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Posts posted by Irish

  1. Beebsb010 & Gopherz,

    The difference is, "scalping" is illegal in ND.

    So by you're way of thinking, let's say you're a crackhead, I offer you some crack for $20, since you know the price before hand and are willing to pay that price, I am doing nothing wrong in selling it to you!!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a capitalist to the core, but scalping is an illegal activity.

    End of story!!!

    Scalping is NOT illegal in North Dakota

  2. I agree that goals are generally harder to come by now than 20 years ago for a variety of reasons - What i was refering to was the stunning lack of Sioux goals in comparison to other current teams. When the top Sioux scorer is tied for 25th in the WCHA, this is a situation that needs some getting used to. Like I mentioned, Minnesota Duluth has 4 of the top 10 scorers. We just don't seem to have any firepower. I agree that losing Genoway hurt, but if the entire team's production is affected this much by the loss of one player, something is out of balance. I am seriously worried about the future - the reason? Check out this year's upperclassmen and compare them to last year - Name one who is having a significantly better year this year? We just don't seem to be getting better. Are we this low in talent? What has to change to get some more goals? (Sorry if I sound like your Aunt Brianvf but this really concerns me)

  3. What's behind the Sioux scoring drought? In looking at the WCHA scoring leaders, the only Sioux in the top 25 are VandVelde with 6 goals and 10 assists and Gregoire with 10 goals and 6 assists (both tied for # 25). The only other Sioux in the top 50 are Trupp and Kristo. In contrast, Minnesota-Duluth has 4 in the top ten.

    Season statistics for returners show that Gregoire has 13, VandeVelde 9, Trupp 5, Malone 7, Toews 4 and Zajac 3. For freshmen, Kristo has 8 and no one else has more than 3. Not one returner has taken the next step in his scoring, and other than Kristo, our Freshmen have been silent. Looking at the roster, I can't figure out what gives. Why aren't we scoring at all?

    Is the idea that we can run 4 solid lines and wear people down and don't need high end scorers a foolish one?

    Do we miss Genoway that much?

    Is it our shooting, our passing, or our team speed?

    Are we not getting the right recruits to score at this level?

    Is it our offensive philosophy? Too much dump and chase and not enough crashing the net?

    Are we just snake-bit?

    Will things be better next year with pretty much the same team?

    Anyone have any thoughts?

  4. Duluth scores 1:59 into OT to win it. Another disappointing loss for the ladies. This program just can't get things turned around.

    UMD 4

    UND 3

    FINAL in OT

    Is anyone else worried about the lack of progress with this program - I thought we'd be much better this year. Are we going to get the Twins and have nothing to go with them next year? How long will this go on?

  5. by my count this was the sixth this season.

    second game in denver, second duluth game, miami,second wisc game, notre dame and tonight. the pattern with all of those was that they were the second game of each series/tournament.

    In my book that's unacceptable - I don't care who we're playing. who's hurt, or who's coaching - The Fighting Sioux don't play like that.

  6. Here's all you need to know about the Sioux season - how many times have we puked up a 2 goal lead? - Now - how many times have we rallied for a victory

    This isn't Sioux Hockey as I expect it to be - can't hold a lead - get swept at home - let people camp out in front of the goal - Come on Hak - get things goiing

    Things that may make me puke if I see them on this board again-

    We're really close

    The refs cost us the game

    I wouldn't want to be _______ (insert the name of our next opponent) - implying that next week we'll be really motivated to beat someone

    We ran into a hot goalie

    We are due for a breakout any game now

    We can run 4 lines that can score at any time - It will be impossible for anyone to stay with us

    If only Genoway hadn't gotten hurt we'd be ___________ (insert your idea = leading the league? a real contender? national champions?)

    The power play isn't that bad (have you seen it in person?)

    We can still salvage the season if we get going next week - We've been through how many next weeks so far?

  7. Good idea. I thought the Sioux played very well with the exception of the unfortunate start of the game.

    The second period is a great example of what happens when you work your butts off, but don't have anyone that can score. Add on an 0 for 2010 power play and this is the result you get. I hope this is the end of the "all 4 year role players, no blue chippers" team philosophy. What I wouldn't give for an Oshie, Toews, or Parise to put the puck in the net. We are in desperate need of scorers. I hate to say it, but I don't see us getting much better this year - We are clearly working hard - we just never get timely scoring or goaltending.

  8. I think it is funny about the goaltending...

    First off, BE isn't bad. He plays a different style than Dell. Actually, it's sort of hybrid between Dell's more positional stay at home style and JPL and Goehring's aggressive style.

