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Everything posted by JBB
It's very satisfying being right! Im the most satisfied poster here! Thank you for the recognition.
I agree and it's the same in Idaho. They will not move down, in fact they are one of the most successfull DIA programs in raising revenue. top 20 I think. There has been some interesting talk elswhere that it could be a unanimous vote in favor of BSC expansion. Reasons cited: The conference wants 2 playoff spots and with 10 teams it will be a much better proposition. DIAA would like more western teams to add balance. Eventually BSC expansion could lead to a new western conference. Travel costs are the biggest hurdle, but all in all that looks like a wash. Most BSC teams travel further than the Dakota Schools now to fill out a rather large 4 game non conference schedule. Id put Ogden at closer to an hour, but I think we are splitting hairs. Davis is not going to join the BSC, they are headed for the Big West and an independent football schedule, at least for now. UNC is going Mid con and Southern Utah is very hard to get to and Cedar City is small. They dont seem to be a good fit for the BSC institutuionally. Its all a guess. I certainly dont know but am hoping for the best. At least one of the above senarios looks good for UND if they did decide to abandon principal and make the move behind NDSU.
Ive read elswhere that Dominique Sims is not moving.
If your comparing the length of the lists UND wins, but they are sharing scholarship money. I think NDSU has offered 4 full rides. Eventually the NDSU list will have about 27 more full ride offers. Beyond the top few players on the UND list I don't think there will be too much competition between the two schools, unless NDSU adds hockey. You guys will have to start looking to Bismark for your comparisons. For the most part the best local and regional athletes will find their way to NDSU.
SDSU is more convenient than UNA or Southern Utah. Apparently one requires a drive from phoenix and the other from Las Vegas, but maybe thats not all bad! It's a hike to both Portland and Sac State from anywhere in the BSC. I checked on Expedia. From Bozeman: Sac State, UNA and Portland are further time wize. Ogden is a problem because of the drive (UNA too). At least as far as Sioux Falls to Brookings and a whole lot longer. Its not that easy to get from the SLC airport which is way west of town by the lake, through the city and north a bunch to Ogden. The 2 Montana schools and Idaho make up the core. After that its 6 of 1 half a dozen of another. I think the BSC is stable. Nobody is leaving but some may join. Idaho will not move down before Wyoming. If they both moved to DIAA ball a new conference would certainly arise including the Dakota Schools, NDSU & SDSU. North Dakota now has one DI University and that's NDSU. Let's leave it that way and hope for 100 hockey titles in Grand Forks. They have always had a nice little college up there and that's a darn nice town too! Have you see that hockey rink?
I think that quote is absolutly true and that's why there is a meeting next month. The official position of the BSC is no expansion. Next month we will find out if that is changing. If so the next step will be to process the membership requests from the Dakota Schools. If that is accomplished I dont see any room for UND unless there is some type of Big 10 type scheduling. There are two ways to look at this: either the question is on the table and the outcome is completely up in the air or the field is well plowed and fertilized and we are just waiting for the harvest. I know thats an agricultural allegory and not hockey but it means the table is already set and the meetings are a formality. I question if North Dakota is big enough for two DI institutions. UND has stated its position so elequently that I cant believe even the success of NDSU at the DI level would be enough to change its position. NDSU saw the writing on the wall concerning the future of DII. Now that the senario seems to be playing out I think the words of your president should be revisited. He said that UND would be very comfortable in an NCC populated by DI hockey schools and all other sports at the DII level. That's why Berrmidji will probably follow UMD if they can get their arena expanded to 5,000. I think that is a more plausable future for you than a "Johnny-come-lately" DI move up and out of the NCC.
