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Posts posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. Any administrator who says anything that stupid needs to resign or be fired. It will take someone with social skills, charisma and a vision to make this work. Other schools do it and I would keep comparing what we do with the Ag school. We need to maximize our own potential and then we won't have to worry about what others do.


    Like it or not, they're a benchmark for what it takes to be successful at this division.  It's not reasonable to expect to have a successful football program while being unwilling to commit the same resources to the sport that the top tier (which unfortunately is NDSU) programs in this division do.  

  2. I grew up in SW ND and had a passion for college basketball and football. I knew nothing about hockey and had to be dragged out of my dorm room to opening night at the old REA in 1988. I spent more than my share of time in the student section on the east side of Memorial Stadium during home football games - mostly freezing my butt off - and couldn't even tell you the number of women's and men's basketball games I attended at Hyslop Sports Center.

    You make a lot of condesceding generalizations in your rant. I get it too - you hate hockey. Fine, that's your choice. But if you want football to succeed at UND, uou're going to need some of those hockey fans to attend a few games.


    Actually it would appear NDSU is doing just fine without UND hockey fans attending their games.  I'd much rather have the statewide support that they have over what UND has for hockey.  It's not even comparable.  I'd also rather have the 4,000 and growing on-campus freshmen enrollment they have each year versus the declining on-campus enrollment that UND is facing.

  3. If hockey wasn't performing and selling 11,000 tickets per home game one would have to question the emphasis on hockey. But it is, and it's the fiscal engine right now.

    I think it was Coach Wooden that said, "You can't build something up by tearing something else down."

    How about we worry about building up and not 'blaming' other programs inside the house.


    Well who else should we blame when you ask an administrator why UND can't or won't fund UND football to the level NDSU funds football and they immediately tell you that UND can't or won't do that because their spending so much money on hockey?  The hard truth is that UND has stagnated or even declined since construction of the REA.  That some economic engine.

  4. I watch highlights of UND hockey during the season, watch a few games in GF, watch the playoffs, watch the guys drafted by the NHL, then UND watches them sit on their wallets........that's what I hear. Any truth to that and I am seriously just asking for some insider perspective.


    I would not be surprised if a lot of our hockey players have little if any attachment to UND.  How can they when most only spend 1 or 2 years here and very few of them graduate?     


    On that note,  I would not be surprised if the NHL guys donate next to nothing to the university.  Professional athletes (not just hockey) are notoriously bad with their money and generally have next to nothing left shortly after their playing days.  This is especially true if you leave college without a degree or any marketable skills outside of a hockey rink or playing field.

  5. From "2014 FCS Playoffs" to "it's the hockey program's fault that UND can't compete with NDSU"...

    Disband the program and blow up REA I guess. We need the money for football.


    We get it.  You love Sioux hockey and could give a rats ass about every other sport in the university.  Those of us who are actual stake holders in the university have to continue to subsidize your interest forever and should never re-consider how the dollars we are contributing to our alma mater are being spent.  Hockey is number 1 at UND and that's how it should always be forever and ever because Mafiaman and other hockey rubes say so….

  6. You make a few good points about NDSU, but I beg to differ about your main point here.  UND is more focused on Hockey and that is just the way it is.  When you say the Alumni are disenfranchised, I think you haven't been to a game at the x cel or a road hockey game in St. Cloud, Duluth, Omaha, or Denver.  Just as a point, my wife and I were at the SCSU UND hockey game in St. Cloud, and I would be willing to say that there were about 2000 UND fans at this game.  The place seats maybe 5-6 thousand. How is this loosing interest from alumi? This Hockey team is what most people in the country associate with UND.  Just like NDSU has its football team.


    I'm sorry but 2,000 fans at a hockey game in St. Cloud isn't impressive at all when compared to 17,000 fans at a football game in Texas.  The two sports are incomparable.  There are a lot of alumni and, more importantly, prospective students that would have a great deal more interest in watching high quality football or basketball as opposed to high quality hockey.  There is a reason the NHL is solidly fourth among the four major sports and realistically more like 5th or 6th in terms of TV ratings and market share behind the PGA and NASCAR.  Heck, on most nights in a lot of markets in this country you're more likely to find an MLS or Premier League soccer game on your television as opposed to an NHL game.  College hockey doesn't even register.  It's a non-event.

