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Everything posted by JBB

  1. JBB

    The Golden Arm #4

    Im glad you take the Golden Arm so seriously. Congratulations to KK(K?) on his monetary reward. But again I want to say: the Prestigious Golden Arm is no cheap commercial promotion. No Matter how much Klosterman is paid, by who know who, he he could only win the Prestigious Golden Arm through his proxy. Conratulations to the North Dakota Golden Arm Champion Graig Gorder, The "3-pete" Suprise from The NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY BISON FOOTBALL TEAM!!! Go BISON!!!!
  2. Its the first of many such situations.
  3. Has it ever occurred to any of you that some times deals are not announced until all details are in place? Of course NDSU hasn
  4. Your point is well made, but if you think any of the mindless jabs presented here are threatening the moral high ground, we disagree. Of course you may understand that the racial and cultural issues that embroil the entire campus culture in Grand Forks are not mere unfounded allegations accompanied by a rush to judgment from your detractors. If so, you understand my point.
  5. I think your jumping to a conclusion now. How do you know something isnt worked out or highly probable? NDSU doesnt enter its provisional year until next season. I believe when the time comes an affiliation will be announced.
  6. The Fargo Forum is reporting today that the SDSU move is a certainty. The Argus Leader has also come to that conclusion. The conference issue is interesting. Its going to work itself out, of that Im sure. But what about the future? Its unlikely that UND will remain D2 for too many more years. There may be no conference opportunities left? If SDSU and NDSU are accepted into the Big Sky it will full without a wholsale reorganization. A new conference maybe? Who will be UNDs travel partner in that endevor? The door may be closing on any kind of smooth transition for the sue soxers.
  7. The point I'm making is this. These are only allegations made in the aftermath of a heated emotional battle that saw the Mankato coach penalized for unsportsman like conduct and a Mankato player ejected from the game for a similar offense. To say these taunts even occurred is wrong; to assume they came from NDSU students is wrong. That claim has no more basis than the claim they came from u/n/d constituents (It has been claimed in other threads there are a lot of u/n/d fans in Fargo). To assume that Mankato players were innocent victims is wrong. The only facts we know for sure are these: 1) An allegation of wrongdoing has been brought forth by the Mankato coach. 2) It was revealed in today
  8. This is an alleged incident with no perpetrators named or identified. If in fact it did happen it is just as likely it was u n d fans as anyone. After all the history is there. Im shocked and disappointed at your rush to judgment.
  9. I was about 1,000 off my guess for your homecoming bash. Good game. The 8,500 NDSU had was something of a disappointment, but we werent playing one of the best teams in the conference. We were playing the worst team. We will wait and see how many come to the SCSU game in the Fabulous Fargo Dome, the most Prestigious Football Stadium in the State of North Dakota. My guess is that u n d attendance is going to be dropping off about as fast as the sue soxers title hopes. YOu got a little revival after upsetting SDSU. Remember this, NDSU football was headed for the tank last year, you guys were national champs. Now your not even under consideration for possible second alternate. Thats a long way to fall. Now your going to find out just how hard you hit. Theres going to be a lot of empty seats in Grand Forks now that the reality of your teams future has sunk in.
  10. roger is a joke, he humiliated himself. your dog could mean many things. Maybe you were "walking the dog". the thing about most ADs is the fact that they don't go to games wearing green wigs and trying to relate to the kids in an effort to save the Corporate Customer Base. It was a joke! A very funny one for those of us not too close. It painted thomas in the right light. Its $. Follow the Benjamans. The Blue seats were worth just as much as the Gold ones Baby. Looking forward to all of your $s next year too! Of course youll be too busy yapping about NDSU cant afford D1 and they will be sorry if they try. What do you think youll draw tommorrow? My guess 10,000.
  11. JBB

    The Golden Arm #4

    Altough hes not eligable, whoever he is, is he better than Klosterman too?
  12. The game was a sell out and there were no tickets to be had unless some reserved ticket holders handed theirs in to the box office for resale. Its common practice and allows NDSU to sell a ticket twice if the reserved ticket is not going to be used. Of course you didnt have time to come down to the stadium. You were probably too busy yapping to your dog about how NDSU cant afford to go D1 and theyll be real sorry when they do. I dont think NDSU does turnstile counts, they do actual sales, general admission and reserved. You will never draw 19,000 + sold or otherwise to a football game in the grand cities and your frustration with that is showing. I believe thats the underlying reason for the tremendous demise of the sue sox football team this year. Why play your hearts out when nobody really cares? Im sure your very credable as to what "your friend" said. You seem to be an unbiased sort of chap with regard to NDSU and UND. I think its more interesting, as long as your talking big crowds, what roger "gee kids you can have fun without standing up" thomas intends to do about the unfortunate layout at the ice rink. The "most desirable" customers cant see when students stand. Is roger going to wear his green wig to the games again this year and show "the kids" how to "have fun" without disturbing all of his corporate clients?
  13. JBB

