while business owners are still alive to pursue other ventures going forward.

  7. 11 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    a bailout is different than the business as usual tax in tax out stuff...what motivation does newsome have to open up california if florida and north dakota residents will end up paying the bill?  if so might as well wait til there is a vaccine and then send the bill to desantis and burgum

    bailouts are called bailouts because you did something wrong.....

    Let's be honest.... states like California, New York, Minnesota, Illinois pay taxes that are used to fix every problem in red states because their irresponsible and are incapable of appropriately funding their own governments.   ND is a prime example,  who do you think funded the welfare checks that ND farmers have been cashing the last two years?  How would ND's finances look if not for those payments?

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  8. 2 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:


    I for one am totally against a federal bailout for any state pretty much for any reason.  Yzerman19 would you stay in California if Newsome raised the income tax to 35%, 55%,  and 75% across the board (assuming you are in the 55 or 75% tax bracket).

    Are you opposed to any state receiving more federal dollars back than they contribute?   Same difference as a bailout right?

  9. 32 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    Moderno RNA vaccine showing promise.

    so we’ve got a potential antibody treatment and a RNA vaccine both in the pipeline.  Why are no major media screaming this from the mountaintops?

    Probably because a vaccine is at least a year or two from being available.   That being said, even if a vaccine were developed tomorrow, what makes you think this administration could quickly get it distributed nationwide?  They still haven't figured out how to distribute tests or PPE so what makes you think distribution of vaccine wouldn't be an unmitigated boondoggle with the presidents unqualified and corrupt son  in law in charge of distribution?

  10. 25 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    To the bolded part.........our resident liberal newspaper hack Jim Shaw is waiting for you on line 2.

    Also you seem intelligent enough to know there is a difference between a (predictive) model and a study? You cited a study but said it was a model. I mentioned that Harvard study awhile back....again it was a study not a model.

    And to your last 3 questions......huh?


    Do you have substantive response to his post or is it just defensive !@#$-posting all the time with you? 

    Remember a month ago when you said the virus had peaked and we'd be well under 60K deaths?  It looks like your as garbage at modeling this as you are at practicing medicine.

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  11. 6 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    How about you help me get away from my fixation and tell me a war story? You seem to have "expertise" in that category.

    I stated that the coronavirus had the potential to kill more Americans than all wars in history combined if allowed to grow exponentially.  We've taken the most extraordinary measures to prevent the spread in modern history and right now the death toll would be fourth on the list of American wars and is going to surpass WWI for third on the list in a couple of weeks.   You've repeatedly misstated my post because your either incapable of making a good faith argument or are extremely lacking in reading comprehension skills. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Do you feel his Presidency has been dare I say "underreported"?  He has kind of 'flown under the radar' and gotten away with alot, perhaps?

    Absolutely.... any other presidency would have been ended by at least a dozen of the scandals that Trump has skated on.   The appointments of family members to key government positions and the flagrant self-dealing with his personal businesses would not have flown in any previous presidency either Democratic or Republican.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Hahaha.....good one. We both know better than that. This process is about increasing big government with and eye on socialism. 

    I swear to god it's like you live in an alternate reality.  You should really seek help for your fixation with Fauci on this.   

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  14. 47 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Have you ever seen a President get treated like he has?  He acts very unpresidential alot and they react accordingly alot.  Its absurd right now.

    Have you ever seen a President behave like he has?  He behaves like a petulant third grader.  If anything the media has done more to re-hab his image and normalize his behavior than they have called him out for the impropriety of his actions.   He's stolen more for himself than any president in history ( ie. the $100's of millions we spend at his golf clubs) and the stories on it are few and far between and he never gets a question on it.   He appoints unqualified and corrupt family members to run important government programs and the media doesn't question it.   A functional media would have torn him to shreds, but unfortunately that's not what we have at this time.

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  15. 48 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    Only thing you could do is freeze payments to Chinese investors.  They would dump those bonds then, driving the price down.  At a certain yield it would paralyze our ability to issue more debt, because we’d have to up the yield at par I.e high interest...  Then everything that’s pegged off us treasuries would be impacted.  Including stocks and commodities and mortgages.  