From what Ive been reading Sac State is not leaving the BSC. Their president has stated that they are committed long into the future. Frankly, after what I
Here are some more replys to emails sent to various legeslative members from people opposing the bill: 1)I agree , Thanks for the comments 2)Thank you for your input. 3)I could argue with you but I find that I am in full agreement with your position. This bill DISGUSTS me also. It is brought up by two of the biggest Fargo and NDSU haters in the legislature. It has no chance of passing. NDSU is going Division 1 and we are going to ensure that they have every chance to succeed by giving them all the tools necessary to do so. I thank you for your time and your attention to this matter and I will keep you up to date on the situation. GO BISON 4)As an SU grad, I hope the school can go Division I too! 5)Thanks for your comments on HB1356. While both of the sponsors of this bill are fine people, I must disagree with their decision to bring this bill forward. North Dakota DOES need to find bold new ways to market itself to the rest of the country. NDSU's move to D1 athletics is just one of these ways. I think these comments are all very encouraging. It seems many of the members in the State Legeslature understand the Decision 1 issue in it's proper terms. It goes far beyond NDSU to the local and State levels. It is a reflection of the quality of education available in North Dakota and helps bring focus not only to NDSU but also UND and the other campuses across the State. It is a benefit to all. This has been the basis to the disagreement with the provincial arguments against Decision 1 that have been for the most part originating in Grand Forks and UND.
I dont think reciting the history of UND's campaign against the NDSU is vitriol on my part in the least. It is the history and it isn't very becoming toward UND. NDSU has had to fight you all the way. The real question should by why is UND so vitriol against NDSU? Here is something for all the knowing and unknowing members of the vast conspiracy etc etc: This was posted on another board. It regards house bill #1346.
Paul Presthus was a great star, both basketball and football and led Rugby to a State BB title in, just guessing here, 1966 or 67, maybe both years? Im not sure if NDSU is even concentrating on the regional prospects this year? The Fargo Forum reported today that the slate of regional athletes was very thin. Only 2 were mentioned. Early indications are that UND is hitting the regional prospects hard. Possibly a lot of good DII prospects and/or maybe the probationary thing? In time most regional DI prospects are going to find their way to NDSU. The others, at least in so far as the future limited scholarship levels will support, will find their way to UND. Just as it should be. Whatever the reason it was not unexpected that recruiting would be a bit tough for the BISON for the next couple of years. We will see what the NDSU slate looks like when it becomes official. So far so good!
unedd has been trying to eliminate NDSU since day one. The biggest assault was by Gov. Langer in the late 30's. He actually got NDSU ("The old AC") discredited for a year. If it wasn't for the "Gang of 13" students that traveled the state garnering political support for reaccreditation "The old AC" would have gone by the wayside and there would be no NDSU. Then came the name change from AC to NDSU. uendd had no stomach for another university and fought tooth and nail to stop it, forgetting that a university is so named because of the doctorate degrees. But ego has always ruled the roost up there no need to follow the national standard in classifying institutions of higher learning. Then there was the most recent attempt to discredit and close the NDSU school of business. Cant have any CPAs coming out of NDSU when all professionals should come out of uendd. Then there is the ongoing attempt to block funding for any and all NDSU building requests. Then there was the most recent and ongoing diatribe against Decision 1 that is clearly centered in Grand Forks and uendd. Then there is ed schultz, your paid mouthpiece. But take a look at all yourselves. As soon as fast eddy had something less than complimentary to say about a hayseed move by the pope of hockey "Above Blame Blais" you all wanted to defrock him. By the way the final score in the mens game was 64-57. That about closes the door on all the fame and fortune so many thought was an entitlment for your men
I was in the stands the night the Whisky bottle went through the window. When Ed walked up to the booth he was taking a lot of crap. the NDSU fans were, for the most part, tired of him and his UND leanings. He was fairly good natured about it in his long wool coat but it was a bit of a struggle to get to the booth. He was taking a lot more than Jim Addelson would have ever deserved or taken. Addelson would have handled it better. Naturally the game was an NDSU BISON route of whom, I don't remember (they were all the same including UND). But the stands were wild. I don't believe the Whisky bottle was intentional, but when it hit we moved out. By the time we got to the car we were hearing the rant. We couldn't believe it. Ed blamed it on fan drinking and that excuse held. The new rant against Blais isn't even in the same ballpark. Blais is a hayseed. He chumped the big time media (probably confused Eddy with the local market, but he must have forgotten how enamored UND fans were when Eddy was reported to be in contention for the Viking job) so he has to pay a price. Blais owes Eddy an apology, and he should apologize to all the UND coaches for insisting that they too ignore the mighty clear channel. "By Golly" Lennon and "Beyond Blame" Blais need some continuing education. They make UND look like a junior college getting some unexpected attention. Blais is humiliated.