    The Golden Arm #4

    As others have already pointed out, this is a nice consolation prize for your team. sue soxers have come out on boards across the nation to point out this fact. One can only think that they don
  14. Thank you! It stands in brilliant counter point to your collective position.
  15. NDSU does not give a turnstile count. They give a sold count. If you had taken time to notice there were more than enough fans left in the Prestigious Tailgate areas to fill the Fabulous Fargo Dome. At most there were 1,000 empty seats. During the D2 playoffs in the grand cities last year Winona drew 6,500, The PSU game say 10,000 and the Davis game 11,000? How does that even compare to the Prestigious Crowd at the Fabulous Fargo Dome? I think it stands as proof that all sports are minor sports at UND except the beloved hockey. What happens when the Big 10 forms its own league? I dont think there were any reports of NDSU calling back tickets that had been purchased so they could distrubute them to more deserving fans. This actually occured last year at the hilarious center. tickets sold to NDSU fans were revoked. It seems there were not enough seats to accomodate the NDSU fans and UND fans that wanted to see the game. To bad your arena is so small. See you next year when we make another million dollar haul from ya all!! hahahahaha
  16. JBB

    The Golden Arm #4

    Although your attempts to somehow degrade the incredible achievements of Graig Gorder and The NDSU BISON are understood within the context of "college hijinx" I would agree: To post a winning record is a nice consolation for UND and the "hard charging" perennial Harlon Hill Favorite Kelby Klosterman. I do want to caution you however, the Prestigious "Golden Arm" is not a team trophy or otherwise to be confused with other individual achievement promotions intended for some "commercial" gain. This is a very Prestigious and Somber award started by none other than the very, well shall we say, visible Shoutin Ed Schultz. It is intended to honor the QB with the best arm in the State of North Dakota. Congratulations to the great NDSU BISON "Golden Arm" QB, GRAIG GORDER!!!! GO BISON!!!! With this said, it has come to our attention that further awards between the Klosterman Proxy and NDSUs Graig Gorder may be possible if fan interest continues to demand the continuation of this great honor. The Golden Arm Committee will be meeting soon on this issue.
  17. I was in support of the NDSU Tee shirt police. Even though UND and it
  18. This has to be about the funniest, and satisfying thread Ive seen in a long time! Maybe RE will cough up more $ and make all of your dreams come true?
  19. JBB

    The Golden Arm #4

    Shoutin Ed Smaltz started the award, its true, but it long ago outgrew even his leadership. The committee has disbanded the award until Perennial Harlon Hill Candidate Kelby Klosterman is back. The original intent of the award was to honor thier individual competition as so often bragged about by the great Shoutin Ed Smultz himself. Lets take a look at some up-to-the-minute team stats: NCC ranking, Confrerence games only: total Offense NDSU 4 UND 6 Pass Offense NDSU 4 UND 8 Scoring offense NDSU 6 UND 7 These stats represent the basis for the Golden Arm. Congratulations to the NDSU BISON "Golden Arm" Champion Graig Gorder!!
  20. What the statement says and what it was meant to say is exactly the point. It is innocent enough until its interpreted against the backdrop of the the racism controversy that engulfs the Grand Forks campus. Its an unfortunate statement with an unintended meaning, but the raw image of racism is seen by many others besides myself. In fact it was brought to my attention by others who interpreted it in that manner. I agree about your conclusion that this is a bogus argument against D1. It fails on many levels, not only on the implied racism. NDSU will continue to be a program run on the highest of ideals with the focus always on the student athlete. Im sure you can understand the dismay his statement has caused.
  21. JBB

    The Golden Arm #4

    The Golden Arm is announcing suspension of the award. With the apparent career ending injury to Perennial Harlon Hill hopefull Kelby Klosterman the head-to-head competition between NDSUs Craig Gorder and klosterman appears to be at an end. It was a great run with a record setting 3 wins for Gorder. klosteman never did win it. His proxy did put one up for him and thats got to make sue sox fans feel a lot better about themselves. Craig Gorder 3 Klosterman (proxy win) 1 Congratulations to Craig Gorder. The best passing QB in the competition. Heres how the cummulative stats look for those games the Golden Arm was awarded. We see a clear winner: Craig Gorder C-Atmpt-int-TD-yds 81-122-1-1 627 66% completion rate Klosterman/proxy C-Atmpt-int-TD-yds 56-93-2-2 521 60% completion rate Looking at the up-to-the-minute conference stats heres how it ended. All fans should be aware that klosterman enjoyed 2 huge tomato cans, Crookston and Mesa. Gorder has competed only against the nations best. Dan Fjeldheim.. SDSU SR 5 174 113 5 64.9 1340 7 268.0 Keith Heckendor SCSU JR 6 213 122 7 57.3 1519 20 253.2 Graig Gorder... NDSU SR 5 172 88 3 51.2 806 2 161.2 Andrew Shea.... MSU SR 5 128 54 5 42.2 691 5 138.2 Mark Passard... UNC SR 6 111 60 1 54.1 747 4 124.5 KelbyKlosterman UND SR 5 97 55 2 56.7 597 5 119.4 Ryan Justice... USD SR 6 134 70 9 52.2 706 4 117.7 Trey Guidry.... UNO JR 6 67 39 1 58.2 651 4 108.5 Tommy Flyger... AC FR 6 98 46 4 46.9 418 2 69.7 Brian Masek.... UNO FR 7 66 27 4 40.9 326 2 46.6
  22. uff da. Your racism is subtle and ingrained. That was the original point.
  23. Yea Grand Forks will be a great D2 championship site for every sport. Teams and fans from all over the country can fly into Fargo, get their hotel set up and then drive to GF for the game before returning to Fargo.
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