    • Upvote 1
  7. To be fair Faison and Kelley are not the first two UND admins to lack vision. Even ol Roger Thomas was too comfortable with where we were in D2. We need some passion and vision in the admin offices to take it to the next level. Bubba is a good step in the right direction. Maybe he will be our next AD if he has success with football? Either way effort needs to be put forth to improve the perception of UND athletics and in turn UND.


    That's a fair point.  As bad as Faison and Kelley have been, Kupchella and Roger Thomas were worse.  Roger Thomas was a great football coach, but by all accounts was a terrible athletic director.  He and Kupchella basically ceded control of the athletic department to REA after Ralph's donation.  That was essentially the beginning of UND more or less de-emphasizing every other sport on campus. 

  8. The NDAC fans on this thread, while mainly behaving like jackasses, are bringing up some hard truths.  UND's athletic department and I'd argue the administration of our university is dysfunctional.  The ag school has had the success they've had because they've made football a priority at their university and their willing to commit whatever resources necessary to make it successful.  They have a football budget that's in the top 3 for FCS.  Their coaching salaries are also in the top 3.  UND fans on this site were patting ourselves on the back for getting to 4th in the Big Sky after making Schweigert give us  a discount on his salary since it was his dream job.  It's insane to think we can be successful at this level for any extended period of time when our administration has this mindset.  


    UND does go all out in it's support for the hockey program.  I'd argue this doesn't get us near the bang for the buck that the ag school gets from investing in football.  Over the last 7-8 years NDSU has seen their university increase by leaps and bounds in notoriety while UND's has largely stagnated.  This has happened despite the fact that the overall quality of education provided by NDSU continues to be poor at best.  The fan base for Bison football is now state-wide.  The fan base for UND hockey will never be so, as the sport is irrelevant across wide swaths of the population and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.  The popularity of college football increases every year while college hockey's, if anything, is in the decline.


    UND is really at a crossroads with it's athletic department.  They can continue on the path they've set and then wonder why on-campus enrollment continues to drop and large sections of the alumni base no longer feel any connection to the university or they can make the changes necessary to shift emphasis away from hockey to the traditional money sports of football and to a lesser extent, college basketball.  Like it or not, athletics is the best marketing tool a university has and college football is the biggest draw in college athletics.  it only makes sense that a university that focuses on college hockey, to the detriment of their other sports, isn't going to experience the growth that their counterparts will experience.


    That being said I don't think the administration we have presently with Kelly and Faison is at all capable of even recognizing these issues.  The two have proven themselves incompetent and will need to be replaced as soon as possible for this university to take the necessary steps forward.

  9. You lose a lot of credibility by making things like this up.


    There is a big difference between what a grand jury is supposed to be and what it actually is.  Retired police officer or not- you usually do not end up on a grand jury unless you're predisposed to charging most people who go before you.  It's also atypical for a prosecutor to present evidence in a suspect's favor or allow them to testify to their innocence before the grand jury, which only seems to happen when the suspect is a police officer.

  10. Yes I do think they should be held accountable and how haven't they been? Haven't they both faced a jury?


    Crawford's murderer was cleared by a grand jury, while Tamir Rice's has yet to face one.  The record of grand jury's holding police officers accountable is terrible.  Most are made up of retired police officers who pretty much vote to prosecute anyone for pretty much anything, except when the perpetrator is another police officer. Case in point is the grand jury that cleared Darren Wilson, it's now been proven that the prosecutor knowingly allowed a witness to give false testimony in Wilson's favor.  A witness who testified to being at the scene but was not and fabricated evidence to support her story.   Essentially he allowed perjury to prevent Darren Wilson from being prosecuted and should be disbarred though I won't hold my breath.

  11. There are different sides to both stories. You can choose to pick one side If that's your prerogative. What I have a problem with is the idiots that choose the supposed victim's side and decide to protest violently.


