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Posts posted by Irish

  1. A few random thoughts:

    -the extra week off may have been a mixed blessing--it allowed some players to get healthy, but it may also have resulted in the team not being as sharp as they could have been.

    -is the relative lack of size of our o-line part of the problem with the running game? When you consider the size of the linemen in the past two recruiting classes, it certainly appears that the current lack of size will be a temporary issue. Also, I believe one of our o-lineman had three penalties yesterday.

    -the tv announcers commented a few times in the second half how predictable our playcalling was--i.e. run on first and second down, and pass on third.

    -I'd like to see Davis get more involved in the passing game. It's clear he has some speed, and supposedly the ability to catch the ball is one of his strengths.

    -speaking of passing, I'd like to see us attempt to stretch the field once in awhile. Landry has a cannon, but thus far he really hasn't had much of a chance to throw downfield that I can recall.

    -any FCS road win is a good FCS road win.

    Many positives from this game - A road win is great - The one negative I saw was the play selection. Almost every series began with a 1 -2 yard run. We put Landry in many awkward passing situations - mainly 3rd and longs. If we want to make our mark this year, we have to mix things up. I too would like to stretch the field - third and long is not condusive to a good passing attack. If we play a team that doesn't make so many crucial mistakes, we could get beat unless we try attack them. I hope this will not be our offense this year.

  2. Interesting discussion -

    From what I've seen (especially last year) during the first half of the season we almost never carried the puck across - we almost always dumped it. As a result, our players looked for this option first. In fact I had a fan from another team ask me if we ever carried the puck into the zone - he was rather amazed at the amount of dumping we did. As a result of this style, we almost never had odd man rushes the first half and struggled as a team. In the second half, we seemed to open up and play more and our offense became much more potent. We finally started looking for the good pass and the open teammate - the results speak for themselves.

    As for Hak being more versitile than Blais, I'm not buying it. Versitile in this context seems to mean taking a full half year to play to potential every year (and having to try some different things because of it). Blais found a system that worked, recruited and coached to make it work, and won his second national championship at the end of his 6th year - he also took over a program in much worse shape. The continual dump/chase/cycle offense drives me nuts - give me Blais style every time.

  3. Several questions come to mind-

    Are we getting beaten to the blue chippers? For now, the answer appears to be yes - We haven't had a first round pick in how long. Other teams seem to be picking them up. We have the facilities and program to compete with anyone. We should be getting our share or more. We used to be the program many sure-fire NHL prospects picked.

    Is this by design? Did we get who we want - are we confident that we have some great "under the radar" kids? Hard to say. At this point, coaches are reluctant to admit that we didn't get the players we were after and imply that they are not happy with who we have. Same with many Sioux fans. No one wants to put our class down. We do have some nice players comming in, which brings us to question 3 -

    Do we have what it takes to go all the way? I'm not sure - time will tell. Many posters seem very optimistic - however, almost no one else in the hockey community sees what we do. It would be nice to show them. I see some nice things on this team - good competition at goalie, 4 line that can score - and some question marks - defense, another slow start, can we get that hard nosed attitude? We have a lot of underclassmen who need to take that next step up. Regardless of how many posters have made high draft choices sound iffy, we would be a better team with a Parise, Toews, or Oshie or even a Schroeder. For me, the future is now. I would be happier with some blue chippers coming in. It's been long enough.

  4. I agree that the entire team is responsible for defense, and outside of some glaring mistakes, many defensive lapses are the result of several players. UND has a combination of offensive and stay at home players - however the combinations don't always work. Sometimes one defenseman (many times Finley) is hung out to dry. What strikes me, however, is the total defensive breakdown we have had the last many years during our season ending loss. From goaltending to foreward play to defensemen, we have collectively looked horrible - usually one of our worst games of the season. How we can play so well at the end of the season and look like this is beyond me. I feel that this is the hump we need to get over in order to get # 8. Personally, I would like to return to the hard-hitting defenses of the past. While we have some physical players, top to bottom we don't hit like we used to. I'm getting restless for # 8 - We need put it all together this year.

  5. They finished 6th and played the Gophers in the first round of the playoffs and there were a lot

    of unhappy people up here.

    Remember, in 2002 we were only a couple of years removed from an National Championship, which helped dull the frustration. In addition, we expected to reload and challenge for a Championship immediately (in Bais we trusted). The same type of season now would be met with a lot more frustration because another Championship has been a long time comming - we've come tantalizingly close but no cigar. I'm having a hard time deciding what I feel about this season - definately greater highs and lows than others. Although I love the second half surges, these types of seasons are wearing me out. When we rely on this, we need to peak exactly right or we get a finish like this year. The timing seems too fragile to want to continue this pattern. I know that there are different opinions out there, but I feel that we were one blue-chipper away from the big time this year. I like 4 solid lines also, but give me a Toews or Oshie to seal the deal.

