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Posts posted by Irish

  1. The menu changes and price increases after the sale were ridiculous. We went there to support the new owners shortly after the turnover and ended up walking out after looking at the menu. How you can screw up an established business so fast is amazing. Many people I know tried to support and patronize Whitey's, but had such bad experiences that they left.

  2. Jerry York - 7 years at BC for his 1st title. 7 years later for his 2nd. Another 14 yrs for his 3rd Playing career: Boston College

    Jack Parker - 6 years at BU for his 1st title. 17 years later for his 2nd. Playing career: Boston U

    Red Berenson - 12 years at UM for his 1st title. 2 years later for his 2nd. Title-less for 12 years. Playing career: Michigan

    George Gwozdecky - 10 years at DU for his 1st title. 1 year later for his 2nd. Playing career: Wisconsin

    Ron Mason - 6 years at MSU for his 1st title(1986). Titleless until the end of his coaching career 2001. Playing career: St Lawerence

    Dave Hakstol - 6 years and counting. Playing career: North Dakota

    Ron Mason is the winning coach in college hockey history and he went 15 years without a title and still kept his job. Talk about showing respect for a coach. Those are some great coaches listed right there. Some of the best and it took a while for each to get a title. Hak and Co are doing a great job and we have some of the best recruits coming as well in the near future. Its nice to have a coach that understands our tradition and what the expectations.

    Interesting comparisons, but I see two coaches not on your list (surprisingly)

    Gino Gasparini - Titles in his 2nd, 4th, and 9th years

    Dean Blais - Titles in his 3rd and 6th year

    Both took over programs in much worse shape - Hak has also had the benefit of recruiting in the best facility in the country.

    It is unrealistic to expect that Hak won't be compared to his predecessors. Even though the title of this thread is tongue in cheek, it loads the deck against anyone who dares criticize Hak. Many are frustrated with the lack of titles and had the memories of being tuned up by BC dragged up by our play on Friday. We don't think that Hak should be fired, but hope that he can bring a title home soon. It's been a long enough.

  3. The fans expect nothing less than a title every year!! realistic or not.

    Actually, the fans expect to contend every year, but to win sometimes. Hak took over a program that won 5 titles in the preceding 25 years and had just moved into the best facility in the nation. To expect some national titles is not out of line.

  4. We got a lot of puck luck last night. We also scored on a ridiculous percentage of our shots...that won't happen tonight.

    Strong forecheck was key last night...we went up 3-0 through luck, shock and awe...that also won't happen in tonight's first period.

    home ice and last line change lets us establish the matchups which should lead to another convincing win, although not 8-0.

    Kristo is really getting close to busting out...he's getting chances...only a matter of time until those go in...I'd love to see Gregs come back and Danny bust out come February, March and April...it will be a nice boost.

    Knight continues to play solid, solid hockey.

    Malone, Trupp and Frattin are the best line in the WCHA, if not the country...sorry Connelly, Connelly and Fontaine

    I give Eids the start tonight: let's have Dell fresh and coming off two shutouts to play the Gophs on Friday.

    Agreed that Eids needs to get some work and be allowed to try to get back in the rotation (if not now, when?). However, I'm a little worried. In my opinion, even the last two games have looked like blowouts, the difference has been Dell. A lack of concentration or allowing a weak goal at certain times in either game could have made for some very different games. I feel for Eids, but Dell has shown unwavering concentration. Tough choice for Hak.

  5. Great players and great coaching only get you so far. You need a LOT of luck as well, even more so in the 16 team format. First round games vs. teams like Holy Cross, BSU, Air Force, Yale are no longer givens. In the past they were 1st round byes.

    Gophers fit the cluster model as well, sadly ours are a bit further apart than yours.