    That leads me to my second point: It's absolutely FRIGHTENING how similar fan's reactions are to BE when comparing them to what I remember hearing early on in Goehring's time AND JPL and perhaps even JPar!

    Countless posts about how nervous everyone gets when JPar or JPL come out to handle the puck... same thing when BE comes out to handle the puck.

    So, in conclusion, I think BE will be just fine. And, when he graduates, the next guy will come in (Gothberg and Dell) and we'll lament on how they are too agressive and etc.

    Heh.. JPL is a flopper and a diver and we all want him back.

    Hypocritical in a very amusing way.

    Now 2 posts will respond to this one:

    1. Calls me wrong and explains how Eidsness sucks

    2. Calls me wrong and explains that it is somehow different.

    That's ok. But I'll guarantee you that we'll look back after Eidsness is gone and Gothberg or Dell has a bad game or two and wish Eids was back.

    Flame away.

    Interesting points - Most people aren't sayine Eidsness is horrible, it's just that he isn't playing at the level we need to get to where we need to go. He's currently tied for 8th in the WCHA in save percentage at .908 - the only people below him are Tech and Anchorage's goalies and Wisconson's second goalie. Two freshmen (Lee and Howe) are ahead of him. As for him being only a Sophomore, remember he has 65 games under his belt. I would submit that he's no longer a young goalie and needs to step it up. As near as I can tell, he and Cheverie have played in roughly the same amount of games - In face, I bet if you added them up, he has as much game experience as almost anyone in the league. When we recruited him, we could offer any goalie in the country an almost automatic starting job at the best program in the country - If expectations seem high, it's because they are.

  9. Correct, but in most of those games when we've only given up 2 or 3 goals, we only scored 1 or 2.

    BE is what he is...solid. Won't steal you a game and will give up a soft one most nights.

    We just don't produce as many goals as we should with the talent that's out on the ice.

    Agree that his stats aren't that bad - Also agree that we aren't scoring like we should - The idea that our 4 lines would wear out our opponents hasn't really panned out - I think we need more blue chip scorers and less role players.

    Back to Eids - He's not a horrible goalie, just one that won't get us to where we want to go. I haven't seen anyone who gives back goals and momentum faster than Eidsness - It's the timing and soft goals that kill me. My point about Eidsness is that when we recruited him, we were in a position to offer an incomming goalie a chance to start for 4 years for the best team in college hockey and potentially play for a National Championship every year. I can't think of a better spot for any goalie to come into a program ever. We should have had blue chippers beating down our door. I don't think Eidsness's play is what most fans had hoped for - He seems to have peaked -

  10. I'm not on the fire Hak bandwagon cause he is a good coach and WILL win a Nat'l Title.

    But.....EIDSNESS is brutal. and has been the whole time he has been here. the Sioux will NOT win a Nat'l title with him in net. They need to quit recruiting goalies from the AJHL. Good goalies are in the USHL or NTDP or Minnesota highschool or Shattuck. Eids is aweful with rebounds, gives up soft and untimely goals, and is clueless on where the puck is 95% of the time.

    Here's what bothers me about the Eidsness situation -

    Consider the recruiting conditions - we are recruiting a goalie for a team that has been to the Frozen Four the past 4 years in a row - a team that has won 7 National Championscips

    We have the best program, fans, and arena in college hockey

    We have a great team returning

    The goalie we recruit is almost assured of starting right away and being a four year starter

    If we get a stud to come in, he is going to be in the running for a National Championship for his entire career

    Given all this - the best we come up with is Eidsness

    The best we can do the next year is a guy (admittedly unproven) that can't beat out Eidsness

    Given all the recruiting positives, why can't we get a shut down goalie to come here? You would think the great prospects in goal would have been lined up to sign with the Sioux - Did we misjudge the talent?

    I agree - we'll never win it all with Eidnsess - the only hope is a kid that is still in High School. This just doesn't add up to me

  11. Well, I've been saving up this rant for awhile but the recruits for next year do not look to be the quality of years past. I looked to see how each recruit was doing respectively and to date....no one looks like they are having a good year. Comparatively, Dean Blais has 3 of the top 15 scorers in the USHL coming to Nebraska Omaha.

    Bottom line, we need more scorers and exceptional players like Kristo. They guys coming in next year from what I can tell are far from stellar. As we know from guys like Cichy, Rowny, etc......even the best scorers in a league don't necessarily score in College hockey so how in the world is a mediocre player.

    Any thoughts or am I delusional? If any of you have done more research than me and have some perspective of hope than please share, I'm all ears.