    The high point for me was watching Duncan end a fantastic college career.

  6. Hakstol is facing more parity in college hockey than Gino and Blais ever did.

    The thought of Air Force and BSU making (or almost making) the F4 would have been unheard of back in their days. In the Gino and Blais eras, you could have made a list at the beginning of the seasons of 10 teams, and more than likely all four of the F4 teams would have been on that list. You can't do that anymore.

    Am I disappointed that Hakstol hasn't won a NT in his four trips to the F4? Definitely. But I'm not going to compare him to Blais and Gino because the situations are different.

    And I like how you are already writing off next year's team, especially being that our current season ended less than 12 hours ago. Nicely done.

    Is it unfair to compare this coach to his immediate predecessors and have roughly the same expectations - I don't think so

    Is it way harder to win a championship now compared to 10 years ago - I don't know, but since we last won one Minnesota, Boston College, and Denver have each won 2 and Wisconsin has won one.

    Am I writing off next year's season because I said I don't see a National Championship at this point - no more than others who are trying to be realistic - Big A HG picks us 4th in the WCHA, Yzerman states we're going to be in a lot of trouble defensively" - etc. I'm stating my opinion and could do without your snide remarks.

  7. Huh, you're kidding right? We won a MacNaughten Cup. That is a lot better than any of the other teams in the WCHA and only one WCHA team went further in the NCAA playoffs and we could make the arguement that we may have did better than Michigan and Notre Dame because we didn't lose to a 4 seed.

    Kidding - no

    At this point in their coaching careers, Gino had 2 national titles and Blais 1 with another one coming in his 6th year. We have gone thorugh an incredible run of talent without one. Did we overachieve this year and win a MacNaughten - yes. My point is that we have tried it both ways now - loaded with top end talent and running 4 lines without a star. We still have not found a way to win it all. I don't see a national championship team next year either. I'm frustrated with the drought. Hak knew the expectations coming in. We need to pick it up.

  8. Conference standings next year:

    1) Denver

    2) Minnesota

    3) Wisconsin

    4) North Dakota

    5) Duluth

    6) CC

    7) Anchorage

    8) Mankato

    9) St. Cloud

    10) Mich. Tech

    6-10 were all hard to pick. All of them could shuffle within those positions. Tech was bad this year, but very injured. Someone has to be last, so I felt that's where they'd be. St. Cloud doesn't have the guns. UAA has shown improvements big time with Shyiak (sp?). CC is losing a ton, but they still should be good enough to finish ahead of the bottom feeders. Mankato is losing a few good players and will be tough for them to rebound from a promising season.

    We don't have anyone that clearly stands out as the best team for next year I don't think depending on who leaves and stays for Denver, but they look the most solid for sure. Minn and Wisc will reload as usual. Duluth will be good, but still not good enough to jump them into the top 3 or 4. North Dakota is just kinda there. Not pushing for a top spot realistically, but staying ahead of the lesser teams.

    Does anyone else feel that after all these years of playoff frustration and no championships that this type of year is unacceptable. It's time for us to bring in some studs and become an elite team again. I want the days back when we reloaded in stead of rebuilt. Hak needs to step it up. I'm getting impatient.

  9. These playoff collapses recently all have the same feel. - Our defense looks like crap. I think the thing that killed us was our 5th goal - we then went into our totally ineffective defensive shell - I have Never see this work. Come on coaches. I am tired of our seasons ending on this kind of game. I want #8 and am getting impatient. We have just graduated the greatest recruiting class in our history (maybe in the history of college hockey) and have no championships to show for it. Unless we get turned around I see a long drought (good but not great teams). With our tradition and facility we expect better. I'm having another drink and going to bed - I can't believe we ended like this again.

  10. Ah, what to make of our power play - I agree, lately it has been dreadful. We'd sometimes be better off declining the penalty. We are very slow to move the puck around and seem to need to tee it up in order to shoot. My solution is simple - SHOOT THE PUCK Everytime we seem to struggle on the power play it is almost painful to watch because we never put it on net. We went through a stretch last year - same thing.

    Why no one can convince our people to shoot is beyond me. At our level, if we struggle with a phase of the game, we should be making corrections in the next week. This type of play will kill us in the regionals.

  11. Best captain ever is hard to rate - Howeve, I've been a Sioux fan for a long time, and Duncan may be my favorite player of all time - A heart as big as North Dakota. Duncan's the man - we'll miss him next year.