    However, early round upsets, while they cost some teams, help others. Take the Holy Cross game. The Sioux were looking at playing the number one seed Gophers in order to get to the Frozen Four, which if you remember looked to be a very difficult game in which we might have been the underdog, then found out that they had to beat Holy Cross to get in. Win your first game, beat the #16 seed, and you're good to go. Opening round upsets actually make it easier for teams who take care of business to advance by providing easier second round match-ups. Teams more than ever need focus for this tournament. It is not way more difficult as some would have you believe.

  6. Sioux win 74-57. I got to see parts of the game and saw some good things, but also saw some bad (turn-overs and missed layups). Wish I would have been able to see the whole thing. Wish I would have been able to see it live. :)

    For those who are saying the Sioux aren't making progress from last year... The Sioux lost to Mayville by 12 last year and won by 17 this year. Progress.

    Keep it going guys.

    Go Sioux!!

    So it's come down to measuring ourselves against Mayville State to see if we have made progress.

  7. This idea that it is so much harder to win a championship now is a real non starter to me. There are roughly the same amount of teams and one wins it all regardless of format. The odds are about the same as they ever were. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Denver, Boston College and Boston U have all found ways to do it since we have (some 2 or 3 times). We were used to being the best team in college hockey year in year out and winning about once every 5 years. Winning championships is the standard we judge our coaches by. If we want to just count moral victories or pretty good years we might as well be St. Cloud.

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  8. Regardless of which offense we are running, the question remains - how long do we stay the course. I have not seen any significant improvement in this program since Jones took over. In order to get the students and fans back we need to start winning. I remember a time when there was significant energy and entheusiasm about men's basketball. Not any more. Now that we have a conference, Faison has some serious decisions to make. Can we make the move to full DI membership with a football team that draws 5-6000 with 30 students, a men's basketball program that only older hardcore Sioux fans care to watch and a women's team that is losing its competativeness? The Bison success only makes this more irritating. Is it time to insist on competativeness from all of our programs? How long should the grace period be. If he waits too long to pull the trigger in Football, it will end up like Basketball - a forgotten program. Time for some serious reassessment.

  9. Nice sweep - these are the exact kind of games we need to win. Hopefully we can rest and heal up over the break and come back ready for #8. I'm so glad that this team is learning how to win early. I'd still like to see Eidsness - I think we'll need two goalies down the stretch

  10. I have a couple of friends, both hard core, long time Bison football fans who spent the last 2 regular seasons telling me why Craig Bohl should be fired......over and over. Now they seem to think pretty highly of him. I think what has been a big plus for 'SU is the continuity of staff and the long time strength of it's D2 program. The move into FCS prominence has been a fairly methodical, ongoing process. But, I think it was a result of a good football school patiently standing by a good football man and letting him continue to build the program through the transition years and beyond. The same thing will pay similar benefits for the Sioux over the next few years. I see the Sioux sticking with Mussman and building through recruiting and conference affiliation, into as strong an FCS program as we were a dominant D2 program. I'm willing to believe it will happen under Mussman, just like what we're seeing in Fargo right now.

    What has Mussman shown that gives you the slightest indication he can lead us to the promised land? I saw a lot of things I didn't like this season, and not much I did.

  11. Consensus seems to be that Muss gets another year and I tend to agree. However, my issues with his job so far run deep. At the center seems to be not playing to win. His gutless 4th down calls and his willingness to give up 10 yard passes at will (as long as we don't look bad and get beat deep) really irritate me. He seems content to play not to get beat real bad (not that it is working). Give me a young team that takes its lumps but gets after teams any day. Couple this with an unawareness from our staff that going with Landry, then nobody, is not a strategy that will lead to a good season. The failure to have a QB to speak of falls squarely on the coaches. We have seen a glimpse into a possible future in our last two home games. If we don't pick it up, try to win, and get up in someone's grill soon, our future is a 5000 crowd with 30 students and no atmosphere. One more year to turn the attitude around, then bye bye.