    I guess we have different definitions of protesting violently.  I don't find marching in the street as violent.  If it weren't for MLK and others marching in the street during the Civil Rights movement, we'd still have segregation today.  I do think pointing guns at federal agents and calling for insurrection is violence, but somehow a lot of you were cheerleaders for that type of behavior.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Toy guns are marked, the kid in Cleveland covered up that mark so it looked real. I bet you missed that fact.


    bull$%!#, the officer shot within one second of exiting his police car so there is no way he even knew whether the gun was real or not.  The toy gun was also not even in Tamir's hand but was tucked into his waist band.  Pretty much a moot point since Ohio has open carry laws on the books so in both cases for Crawford or Tamir Rice they legally could have brandished ACTUAL guns and not have been breaking the law.

  13. Was waiting for dlsiouxfan to chime in here. Can't wait to hear his justification about the 12 people recently assassinated in France in 3...2...1...


    There is no justification for it and the perpetrators are being brought to justice and will, hopefully, pay dearly for the crimes they've committed.  An NAACP office was bombed yesterday as well in a terrorist attack here in the U.S..  Can't wait to hear your justification for that in 3....2.... 1....

  14. For "whatever reason"??? These black kids are getting shot for reasons you will never find myself nor anyone I affiliate myself doing. The trend I see is an attitude of "f the police" held by many and I think the outrage on this site comes from how people decide to handle what they don't agree with with. If these people had half of an education and had actual jobs, would they be participating in violent protests? I'm doubting so. But thanks for labeling a number of posters as racists bud. You did watch the video in post number 1's link right? It looked like most protestors were not black.


    John Crawford was shot for carrying a toy gun in the toy aisle at Wal Mart by a police officer who in the surveillance video never even shouts a warning to drop the "weapon".  Crawford literally had zero time to know that he was even being arrested.   Tamir Rice, a 12 year old, was shot by a police officer for playing with a toy gun in a city park.  In the dashboard cam video the officer pulls up and immedialely begins shooting at Tamir before even identifying himself as a police officer.  Basically a drive by killing.  In neither case has the officer been charged. 


    That's the type of stuff that these people were protesting.  That's a lot more legitimate than protesting because your taxes are too high or other reasons that conservatives protest.  If anything like this ever happened to a white person this board would go nuts, but for some reason it's OK because these victims are black. 

    • Upvote 1
  15. I hate to break up your racist circle jerk here, but a lot of these protesters have jobs and work much harder every day than your average tea partier.  Say what you want but protesting police officers shooting and killing unarmed black men and children  (John Crawford, the 12-year old Rice kid in Cleveland) is a hell of a lot more legitimate bitch than some old, white dude bitching about having to pay grazing fees for cows he illegally grazes on federal land or asking the government to keep it's hands off his Medicare and social security.  It's pretty transparent that a lot of you were cheerleaders for Cliven Bundy and his crew when they were pointing weapons at police officers in defiance of laws but seem to have no problem backing a police officer when he kills a black person for whatever reason.   

    • Upvote 1
  16. No loophole, no alumnus, booster, college professor, or others who have a connection to the college in question, are allowed to contact students. That includes former players and coaches. Same thing that got Nanne and Sonmor in trouble when they contacted Pariese. It is clearly a violation. Rule is clear. Former players and Fighting Sioux club members are reminded of this rule annually. The recruit could contact an alumnus but the alumnus can't initiate the contact.


    NDAC has been playing fast and loose with this rule for years now.  Lakesbison and his crew of lackeys routinely commit recruiting violations and their athletic departments just winks at it. 

  17. This is a recruiting thread right? I am a ND boy,talking ND boys, not transfers, Who is on UNDs radar from North Dakota, not UAB.


    Gotta love NDAC fans.... taking a transfer from an FBS school that dropped their program is bad but taking one from Georgia Southern who was kicked off the team for a gun charge is somehow perfectly fine.  It's shocking how little fans like kingranch know about their own program.

    • Upvote 1
  18. Oh, I know that Jimbo and Billy Ray Bob from down south make easy targets, but you're aware that upwards of 90% of African slaves were actually exported to the Caribbean and South America - and not Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. Or are you?


    Yes, and it was awful when it was condoned and practiced there too.  It doesn't make the Confederacy and the slavery era U.S. less bad just because other parts of the world were worse.  