    It would devastate the world economy.

    This is what would happen.

    I also want to be clear what it is that we're going to punish China for doing.   They concealed the presence of the coronavirus and actively tried to suppress the outbreak in Wuhan from international scrutiny and media coverage.   I guess how is that different than what you all have been advocating that we do for 235 pages now.   Either the disease is horrible and any government that works to conceal it from it's citizens and media is committing an atrocity or it's a nothingburger, in which case who can blame China for how they handled it.   It really can't be both.

    Disclaimer:  Nothing above should be considered a defense of China.   China is governed by a murderous, autocratic regime that is carrying out an active genocide against the Uighur people and other ethnic minorities within the country.  The U.S. should be taking measures to minimize their influence across the globe and encourage leadership changes within the CCP and a removal of Xi from power but those measures are going to have to be a lot more skillful than launching a nuke or defaulting on our debt.   It's going to take statecraft that is completely lacking in this administration.

  16. 12 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Ummmm, this is happening regardless of who is President.  Trump, Biden, Me, You, whoever.  The tax part would be a partisan decision, no doubt.

    I disagree.   Trump has proven himself incapable of improving our situation.   The last 8 weeks are all the evidence you need.   We've been shut down for 8 weeks and do we have adequate PPE to protect medical personnel against a surge in infections while also allowing other medical services and essential industries to return? No.   Do we have sufficient testing nationwide to be able to implement contact tracing? No.   Do we have even a plan in place for contact tracing? No.  

    We have a bunch of boondoggle stimulus plans that were poorly implemented and continue to be misrun and the presidents grifter son-in law in charge of the medical supply chain.

    We're not operating in a vacuum.   Germany, South Korea, New Zealand, Canada are all managing this better than us.   That's entirely due to them having responsible competent governance, while we have the miserable failure that is the Trump admin.

  17. 2 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    When I say make them pay I mean make them pay.

    China holds about $1.3 trillion (with a T) of US sovereign debt.

    I say void all that paper: Void all US debt held by China.  

    Tell them they can use it for toilet paper, because that's all it's worth now. 


    If they don't like it, well, they've already de facto started an economic war. If China wants to go next level, let them start that also. We'll finish that too. (Let the first Trident D-5 "party favor" land on Wuhan.) 

    So a default on our national debt- that would be a complete economic disaster that would make the last 8 weeks seem like a walk in the park.   What is it with conservatism/ libertarianism and the inability to think anything through? 

    Here's what gets us out of this..... Trump loses badly in November and much like Bush before him hands the keys to a house on fire to Biden and a Democratic majority Senate.  Democrats then take on the hard work of cleaning up the mess the Republican Party and Trump left for them, while the same Republicans take whatever actions possible to make economic recovery/ containment of the virus as difficult as possible.   Despite this, the virus is eventually contained and the economy turns around.   After which, the debt and deficit will be addressed and some folks taxes will have to go up, which will be a small sacrifice in comparison to the workers you're asking to die of coronavirus for the sake of our economy and "patriotism".

    At some point, the economy will start doing so well that people will forget what a mess Republican governance looks like and elect another Republican president and Senate and we'll start the whole process over again.   Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

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  18. 7 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    If you bet the over you win a free mask from Old Fella.......another 3.17M filed unemployment claims last week.

    33+M unemployed since this country pushed all it's chips in the middle with the lockdown.


    Tired of all this winning yet?  #TrumpDepression

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  19. 3 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    Considering the increase in the overall death rate across the globe over the last 2 months, I think someone might have eventually figured out there was something out of the ordinary going on beyond a "really bad flu season" especially as things started ramping up in the spring when the flu season is winding down. And while the answer will never be known, the current death total is with various levels of preventative action across the globe from severe lockdowns to increased social distancing, so it is tough to know what would have happened if there extra steps would have been taken. But that's just my 2 cents.

    We'd probably be looking at a few hundred thousand "mysterious" deaths in the US and an even more widespread panic.  The coronavirus would still exist whether the media covered it or not.  

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