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Posts posted by Irish

  1. OK, so with no rush and the corners up the receivers bust by the coverage and score.

    Instead, with no rush and the corners off the receivers catch the under routes and probably get tackled.

    In one system one play and it's done; in the other approach you force the other team to execute six to nine successful plays before scoring, and maybe the other team can't pull it off and punts.

    I know which approach I'd take with a young, inexperienced group.

    You must like it when teams go into a "prevent" defense too

    I hear your point, but giving up 10 yards a play anytime our opponents want isn't my kind of defe se

    I wish we'd get up In someone's grill once in a while

    Last Year it felt like the whole game was on prevent mode

  2. But enough about the Bison

    We've had some pretty slow years under Mussman including last year's 3-8 and the most humiliating defeat I can remember since I have been a Sioux fan (60's) - Sioux Falls State

    Time to Cowboy Up and beat some people or step aside and let someone who can run this program

    Time to get some buzz about the Sioux

    We need to get better in a hurry

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  3. I can start to understand why this year since it is transition and its to save money...but in 2012 we need 7 DI wins!! Get rid of that SD Mines game.

    Agreed - some of the games are pathetic

    If we don't put up 50 on Sioux Falls State Mussman should do the right thing and resign - We need to wash the taste out of our mouths of the worst Sioux loss ever

  4. This is pathetic and is an indication of the way things are going at UND.

    Someone needs to tell Kelley that we don't do things this way in North Dakota

    Having a hatchet woman come in and do this kind of dismissal to someone who has dedicated their life to UND and being conveniently out of town is disgraceful.

    Maybe this is the Wyoming way, but here we treat loyal people with dignity and respect

    I'm disgusted

  5. Just for the record the fourth place team in the WCHA won the NCAA title this season. I think when UMN won one of their titles they finished third that season. All you have to do is make the tourney and roll the dice.

    We suck at dice rolling

  6. i actually do have a marketing degree. yes, they did get my attention but as i am driving by them you can't even see what you are voting yes on. you can't even see the vote yes! the best ones are the ones against the library, plain and simple, VOTE NO! you should never mix yellow and white colors together as they don't complement one another. the boards best bet to get people to vote yes on a tax increase (have an idea where it is going to go) is a plain and simple ad campaign, nothing fancy and over the top. i for one will vote against a library and i am pretty sure people of grand forks will vote against it too!

    Stupidest sign ever done by a bunch of pointy heads - it makes it hard for normal people to give their support

  7. 1. Culture: This is more strategic than tactical, but the coaches have built a culture that has encouraged players to stay in college longer than they may have at other schools. In almost all cases, staying an extra year is beneficial, but it's hard for players to resist the money and pressure to leave. Players will still leave, but there are numerous examples of Sioux players who stayed longer than we might have guessed, and also numerous examples where staying longer helped their careers.

    2. Dell: When Eidsness struggled and they went to Dell, they didn't hesitate to ride him the rest of the way when he shined. It seems straightforward in hindsight, but putting a two-time all-conference goalie on the shelf could not have been easy.

    3. Preparing the depth: With 8 capable defensemen, playing time was at a premium, but the coaches managed to get the two freshmen ample icetime throughout the year so they would be prepared when needed. Special thanks go to Marto and Gleason, as their flexibility allowed this happen.

    4. Health and fatigue: The coaches did a masterful job managing the team's injuries down the stretch, so the team was rested and healthy for the postseason. Injuries are of course good or bad luck, but it's the way they managed the injuries that was key. When Genoway was out for 3-5 weeks, they kept him out 5, and when he returned he was extremely dynamic, with very fresh legs. Likewise keeping Gregoire, Rowney and Rodwell on the shelf for the Final Five allowed them to play in the regional with a ton of energy. Kristo's legs were also fresh. I'm guessing if an NCAA berth had been in question, these guys would all have played earlier. Special thanks here go to Marto and Gleason (again) as well as Dicken and Bruneteau, who filled in and kept the train rolling while guys rested and healed.

    5. Discipline: Several of UND's NCAA exits could be tied at least partially to untimely penalties. This year, UND only had to kill 1 penalty against Michigan. How much of this is due to the coaches or players I don't know, but it was a welcome change.

    Good thread - I agree with almost all of your assessment

    One of the strengths of our program and one of the reasons people are still high on Hak is the culture he has created. A real strength of our program

    I also liked the pace of this season - no underachieving for the first half and a furious rally the second. I think this gets us into the playoffs in much better shape

    Although I am not a huge fan of dump and chase and the continuous cycle, I saw signs of some great offensive creativity this year. When we buzz we torment people.

  8. How many times have we heard "the other team executed their game plan perfectly"? When the $%## are we gonna execute our game plan in the Frozen Four? Sorry for the frustration.

    Agree with your frustration

    0 for 5 isn't what Sioux Hockey is all about

  9. Agreed. Definitely helps the stress level when you have a 6-0 lead in the 3rd. Although the DU game was stressful till around 8 mins left in the 3rd.

    I'm not going to give any predictions, I am happy about facing Michigan though, its a great matchup for us. We are the better team, let's go out and prove it!

    In addition to Dell's play, I think one of the most important factors in the Regional was the fact that we did not go into a conservative shell when we got up two. We kept on the pressure and the floodgates opened. We need to play our game for 60 minutes and not get too conservative with a lead. When we are full bore, we can put up 6 on anyone.

  10. I'll admit to wanting Hak to win a championship before we call him a great coach. However, on a personal basis I think Hak is a great humble guy. My interactions with him on a personal level have left me feeling impressed. He is a genuinely nice guy who cares about other people and doesn't think he is better than anyone. One measure of character is how you behave when "no one else is looking". My experience with Hak is that he is a great guy whether or not people are watching. A class act.