  19. If three Catholics walked into a mosque in Detroit tonight and chopped the heads off of every Muslim praying there, you can safely bet that the entire world would expect to hear SOMETHING from the pope as soon as the sun rises over the Vatican. So, why when the shoe is on the other foot, do Muslim leaders around the world bury their head in the sand and pretend nothing's wrong?


    Are you sure you want to go with that example?  I mean it's only been 80 years since the Vatican was looking the other way while the Nazi's and Mussolini's Fascists were sending Jews to gas chambers and ovens.  Heck, there are still Vatican higher ups in power now who buried their head in the sand and tolerated child rape.  


    Also, there are plenty of Muslim leaders around the world who condemn the Taliban, Isis and radical Islam.  You won't hear about it in Western media because it doesn't fit the narrative or sell newspapers.  

  20. The Confederacy is on par with the Taliban when describing an "evil terroristic organization"? Huh is right!


    What else would you call an organization of traitors who took up arms against their own country because they felt they were going to no longer be able to enslave an entire race of people?  Like it or not, slavery in this country was every bit as ugly as the holocaust and other atrocities all across the world.  Our country should be ashamed of that past and it's a joke that we have an entire part of this country celebrates that part of our history

  21. Funny you should ask, dlsiouxfan...one of my best friends and a former co-worker of mine is Muslim, having been born, raised, and educated in Egypt. We have had many discussions on religious issues, culture, and politics. Despite some areas of disagreement, we have a good friendship.

    Hate-fest, eh? Cue the SPAM response of "well, of course you have a token friend who is Muslim," right?

    I always get a kick out of folks who immediately jump in and defend something like this attack in Pakistan as "not representative of all Muslims" but turn around and condemn Christianity because they know a Lutheran guy who doesn't like black people or read online about a Catholic priest abusing boys. Or, wait until the next white guy killing rampage in the US sends the news media into a frenzy trying to find a connection to the Tea Party so they can blame that political movement from top to bottom for the incident. Go figure...

    I have another friend whose employer built a house for a Muslim Somali family thru Habitat for Humanity several years ago. The man of the house (who was at the job site) spent most of his time loudly telling the workers how much joy it gave him to have a bunch of "white infidels" building him a house in Minneapolis and how one day Muslims would rule America and punish Christians. Employees at the site became upset upon hearing these comments and told the company owner that they wanted to find a different home to work on. The home "owner" angrily informed the company owner that he would make sure to call the news media and report their "anti-Muslim attitude" and hurt his business. Of course, the business owner feared bad publicity and the employee "volunteers" were forced to finish the job. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free, right?

    BTW, being Italian, I'm VERY familiar with how America treated my great-grandparents and grandparents in Boston in the early 1900's thru about the time Joe DiMaggio became baseball's hero. "Italians need not apply" and "no dagos" signs in shops in MA and RI when my grandpa was looking for work - I heard lots of stories from him. WOP, EYE-talian, dago, greaseball...I've been called all those things too, so, with all die respect, spare me a lecture on bigotry.


    In all honesty, what exactly is your point?  So you've met one Muslim who was a good guy and another who was a total dick, but since the one was a total dick it's better to just assume that all of them are dicks?  Why not just judge people individually instead of jumping to conclusions based on stereotypes or misconceptions?


    Second, a lot of us had ancestors who were treated like crap by the people who came to this country before them.  It's more or less the American story.  My Irish ancestors were also !@#$ on, but it doesn't give me carte blanche to do the same to others.  It was wrong what happened to your grandfather, why would you want to do that to someone else.? 


    Lastly, no one is defending the attack in Pakistan (especially me).  I don't know where you would get that anywhere in my post.  It's a cowardly, evil act and those responsible deserve severe punishment.  However, the Muslim guy down the street doesn't need to answer for actions he had nothing to do with, that were done 4,000 miles away in a country he's never been to.  You said yourself that you don't like it when people portray Christians or the Tea Party negatively over the actions of a few bad actors, yet your perfectly fine doing it yourself when it comes to Islam?


    Wasn't there a guy who said "Do unto others, as you'd have done to yourself"?  A pretty important guy if I remember correctly. 