  12. I disagree there wasn't talent at RB. Murray is an outstanding RB. Sutton is a good RB. Miller should have been redshirted. Surprised at the lask of QB depth. We have a HS jr. QB who is better than the two guys UND has been playing. He attned UND games regularly as a kid to watch the Manke Brothers play. He was at Wisconsin last weekend, has been at Gopher games, and NDSU has had him in. Air Force just contacted our coaches. Hard to understand only lukewarm (if any interest) from UND. You don't come in late on a kid like this. NDSU has gone from off the radar to the first FCS team he will consider.

    Oline is still small but getting bigger. The young linebackers show promise and the young D-backs are faster and more atheltic, but need to get better. Dline hs some kids but needs to get deeper. Not sure about TE. We didn't use our TE this yeart or last year for that matter. We need to take the opportunity to get more kids on the field in years like this. We are not going anywhere. Get the back-up linemen, WR's in the game more. There is no excuse for our back QB's not to have plenty of experience this year and last year.

    Frankly the school, the community and the media need to upgrade in a number of areas. We can't have 6000 empty seats. Give the tickets to area students. At least they buy concessions. The band is grea but get them scholarships/stipemnds and double the size. Create pre-game activities for the UND students. Engage the students in their dorms, fraternities and sororities. Create incentives to get them there. Improve the in game experience. Give score updates to other college scores regularly. Have post game activites. UND needs to upgrade it's marketing for athletics as well as UND as an institution.

    We can't keep talking about these things. We need to have a minimum of 10,000 butts in the seats every home game.

    Agreed we need to significantly upgrade the Alerus experience and get a fired up crowd including students to the games. The product on the field must improve in many ways and not just won-lost. The coaches must show that they are playing to win (5 years ago, I couldn't imagine a Sioux fan saying that). The offensive and defensive schemes are frustrating even to the casual fan (give up 10 yards every pass, offense - what can you say?) In addition, the Alerus must take significant steps to foster a fun atmosphere. I sit on the student side and it looks like they take 5 - 10 security people and instruct them to do nothing but look at the student section and try catch any infraction, no matter how minor. They look like they are detention monitors. I don't believe that the Alerus management has a clue as to how to make events fun and exciting. The university people should clue them in. The dorms, fraternity, and sororities aren't going to come out if the staff views them as potential problems as they walk in. I don't think football excitement will come back until we are out of the Al. The atmosphere and attendence needs to be a top worry of the AD.

  13. IF someone punched you in the face that's an assault and I would have had this moron arrested. People should not call ND communist especially when one of the Senators is one of the most liberal in the senate. Thank God he was defeated. From past experience at the Final Five I found that UW fans are for the most part pretty cool.

    This is a Sioux Hockey forum, not some Tea Party chat room.

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  14. Let's face it - the patented Hak slow start is becoming less and less acceptable. Sometimes when breaking in many new players or trying something new, slow starts happen. But every year regardless of talent? Each year has many similarities - Defensive lapses regardless of how much talent we have, untimely goaltending, and a lack of offense characterized by making a succession of average goalies look like all americans. Add in lack of focus every other game and here we go again. With the talent we have coming back there is no way we should be playing like this. It's time we have a team who performs up to ability night in and night out all season. Hak needs to get it done this season. Blais's Omaha team shows a lot more with a lot less.

  15. Offensive coordinator at SIU. Previously head coach at USF.

    Lennon's offensiver coordinator - the guy from Sioux Falls State = he schooled Mussman big time last year

  16. Is it too much to ask that Hak's teams play up to potential the first half of the year? This mediocre play every season is getting old. Same old - we make every goalie look like an all-american and our defense makes critical errors. With our talent and experience, we should expect better. This is an every year thing and has happened too often to be a coincidence.

  17. I know we have young talent and we're in transition, but a couple of things bother me about Mussman - First is the number of games he's coached where we just didn't show up. No excuse. Second is the lack of adjustments made both with in a game and between games.

    This is a pivotal time in Sioux Football. We need to get it together next year or have the lackluster home atmosphere of the last two games. It's important.

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