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Posts posted by Irish

  1. I agree with the high end talent statement: Ryan Duncan, David Toews, Jason Gregoire, Hextall, Chris VandeVelde, Derrick LaPoint, Chay Genoway, Joe Finley, Evan Trupp, Matt Frattin these guys are all great players. Watkins and Kozek were both at the top scoring column in the BCHL. I don't get it.

    I agree that on paper we should have an offensive powerhouse. I think the freshmen Gregoire and Hextall are playing well (although I wonder why 2 freshmen should be tied for the team lead for goals scored). The rest - Duncan - 4 goals (playing well), Toews - 0 goals, VV - 3 goals, Frattin - 2 goals, Trupp - 0 goals, Watkins - 1 goal, Kozek - 2 goals - Lapoint has had his struggles on defense and hasn't really panned out like we had hoped. Hardly anyone is playing at the level they should - some are almost non factors. Why no one is scoring is beyond me - my theory is cycle, cycle, cycle. Whatever it is, we are not developing talent like we should.

  2. I think I would agree with you there as well... UND has won championship with less talent than is on this team.

    I don't know why people don't think this team isn't talented. By the way C.C. is having trouble scoring goals as well...

    Through 12 games -

    Frattin 2 goals, Martins - 2, Kozak - 2, Watkins - 1, Zajac - 1, Trupp - 0, Davidson - 1, Malone - 1. In fact, no one has more than 4 goals. They may have talent based on expectations comming in, but there ain't nobody getting better here. I get the fact that everyone has good stats when recruited, but we have a lack of firepower. Who is living up to expectations among upper classmen so far? Anyone having a breakout season? It seem to me that either our talent is way down, or we have an extreme group of underachievers. With Blais, you could count on player development.

  3. Hak may have recruited players under the Blais regime, but I wonder who told Hak where to go, who to look at, and I especially wonder who had final say on signing players. Hmmmmmm, I'll take who is Dean Blais for $500 Alex.

    Not only that, but many came here because they wanted to play for Blais. We're out of Blue Chippers and it shows. We had better have a crapload of talent coming in next year or we are in for a long dry spell. This year's sophs and juniors are not the foundation for any kind of championship. We need to pick up the recruiting.

  4. I miss the old Sioux teams that could put the puck in the net and forechecked the crap out of other teams. Now all we do is cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle......until we lose possession of the puck and lose the zone. And all the endless passing on the powerplays has to stop. There are more problems than this, but I really don't want to get into it tonight, it's too annoying.

    You said it all - now I wish the coaches would get the picture.

  5. One of the problems as I see it is that we have two sub-par recruiting classes (sophs & juniors). We need to go out and get some studs so we can beat the likes of Alaska Anchorage and Minnesota Duluth. Come on coaches - pick up the pace. Also, it seems like we don't hit anyone anymore. What I've seen this year is a long way from Sioux hockey.

  6. I thought this last year, too, but UND matches up poorly with UAA. They are big up front and can skate, but they aren't very creative or fancy offensively. They play a simple game, win the race or wrestling match for the puck and try to get it to the net. With Greene, Jones, Smaby and Schneider, I like our chances against that type of team. Less with Marto, Genoway and LaPoint (and Miller).

    With the bruisers a few years ago, the Sioux were perhaps short on blueline skill. Now they're short on muscle, especially with Finley out. Next year, Blood, Fienhage and McWilliam should get regular shifts, and the balance should be better. Then it will be up to Genoway, Marto, LaPoint and Gleason to be effective offensively.

    Wow - talk about declining expectations - doesn't anyone else think it's strange and a little sad that we are talking about not matching up with "Alaska Anchorage" when they come to play at our house. We sound like the fans of a 4-6 team.

    The question isn't weather Hak is a good coach - he is. The question is rather is he a great coach - the jury's still out.

  7. The win last night nonwithstanding, there are some issues with Hak's teams that are frustrating. I'm not saying he should be fired, but ask yourself this - how long are you willing to wait to hang a banner. Boston College, Minnesota, and Denver have won 2 and Wisconsin 1 since we last won one. I for one am getting restless.

    Areas that need addressing: (most of these are the same as other posters - there seems to be some common themes here)

    - Intensity - how we can look so flat and unprepared for frozen 4 games is beyond me - We flounder for more games under Hakstol than we have since Gino took over. We need to make playing in the Ralph a thing to be feared - we don't putout a good product at home.

    - Our annual crappy starts - Much has been said - Why does it take us longer to get our crap together than almost everyone else in the hockey playing world?