  12. Huge win - nice character showed by the team. We need to take a lesson from this game into the playoffs - when we play defensively and go into a shell, we almost always lose ground. As soon as they tied it up we started attacking again and won. Our natural state is not defensive hockey - playing not to lose with a 1 or 2 goal lead just loses us momentum. Thankfully we were able to pick it up tonight.

    Although Bachman looked good, is there any goalie we cant score on in the second half of the season - again attacking hockey is the way to go.

  13. I knew when he visited, but before that completely out of the blue. Also, for the people commenting about the elite recruits, with the exception of some of the Shattuck guys (Parise, Stafford, Toews), UND has historically not brought in those types of players. Zajac and Oshie came up on the last minute and ended up getting drafted high, but they were not the 14-15-16 year old so called blue chip recruits that Michigan and Wisconsin seem to go after every year. I think the coaching staff has done a very good job in bringing in a mix of players. This year they could use some more skill in my opinion, but I think overall the coaches have done well recruiting.

    You just listed 5 elites that we have had since the New Ralph opened. I don't see anyone at that level for the past 2-3 years (longer if you include the classes that have not come in yet). I'm not saying we don't have some great players, but I feel we need some top end (first rounders) in the mix. UND used to be a prefered school to top end talent because they felt they would develop most quickly under Blais (think Parise). I hate to see us get away from landing the blue chippers. Our past 4 years in the frozen 4 have been largely as a result of their contributions (Toews, Oshie). Think where we would have been without them. Again - I'm not putting down our current players or recruits, just wishing we would another Oshie or Toews soon. We need this type of talent. Tell me with a straight face that we would have had a couple of 4 year players instead of Oshie and Toews.

  14. A little confidence and gain the zone with some poise and control and sioux will have a big weekend! Eff dumb and chase!

    Agreed - count the 12 goals we hung on the goophers - how many came from the dump/chase/cycle and how many came from carrying the puck into the zone, working for odd man rushes, crisp passing and playing Blais style offense. If we play like that, we look like worldbeaters.

  15. Other than the Gophers, this team doesn't seem to put anyone away. A 2 goal league against the worst offense in the country should hold up. How many times have you seen us score and put ourselves in a good position only to give up a goal within 1 or 2 minutes. We need a killer instinct.

  16. I couldn't agree more with the bolded. This all stems from our ridiculous high breakout. I can't think of a team that's scored fewer goals on the fly. If we were breaking out well and scoring in transition we'd see a bunch of second assists coming from the d. It seems crystal clear to me that well-coached teams know exactly how to bring the forecheck to disrupt our breakout. The 2-1-2 seems to really give us fits as the dmen can't seem to beat a forechecker one on one, and the 2-2-1 clogs up the neutral zone and passing lanes by proxy. Opposing coaches can play either and give us fits.

    I couldn't agree more with your point on the breakout - we seem to be in robot mode. I wonder why the coaches don't make adjustments after watching game film? Are they seeing something I'm not? Anyone have any ideas?

  17. What to make of Dave Hakstol...I know that there were some very influential people associated with the Sioux program who were not happy with his being named head coach. I also know that he has lead the Sioux to Four Frozen Fours. Are the Frozen Four trips a result of Dave or are could any decent college hockey coach have brought those teams to the Frozen Four?

    2003-2004: The Sioux lose all-world forward Zach Parise and all-WCHA sniper Brandon Bochenski following a heartbreaking loss to DU in the regionals. The Sioux then lose Dean Blais and Brad Berry. David Lundbohm and Ryan Hale graduate. The Sioux, Gophers and Bulldogs all play a very fast, up tempo style with incredibly skilled players this year. Maybe one of the most fun years to watch WCHA hockey.

    2004-2005: The Sioux welcome in new coach Dave Hakstol with a team of veteran defensemen. The Sioux defensemen are all big and have a nice mix of strong puck movers and strong body movers(3 defensemen from this team have seen action in the NHL). At forward, four guys have seen action in the NHL since graduation including Travis Zajac, Drew Stafford, Brady Murray, and Chris Porter. The Sioux ride the defensemen, some timely scoring, and "do it for Robbie" all the way to the finals only to lose to DU. This team was built ,on veteran leadership, tough defense and some young skilled players. Realistic expectation: NCAA regionals. Actual result: NCAA runner up. Team Exceeded Expectations.

    2005-2006: THe Sioux lose some of that veteran leadership from the Blue Line as well as a surprising early departure in Brady Murray, but bring in an extremely talented class. Maybe the most talented team in Sioux history. The team includes 6 first round draft picks and 3 second round draft picks. Plus a smattering of every other round, a future Hobey winner, a European pro and a veteran goalie. Realistic expectation: NCAA Champion. Actual result: Frozen Four. Team Did not meet Expectations.

