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Everything posted by sultan

  1. When you look at the future of Sioux Womens baskteball, I sure hope we stay DII.
  2. A very impressive win by the Sioux women. A great team win. They had great outside shooting, good ball movement, tremendous power rebounding, and contributions by everybody. The Freshmen were terrific. As impressive a team win as I have ever seem by a Sioux womens team. If they play like that they will win on Monday. If they play like that they will win a National title. If they play like that they will go down as the best Sioux womens team ever. What a great atmosphere for playoff basketball. I can't wait for Monday.
  3. Congratulations to the Sioux Women. It was good to see that after Augie made there run in the middle of second half and went ahead by 6 that the Sioux didn't panic and probably played there best ball down the stretch. I thought that St. Cloud was the best team we would play in the conference but I'm not sure that Augie might not be the best right now. They are on a roll. As far as the guy that called McFeeley, Amy could use a lot of our players. Kimbrough would probably be starting for the Bison. NDSU would probably have finished in the bottom half of the NCC. Duluth stuck it to the Bison in FARGO this year. Duluth only won 3 games in the NCC this year. Even though the Sioux have a great team this year, with the way womens basketball has continued to improve they had better strap it on every night or they will get beat. What's up with the Sioux playing the 3:00 game on Friday. I'm assuming they don't want to go go up against Sioux hockey and the State A basketball tournament. It's too bad that so many major sporting events happen the same weekend in Grand Forks. It hurts the attendance for all the events. A Friday afternoon game won't have many people at it. Go Sioux.
  4. In the Fargo Forum today there is a story about the career of Katie Lorenz. In the story it lists as one of her hi-lites was making some steals and leading NDSU in a come from behind victory over UND in the regional. As far as I can remember that is totally false. In 2001 we won the regional in Grand Forks.. In 2002 we lost to Southwest State in Colorado. In 2003 we lost to SDSU in Brookings. In 2004 we beat the Bison in the semis and lost to SDSU in the Finals at Concordia St. Paul . And of couse last year the Regional was in Grand Forks. Apparently those hi-lites must of been in her dreams. You would think Kolpack would do a little research on his stories. By the way, I bet Katie is wishing she would of come to UND considering the way things turned out for her at NDSU. Katie won't be leading any post season charges for the Bison again this year.
  5. I just heard Rich Glas say on the radio that Travis Bledsoe who is our top redshirt freshman is having surgery and probably won't be able to play next year. Is this program cursed or what.
  6. Congratulations to the Sioux women on their undefeated season. It sure is fun to watch a game in front of a full house . Watching the basketball shows on TV I see where the Bison womens team didn't win any road games this year and won't reach double figures in wins. The Bison men only won 2 road games this year. Amy was crying on her TV show tonight. I guess I don't blame her. Believe me there are lots of pros and cons with going DI. Besides the financial commitments needed to go DI there is also the possibility that a lot of your sports programs might take a real dive (NDSU is finding out about that this year). I hope UND does what is right for UND and doesn't make the move because other people have. Let's all get out there and fill the Betty these next 2 weekends. Go Sioux. Hopefully the hockey boys sweep Tech this weekend.
  7. I was watching Channel 4 sports tonight and saw Amy Ruley and Lynn Dorn from NDSU in the stands at a Class b playoff game in Wahpeton. The games being played were Oakes/Hope-Page and Kindred/Milnor. Is anybody aware if there are any girls on those teams that are college material? I know Amy doesn't seem to be recruiting as good a player as we go after right now, but I was just wondering who was good on those teams. I suppose there might be somebody good enough to play at NDSU and not here. If anybody knows the answer let us know.
  8. I see where we averaged 4432 fans for the 1991 season. I wonder what we averaged for those other early 1990's glory years in mens basketball. Does anyone know what we averaged in the last half of the 1990's when we were winning national titles in womens basketball? It seems to be apparent that the guy from the Ralph was way off on the figures he was throwing around.
  9. There was a guy from the Ralph on Tim's radio show this morning. He seemed surprised there was even talk about the Betty being larger. He said basketball traditionally only averages 2100. In the last decade or so I think he might be off on that one. When you look at basketball averages you have to have room for the larger attended games to offset for the smaller games. Right now we don't have room for any larger attended games. Just last year we had over 5000 for one game. When he was asked what the capacity of the Betty is he seemed a little mystified. He said he thought it might be around 3200 or 3300. He wasn't sure. Am I mistaken but they don't set up folding chairs over there do they. When you have permanent seats why is it so hard to count how many seats the place holds. It also baffles me when they seem so shocked there would be any reason to have more seats in the building. All you have to do is go back the last 4 or 5 years and count the number of games that wouldn't have fit in the Betty. If you actually looked at the number of games over 3064 we would probably be shocked.
  10. The other thing you are forgetting. What if the men's teams interest wasn't at an all time low. If there was even a medium interest in the men's team the seating situation would even be more of a issue.
  11. Even if the stmosphere isn't as good at the Ralph it does bring more people to the game. In general games on a week night aren't going to draw as good. I think the most compelling reason might be that there is very little interest in the mens game . If it wasn't for the great womens team the attendance would be really bad. I think if you started the womens game at 8:00 and the men's game at 6:00 the attendance would be better. Would Rich ever be willing to flip flop the starting times for the sake of the athletic budget. In general the attendance is still quite good. Last night it was sad to see half the people leave by halftime of the men's game though. That is pretty sad.
  12. sultan