    - Our offensive scheme - I hate this constant cycling too. someone else said here is the place where scorers come to die. Good God. Look at our stats and compare them to how our recruits did before they got here. Frattin scored for the first time in 14 games and Malone for the first time in 33 games - good crap - those are some dry spells. In the past we have had some high end studs (with whom we should have won a couple of titles) carry us. Now we don't. Very few scorers come to UND and play over their projections. We have some people who just never score - we can't afford to have that this year.

    - At times our power plays are not just unproductive, they look pathetic. This is coaching.

    - Does anyone else here wish we would start hitting people again. Getting bullied in a game isn't Sioux hockey.

    Here we sit again after another weekend trying to find positives out of a split. It's time for us to play Sioux Hockey every game. 4 - 6 just won't cut it at UND.

  8. Please. Why don't we start the fire hakstol thread now?

    In fact, why don't we just shut this message board down and start rooting for the Gophers...or NDSU football...or perhaps BSU hockey, yeah!


    I think you all need to cool down a little bit. It will come eventually.

    Hakstol is a great coach and he will turn it around eventually.

    But for now, I think we'll put the "blame" on a poor team effort and not by the coach.

    Just in case, though, I have no problem putting BDB and Irish on ignore.

    Not trying to get into a contest with you - I respect your hockey knowledge-

    There are some points about tonignt's game I think you will agree with

    1. We have an anemic power play - way below what I would expect looking at our roster

    2. We got manhandled by a bottom feeding team at home

    3. other teams are starting to take physical liberties with us

    4. What we saw tonight was a far cry from what I consider Fighting Sioux Hockey

    I'm not saying fire Hak - I am saying that some of this season is his and his staff's responsibility.

    Many of us are frustrated with our underachieving starts. Hopefully we can rebound tomorrow.

    The Sioux have a lot of work to do to become a good hockey team..

  9. To answer a question from earlier, I did see Toews out on the ice after he was checked from behind... so he seems to be fine. I

    personally thought that it was good to see Genoway out on the ice tonight. This team misses Finley more than any of us are willing to admit. Hopefully he isn't like Kaip with post concussion syndrom....

    We need to play more than two minutes to win a game, but you already know that. Eidsness will start tomorrow (duh) and hopefully the team will come out as desperate as they should be. Pathetic effort tonight by 98% of the team.

    I had to laugh when they voted for Player of the Game on the big screen... cuz there wasn't really one. I didn't notice Jones much in the third period, and although it's good to not notice a defenseman, can someone confirm that he was out there (just to calm my nerves)... thanks.

    And what do you people think that Blais would have done that would have made this game any better? Not a thing... you can yell all you want... if the motivation isn't in the boys, it isn't not in the boys...

    This type of effort from a Blais team was unacceptable. This type of effort at home from a Hak team is commonplace.

  10. Just got back from the game - I'm drunk and pissed.

    I hope this ends the great Walski experiment - this loss is on the coaching staff - Walski is not nor will ever be an everyday WCHA goalie - We have kept him at the cost of running off our young prospect - now he has cost us a game. Remember this loss when we are looking for a bracket in the sweet 16. Totally mismanaged by coaching staff - what does he have - naked pictures of the coaching staff?

    If there is a more pathetic power play in the country I'd be surprised. 5 minute man advantage and what - two shots on goal? Can't we be better organized than this with the names we have on our roster?

    We may have people that can fly, but we have no one who can close - absolutely no scorers tonight.

    Getting our butts handed to us at home by Alaska Anchorage - pathetic

    3-6 record - unacceptable

    I'm tired to the talk about what this team could be. We are 9 games into the season. Time for reality to intrude. What a lackluster effort.

  11. I'm having a hard time deciding how to feel about this team so far. We look great at times, but give up goals in bunches like no Sioux team I can remember. I think we have real potential this year if our goaltending settles down and our defense solidifies. I'm generally not a fan of the Hakstol season (floundering until Christmas). My worries include: finding a real scoring punch - our Sophomore and Junior classes have some good players, but no real blue-chippers (we need to pick up the recruiting), and season long goaltending (I've said it before, we mismanaged our goalie situation and are now stuck). Overall, I'm not real satisfied with a 3-5 record so far. This team can fly, but we need to learn how to finish. Hopefully we'll sweep this weekend and get a streak going. I'm ready to hang a banner this year.

  12. Great win for the Sioux - We need to focus and take two this weekend - no let ups. It's good that Hak is starting to sit people who aren't performing. Time to put it all together - no need to wait until January.

  13. I think it gives UND a prime oppurtunity to prove they can play. It's going to be hard, but picking up 4 points from these guys will be huge in more ways than one.

    We are 2-4 right now. BC started 2-12 last year. We need to lose 8 more in a row to get to that level. I'm not too worried yet.

    Again - BC did not start 2-12 last year.