Nick is the all time high scorer for a defensman in suesies history. It was mentioned because I boasted I had scored more pts in defense of the NDSU Decision 1 than Nick Naumenko. It was a hockey refrence, a diplomatic gesture to some of the fans on this board The Sicatoka mentioned earlier.
Thank you Skateshattrick for the spell check. I sure appreciate the fact that they have spelling majors up there. Your willingness to help out will not go unnoticed. However, the derogatory remarks about North Dakota State University, the State
When clear channel was signed by UND there was a lot of pounding on the chest. It was a vast improvement over your former sports network. Ask Sicatoka. As for all the rest its about the same as always: "Somebody disagreed defame them!" It's a UND family tradition! At any rate this is funny! King hockey is insulted ... trash Schultz, fire Clear Channel! The funniest part is going to be "Above Blaim Blais" backing down on his challenge that nobody involved with UND sports is to talk to Clear Channel. Talk about impetious and arrogant? The only face to be lost is that of Above Blaim. He chumped his appointment without the least bit of courtesy and got lambasted by the media he left high and dry. If Clear Channel isnt getting the job done there must be some local station up there that can put together a nice sports network for you. Maybe WDAY can help? The BISON arent on 24 hrs a day!
Your once coveted Clear Channel contract is now something to be trashed because "Above blame Blais" chumped on a commitment? This is the funniest thing ever. Once again the entire pack turns on the offender. Somebody doesnt agree!! Lets fire him!! He's an idiot! He's not proffesional! Lets everybody write a letter!!! Nobody talk with him anymore!!! on and on and on. hahahahahha Shoutin Ed Schultz is showing you that the knife cuts both ways. I just hope this doesnt have any affect on the future of the prestigious Golden Arm Award in Grand Forks? Nobodys called him a hand wringing liberal yet? "Blais just thinks he runs the world. Does the guy not own a cell phone?" Ed Schultz
The Sicatoka, Thank you for your interest in the Golden Arm Award! I'm not sure what you mean by the NASA comment but I hope it's not belittling Mr. Schultz? The entire Golden Arm concept was his brainchild. He seemed to have an unlimited amount of energy when it came to highlighting the career efforts of Graig Gorder the NDSU signal caller. He never was one to shy away from the comparisons of Gorder's achievements with the perennial Harlon Hill aspirant Kelby Klosterman either. Out of respect for Mr. Schultz his name should remain connected with the award for all time!
The Fargo Forum is reporting that no decision has been made with regards to forfeiture: It was not clear whether UND would have to forfeit any of its seven victories while Allen was in the lineup.
Higgens, you have a pee stain on your pants! Tell me who Nick Naumenko is sports guy!
teamsioux, Thank you for your interest in the Golden Arm Award. The teams are considered to be at equal advantage this year since both will be competing in DII. The issue at hand is the 2004/5 season and beyond. Im sure you agree that a divisional disparity is of some concern since the NDSU Signal caller will be held to a higher standard of excellence. Naturally from your hockey experience you have learned that competion at the higher divisional level is far more competitive than the lower divisions. Otherwise why not DIII hockey? This issue will be taken up during the offseason, but, in the meantime, I would encourage you NOT to become frustrated with the disparity. It
The Golden Arm Committee is firmly committed to fostering a spirit of friendly competition between North Dakota State University and its friend to the North. Next year both will be competing in Division II football. That was a consideration in the Committee's decision to revive the award for at least one more year. An agenda item, also approved at the most recent meeting, has the Committee studying the affects of the future divisional disparity on the legitimacy of the award. Echoing your position, some feel that the reduced level of competition that the signal caller from the North will face is certainly an unfair advantage. With regard to statistics a holistic approach is taken to the evaluation of each players weekly performance.
Your supposed to ignore me higgins. I guess my posts are too frustrating. I have been accused of making dumb statements and taking what others say out of context. That