  11. Since Dave Hakstol has been nominated yet again for the Spencer Penrose Award, I wanted to put some of his accomplishments into perspective. Despite the frequent bashing he receives from some fans (mostly unfounded), Hakstol has been one of the best coaches in Division I since he took over at UND in 2004. Here is what he's done up through this season with rank among D1 coaches in parentheses:


  12. To put this season in prospective - He had the two best players in the country walk in unsolicited. We still don't have the supporting cast to be a top contender. This team is still a work in progress - evaluate this team if he didn't have the twins. That is what he has managed to recruit in the past 4 years. What we have now is a work in progress. I hope we can finish putting the pieces together. We have a nice team this year, but I'm not sure it is because of Idalski. Still some work to do.

  13. nah.....keep riding the D-TRAIN!

    Not saying he should play ahead of Dell (who has been great in my book), just saying that I was hoping we would try to get Eids sharper just in case. I think that going with one goalie exclusively has some risks. Remember, Eidsness was getting some HOBY mention pre-season.

  14. Player of the game in my opinion - Dell. He made some great saves when we needed to keep the momentum. Sometimes I think he makes it look so simple that his play is underrated. Great positioning and fantastic poise. If the team continues to play like this, we'll be tough to beat.

  15. Incoherent ramblings:

    Was it a bar or restaurant? It seemed like two totally different restaurants/bars connected by a hallway.

    Should have put the Cool round "bar" in the "upper" bar. ;)

    Nobody wants to sit in a booth in a hallway in the "downstairs" restaurant.

    Get rid of the "hallway" (no need for two entrances.) dividing the upper bar.

    Put High Top Bar Tables in the bar. Make it seem like a bar.

    Total overhaul:

    Its sad but if you want it to work you gotta total overhaul. Put tons of tvs in the Bar.

    Get cute girls preferable in Skirts :huh: (see the Tavern and Jakes)

    Make the menu simple with pictures. Get some signature food. Can I even get a Juicy Lucy in Grand Forks? (is a cheeseburger having the cheese inside the meat patty rather than on top)

    No one likes a copy cat but watch the Food Network (Diners, Drive-In, and Dives, etc) and copy some of those sweet ideas. :D

    Olive Garden and Hooters are looking where to go in Grand Forks, too bad they are looking to build new and on the South end.

    Love the Jucy Lucy which is a Minneapolis invention - You are correct about signature food.

  16. Oh I get it now: Expectations aren't met because people compare it to the Fargodome.

    The Fargodome gets more big name concerts more often. Go figure a city greater than what four times that of Grand Forks. :silly:

    There is a promise of concerts to compete with Fargo and that's exactly what it did and does. Sorry if you don't like those particular concerts especially when you compare them to ones going to Fargo or Minneapolis.

    How many of these/those concerts had come to GF before the Alerus (and I guess after the old civic)? Zero. Only had the under 3,000 seat Chester Fritz or Hyslop Arena.

    You might not have been one of them but people were happy to watch Britney Spears/Neil Diamond/Aerosmith/Kiss/Ozzy Osbourne/Black Eye Peas/Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (hosting 18,000 people not possible without the Alerus) in Grand Forks.

    Did you enjoy Jake Owen and Bullriding the Alerus gave the citizens of Grand Forks the opportunity to enjoy not even a month ago?

    Are you going to the Harlem Globetrotters? The Mens Show? Tim Mcgraw?

    Again Goal fulfilled. Sorry it doesn't meet your Fargodome expectations.

    Maybe you wanna have a list of what you consider "big name" concerts and what percent of them you think grand forks should be able to get on a three year rotating basis? :silly:

    PS. Who is Page and Plant? :lol:

    Jimmy Page and Robert Plant are from a band even you may have heard of - Led Zepplin.

    No, I did not go and enjoy the bullriding

    Look - I didn't make up this constant comparison to the Fargodome - the supporters of the Alerus did before the vote. My take was always that we won't be able to compete for entertainment, but the supporters position was "just see - we'll get in great entertainment - people will travel to see it". Pre-vote there was no mention of not being able to compete- blaming those of us who bring up these campaign promises is crazy. I for one don't feel like I'm getting my money's worth even though we got in the Harlem Globetrotters (who could have easily performed in the Betty). What's more - I feel that I was promised a much better effort by people who would say anything to get it built.

  17. No one ever was told the Alerus Center would make money. That is not why it was built. No one said they would only bring in concerts if they made money. That is and never was the goal.

    Sioux basketball in the Alerus isn't be a bad idea. I enjoyed watching the Minnesota Timberwolves in the building. Except for the fact that UND doesn't want to have games off campus and have to rent the Alerus when it has a nice new on campus stadium.

    Police Patrol is a service to the community to protect from bad guys funded by the taxpayers. The Alerus is a service to the community to provide concerts and conventions to the community. Looks like its living up to expectations.

    No one ever promised "big name" concerts or a certain number of them.

    For a town of 60,000 with a competing venue for concerts in the same town: Grand Forks does quite well.

    How do we fix the problem for the Library to make money?

    I disagree - when campaigning for the Alerus, the promise of concerts to compete with Fargo was a big selling point and for the first couple of years they did very well. I consider the total lack of entertainment that I am interested in a broken promise made by people who would say anything to get the vote to go their way. Complaints about concerts losing money don't wash with me when you look at which concerts we get. The Fargo Dome gets Page and Plant, the Rolling Stones, John Mellencamp, and Eric Clapton. The Alerus gets Brittany Spears, Cher, and the the 69 year old Neil Diamond. Of course we are going to lose money. I don't expect the Alerus to make money, but I do expect some entertainment I am interested in besides Sioux Football, which I was attending before the Alerus.

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