  14. Is it possible that we could expect to be at the top of the league with CC and Minnesota? Is is possible to expect we could keep pace with Minnesota, a 7th place team last year? They have had no trouble finding their roles with a much less experienced team then ours! Wow, we are really lowering our standards here at UND lately. The football team loses by 20 and we are 'happy' with the performance. The hockey team starts out 2-4 and things aren't that bad, players are finding their roles. Count me as one of the few that isn't ready to embrace mediocrity!

    I agree 100%. This is Sioux Hockey, not some nickel - dime program that is happy "doing our best". A 2-4 record at this point is not what we expect. We are sub-par in all aspcets of the game - offense, defense, goaltending, and special teams. This is the 5th year in a row we've gotten a slow start. This many years in a row can't be coincidence. Other teams have the exact same amount of time to get ready for the season, find new combinations, and work in new players. We need to be careful that we don't lower our expectations and accept the mediocre. Some of this needs to be on the coaching staff. The most frustrating part of this for me is our lack of focus at times. We need to come to play this weekend or we are going to get our butts handed to us.

  15. Even with the problem of working in young D men is anyone happy with the Sioux progress so far this season? I thought we finally had a third period team - I feel that the goalie situation is on Hak - when our young goalie is struggling we have no where to go. We expect better.

  16. It sure was nice to be able to see the game on NHL Network. I thought Duncan had some great passes that just missed connecting for sure goals. It was nice to see us put so many quality shots on net, as opposed to not shooting at all or just peppering the net with low percentage shots. Genoway still scares the heck out of me though. At least twice every single game I'm able to see the guy just flat falls on his butt and gives up a rush the other way. I'm also not the biggest fan of Marto being on the powerplay, but I couldn't tell you who should take his place. Eidsness played OK, IMO. He didn't have to make any great saves, but didn't give up any horrible goals either. I thought the D played well in front of him. I would like to see him in net tonight, but I understand if Hak throws Walski out there. I'm guessing the result would have been the same last night with him in net. The Sioux certainly took the play to the Badgers and controlled the puck most of the game. Another effort like that and we should get our sweep.

    Actually, Eidsness made some great saves. There is no advantage to playing Walski - he's not a shut down goalie and we have no where to go with him because he is a senior. I would hate to see us give up a game just to get him some playing time. I would be much happier if we had Eidsness and a sophomore or junior to battle it out.

  17. This team definately has areas that they need to improve on - some defensemen especially. However, they are showing something that we haven't seen in quite a while from a Sioux team - the ability to come back and win. Let's hope they keep it up.

    We need Eidsness back in net tomorrow

  18. We are going to run into a lot of "darn good football teams" in DI FCS. Is this what we can expect when we play "darn good fotoball teams"? Are we going to settle for beating below average to average teams? I know we are in our first season of FCS play, but how come I keep thinking that our teams from earlier in this decade would have done better than this?

    Someone please tell me why this loss shouldn't tick me off?

    I feel the same - I don't expect the Sioux to win them all, but was hoping we'd be more competative - in light of our recent DII success. I think what makes this painful to me is the lack of defense - I love the Sioux teams that plain out hit someone. Our defense is weak in either division. We need to recruit our butts off in order to turn this around.

  19. Hopefully we've seen the last of Walski - he is definatley not an everyday WCHA goalie and never will be. I feel we've badly mismanaged the goalie situation. Instead of developing a young goalie during the Lammy years, we seem to have put our eggs in the Walski basket and driven off our young prospect. I'm not saying Greico would have solved all our problems, but we should have developed someone. Now we're stuck. It's time to play Eidsness for better or worse. We should not be in this situation.

    Other frustrations - There ain't nobody getting better on this team.

    Our defence has signifigantly deteriorated.

    It appears Hak can't fire up a team to save his butt. If you can't get up for a frozen 4 game there is something wrong. This attitude is carrying over this year.

    Hak appears to be on the road to Woogville.

  20. What strikes me is the deterioration of our defense. Most of the season last year I felt our defense was great. They hit people, moved the puck, and didn't make huge mistakes. Then they looked like they had their skates in cement during the BC game and have continued to look this way this year. They couldn't start an offensive rush to save their butts. This is not an inexperienced unit. What gives? Another mystery is why our power play looks so bad at times (other times last year we were great). When we are bad, we can barely get the puck in zone and set up a play. This bad PP has a difficult to impossible time pulling the trigger and putting the puck on net. Why we struggle at the beginning of each year is a mystery. We have a fairly experienced team and should be able to integrate our new talent. The only question should be at goalie. Hak's system should not be a mystery to most. Could we look more disorganized so far?

  21. I don't give a crap what time of the year it is - BU has had exactly the same amount of time as we have had to prepare. Although one game doesn't make a season, how many underacheiving starts are we in for? If this continues, it will be the 5th in a row. We have better talent than this.

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