  22. I have...and I even know some Jewish folks and "Christian" folks. Thanks for asking.

    I guess I hate "blacks" too for being offended that a street full of them in a protests/march yesterday in NYC were calling for "dead cops".

    Oh..........and this just in: Today the Taliban stormed a school in Pakistan killing 141...132 of those students with most under 16 years old. "Hate-fest" might be more apt here if you want to throw out labels.



    Yes, the Taliban is an evil, terroristic organization and they will go down in history as such.  So are the Ku Klux Klan,  Operation Rescue, Timothy McVeigh's Militia organization, the Nazi's, and the Confederacy yet no one assumes that every White Christian male has common cause with them. I'm assuming you have nothing to do with any of the organizations above, much like all of the Muslims I know have nothing to do with the Taliban or Isis. 


    You're right that internet bigotry isn't on par with fire bombing schools, but it also doesn't make it right and personally I'd set a higher bar for personal behavior than being a better person than members of the Taliban.

  23. So Oxbow and Mafiaman, have either one of you ever even met a Muslim person? I've worked with and gotten to know many and for the most part they're just like my Christian and Jewish colleagues. Probably better as I've yet to meet one who is a hate filled bigot like some of my Christian colleagues. Just asking and sorry to interrupt your hate-fest.

  24. The problem is people not realizing he difference between pros and college athletes. The pros are the top .1% of all college athletes. They are elite and usually have a higher genetic ceiling. They're also older and more physically mature. You don't hit thst point until around 25,sometimes later. It's more about maintenance at that point, they've already built their bodies up, college players are still building. That's why everyone needs to do every lift and not specialize a lot. If someone wants to work on something specific they can do it on their own. Tons of guys in the NFL did a lot of extra working out as well as the programs they were in during college.


    Your mostly right on this.  Professional programs and college programs aren't comparable.  Most pro programs are not designed to add significant amounts of strength, size, and speed.  Pro athletes generally already have those attributes, so they're more tailored to address weaknesses.  Aaron Rodgers can work out to get as strong as possible but it likely won't make him a better QB and will probably make him worse if it takes time away from him working on other areas.


    College athletes are different.  Pretty much every college FB player (especially at this level) needs to add strength and size.  There are a number of ways to do that but the best and most effective is through barbell training using compound power and olympic lifts (bench, squat, press, clean, deadlift, etc)..  When these lifts are trained hard, most athletes will not be able to train much longer than an hour to an hour and a half a day, four days a week, for approximately 6-8 weeks continuously before a deload week is necessary.  Increasing volume by training for more hours each day or additional days each week is counterproductive at best and will lead to overtraining injuries at worst.  


    This is the part that is extremely difficult for young athletes to understand as they often get terrible advice from body building websites or juice monkeys who talk about how they can train six days a week for 3 hours a day and get better results.  This isn't possible unless your following a body building program that trains one body part a day through isolation exercises like leg extensions and bicep curls (which are essentially worthless for athletes or any one who wants to do anything other than just look strong) or you are augmenting your training through the use of anabolic steroids.  


    UND's strength program is built around barbell training using olympic and compound lifts 4 days a week during the offseason and 3 days a week during the season and during spring ball.  There are also two cardio sessions each week during the offseason- one focusing on sprintwork and running technique and a second on footwork and plyometrics.  It is my experience that this is almost a standard template for college football programs.  The in-season lifting is geared towards maintenance and is less strenuous, but is aimed at trying to prevent muscle loss that occurs during the season and which happens at every level and in almost every sport.  There are also down times like Christmas and spring break where the athletes are given a workout program but are more or less on their own.


    It is highly inadvisable for athletes to add additional workouts or training during the offseason or during in season workout periods.  An athlete will not be able to eat enough or sleep enough to adequately recover and it will more than likely just lead to decreased performance.  If they want to add stuff during Christmas break or spring break, then by all means do so, as those programs are mainly designed to make sure guys don't sit on their ass for three weeks, but they should absolutely not be doing anything more than some extra bicep curls or skill sessions (route running, FB specific drills) during the peak offseason and in season training periods.

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