    2006-2007: THe Sioux lose Stafford, Zajac, Spirko and Smaby along with many key role players and fan favorites, but expectations are high. The DOT line becomes the most feared line in NCAA hockey, Duncs wins the Hobey. Sioux have an NHL line, but are essentially a one trick poney. Realistic Expectation: Frozen Four. Actual Result: Frozen Four

    2007-2008: The Sioux lose some role players to graduation and Toews to the NHL, but the rest of the guns make "the pact". Partly based on this hype expectations are very high, but depth is still lacking. JPL becomes one of the best goalies in the nation. Realistic Expectation: Frozen Four. Actual Result: Frozen Four.

    2008-2009: No real top-end recruits (first rounders or World Junior players). Duncan, VV, Kozek and Finley looked to to lead. Realistic Expectations are for a top 5 WCHA finish. Actual Result is unknown.

    Based on my mini-analysis above, you can see that when we take off the green glasses, stop thinking about the bad losses, and really evaluate the performance, Hak is averaging meeting realistic expectations given his players' ability. One year he overachieved, one year he underachieved, the other two were about right. So, based on his teams' on ice performance, Hak gets a B- from me. He didn't screw up, but he didn't do any spectacular coaching from my armchair vantage point.

    Add in a couple other factors:

    Blais was an exceptional hockey coach.

    Blais recruited the best talent in North America

    The Finger (unacceptable)

    Andy Murray advises son to leave UND and advises other son to play at Wisconsin??? I know the euro clause and all, but really?

    Some losses have looked like the guys didn't even come to play

    What do we have?

    A decent hockey coach who isn't the recruiter his predecessor was, who isn't a great ambassador of the school to the league or to the NHL, who doesn't get the boys fired up for the big game.

    This sounds more like mediocrity than the Fighting Sioux Hockey Program.

    GO ahead and blast me...I am ready :lol:

    Thanks for the recap - looking at the players listed it makes me think more than ever that we have a big lack of high end talent this year, and down recruiting classes for our juniors and sophomores (freshmen to be determined). Hak just isn't the recruiter Blais was. As for the theory that we have good players up and down the line-up - that only works if the players develop and show up every game. One of the main problems with this team is the lack of development for almost everyone. Hardly anyone is playing better than expected - many are worse than last year. Gregoire was mentioned in the same breath as Schroeder as best newcomers to the WCHA - see them at par now? (please note - I'm not criticizing Gregoire - just using this as an illustration for our player development). How do you think our sophomore and junior classes are developing? Blais had a reputation for developing talent and was able to recruit the likes of Parise because of it. Under Hak, many players just plain don't develop. I'm not so sure our system isn't grinding them down. Our offensive break-out and cycling are horrible. If fans can see it why can't the coaches. You would think that after watching game film after game film the light would go on. I'm not saying we don't have some good players - we do. I just think that almost everyone is not playing to potential. If it is one player it probably is the player if it's everyone we have to look at the coaching.

  18. If you don't think you have high end talent in next years class, then you simply don't know how to evaluate talent. That is an excellent recruiting class top to bottom. Is there a sure fire top 10 NHL draft pick in there? No, but in today's college hockey landscape, that might be an advantage. If you can get high end recruits that will stay 3-4 years, like a Jamie McBain, as opposed to a #1 pick like Erik Johnson who leaves after 1, THATS when you have success. Are you going to turn down an Erik Johnson? Absolutely not, but you sure don't need a kid like that to win a championship.

    My comment was aimed more at our current roster - In fact, please put your fine eye for talent to use and evaluate our current classes. I am interested in your opinion on the last 3 recruiting classes as they compare to other top NCAA teams like Minnesota, BC, Denver, ETC.

  19. None of the players you mentioned won an NCAA title during their time here. Not that it was entirely their fault that we didn't, but having a team full of first round draft picks doesn't guarrantee you a championship of any kind. The 1997 team wasn't loved by the Central Scouting Bureau, but they were loved by us because they worked hard, had great team chemistry and had a coaching staff that demanded excellence every shift, every period and every game. Those are things that are missing from this year's team. The talent is there, but those other crucial elements are missing.

    True, but in my opinion we should have had at least one. You make a valid argument - I personally am on the side of needing top end talent, but understand what you are saying about team chemistry and work ethic. We don't seem to have either top talent or chemistry this year, and I'm not sure Hak has shown he can develop chemistry or work ethic. Hopefully this team can right itself ( a sentiment I've had for four or five weekends this year). Time is short.

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