    Although we have some nice players comming in, in my opinion we are in desperate need of some Blue Chip scorers - a team of role players isn't getting things done. We need some top end scoring talent.

  12. I'll admit to being one of those who was venting on the other thread (some of it fueled with alcohol and frustration). However, I think some questions are valid. Hak took over the best program in the country - one that had more Championship success over the previous 20-25 years than anyone else in the country. He also took over a program that had recently moved into the best facility in the country. Is it unreasonable to expect some Championships from him? Some posters seem to think that expecting Championships is unreasonable because they are hard to win - of course they are hard to win, that's why they are special. How long should we wait until Hak gets a team that puts it all together? No, I don't think we should win one every year, but I do think we should win one some time. He knew what the expectations were going in.

    Particulairly frustrating is the issue of style of play. This play to beat hell for a period and a half, get a lead, go into a shell, and piss the lead down your leg play needs to come to a screeching halt. What's wrong with keeping the pressure on? I put this issue squarely on Hak. Also, I have not seen the payoff we expected in the idea of rolling 4 lines of good players without depending on superstars and overmatching our opponents who only have one or 2 good lines. We have 4 good lines to roll, but at any given time, only 2 seem to be firing on all cyllinders. We are in desperate need of finishers. Goaltending - well it is what it is - I think this is more of an issue in assesing talent and recruiting than anything else. Eidsness appears to have topped out - I don't think he'll ever be a shut down goalie. Overall, a frustrating season with frustrating losses and a frustrating style of play. As for Blais - anytime you replace a great coach you should expect comparisons. So far I don't think Hak has quite delivered. Can he in the future? I don't know. I am extremely worried about the rest of this season, however.

  13. Just got back from the game - Sadly, I had to settle for several of the shorter big beers - What crap - don't they have anything better to do

    Great effort by the Sioux - especially from the freshmen. It was nice to see them come out buzzing in the second after almost giving up the dreaded two goal lead. A few too many loose pucks floating around in front of the Sioux goal, but Eidsness held up well. Our team looked like they were out to score and put a lot of pressure on - If we continue this, we'll be tough to beat.

  14. We expect championship caliber play from the Sioux - not soft play in the 3rd - Come on Hak - get your team moving - I'm tired of waiting and having these kinds of issues in the first half of the year - time to produce.

  15. Many interesting points - while I agree that at times security is far down the list of important things - however when the product on the field is poor, atmosphere and fan treatment raises a lot higher in priority. I think at this point, treatment of fans could be a make or break deal for many. If you watch the security on the student side, they spend all of their time scanning the crowd for minor infractions, and react with a heavy hand. Several students have confirmed that they are sucking the fun out of attending. The students are voting with their feet. Another year with a poor record and Alerus security and the student side will be dead. There appears to be no effort to make the atmosphere fun. They are concentrating solely on what people shouldn't do and not thinking of enhancing the experience in a positive way. If we had a 10-1 team this wouldn't be an issue, but we don't. I also agree that we should be trying to build fans, not customers, but that attitude doesn't seem to prevail in the Athletic Department or Alerus managment. Spend less time trying to catch people with their legs over the next seat and more time working on fan loyalty. It's such a simple concept. If we don't improve the atmosphere, we may lose a number of potential Sioux fans -

    Also, we need to put out a better product - not just wins and losses, but intensity and coaching adjustments. I have been a Sioux fan for over 30 years and two of the worst games in terms of team effort have been at home this year.

  16. Agree with all points, especially about Alerus security - these guys are making an active attempt to ruin the game experience for most students. I'm an older fan, and not in favor of out of control rowdyness, but come on - I've sat close to the student section and the security is bound and determined to make sure no one has any fun. We need to take a serious look at this issue - I hope Faison gets this message.

    In addition - if you want fans to turn up for football, it would be a good idea to make sure the football team shows up also - Yesterday was as poor a football experience as I can remember in 30 years. It's not just the wins and losses - it's the total lack of intensity and play calling on both sides of the ball. Give us a better product or get used to this. I have been a football fan for years and hate to see our program suffer.

  17. This team is such a joke that we end up talking about Southern Illinois on our game thread - what a poor effort - how can we be so flat? I hope I never hear the why isn't here a better crowd cry again. We have to put out a half-way decent product - play with some intensity.

  18. Cal Poly is one of the few teams left in D1 FB that runs the true triple option on offense. Past UND defenses have had success against option teams, but...

    If it's a low scoring game, UND has a chance...like in a 17-14 type game.

    If UND can't stop the run and gets behind early, Poly will roll...31-10 type game.

    This may be the only game where UND's defensive scheme matches up well with an opponent.

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