    The Alerus

    I was just curious how the Alerus figures their profit in comparison to the Fargodome. Over on Bisonville someone is questioning how the Fargodome comes up with their bottom line on how their facility is doing. They are wondering if it is doing as well as they say. If there is someone out there that knows something about accounting procedures or practices please inform us as to how the Alerus is actually doing in comparison the Fargodome.
  13. Is this guy talking about the Alerus? I would assume he's not talking about the Alerus. The Alerus is great for football. Obviously this guy has never been to a football game there. He has no credibility.
  14. Chad Lavin, the USD coach, made a pretty impressive statement last night. He said he thinks this is the best Sioux team he has ever seen. That would put this team in some pretty impressive company. In other words this could be the best womens team that has ever played in the NCC. I'm obviously getting ahead of myself, but it is fun to think about. Of course unless they win a National title that conversation will cease. ST. Cloud is very good team too and beating them next week in ST. Cloud is going to be difficult. It sure is fun thinking about the potential of this team in the future. By the way, if Clear Channel is going to continue to carry the Sioux games, maybe they need to get some better equipment. The quality of their broadcast is poor way to often.
  15. Did you mean DIAA Football=DII Football to the rest of the nation. I'm assuming that is what you mean.
  16. NDSU fans want us to believe that there is a lot more interest in the DIAA championship football game over the DII Championship game. The network puts the DIAA game on a week night. The DII National Championship game is in prime time on a Saturday afternoon. If the DIAA game meant so much to the network, it would be in prime time to. When are those bison fans finally going to realize that nationally DIAA football does not capture anymore interest than DII? (maybe less because of its time slot for their championship game).
  17. You have won some football games in DIAA and so would UND if we moved up. By national standards you are mediocre at best, or least, at your other sports. You will never be a contender in any of your sports other than football. If NDSU thinks that there doing just fine, more power to you. At least NDSU fans will always be able to schedule vacations for March since they won't have anything else going on. If UND decides to move up, we will do it because we want to, not because NDSU wants us to. By the way, the make believe conference you made up basketball sounds real exciting. Those teams are for sure going to fill your stands. At least your guaranteed to win some games next year.
  18. Above and beyond some of the miscues that were made with the layout, it is great facility to watch a basketball game. It provides a great atmosphere and the fans can be right on top of the other team. It can be a real home court advantage.
  19. I suppose it did seem a longer time frame to Bison fans since there final season in DII once again didn't involve any post season. In reality it was just a couple three months into the next season that you were ranked. Now that we have that settled, now you can go back home. By the way, thanks for reminding us that not long before the end of your demise in DII you had a record of 2-8. That statistic really helps support your argument. ,
  20. If I'm not mistaken didn't NDSU finish top twenty something in there first year of DIAA. I believe just a few months earlier they couldn't beat UND or St. Cloud and didn't even make the playoffs in DII. Remember, that was just a few months, yes a few months earlier.. At that point UND would certainly have done just as well as NDSU. It is very obvious that the gap to DIAA is not nearly wide as most all ndsu fans want us to believe. From what I've read here, most UND fans agree that DIAA football is better than DII. UND fans just say that the gap is relatively small. There certainly is not this wide gap that Bison fans want us to believe. Once again you Bison fans should go back to your website where you get away with that kind of dribble.
  21. SDSU lost a 7-0 game to Montana this year and some said they easily could of , or should of, won the game. The Rabbits are still practically at the same scholarship levels they were at in DII. The Bison fans should go back to their website and spread their baloney. Maybe some one there will believe them.
  22. Texas State only beat Delta State 32 to 25 and had to score late to beat them. Northern Iowa beat Texas State 40 to 37. Duluth was a much better at the end of the year than at the beginning. The top teams in DII are right there with the top of DIAA.
  23. There has been a conversation going on about the comparison between DII and DIAA football. I would have to agree with Snaggles over the comment made by Kermit. Overall I definitely believe DIAA is stronger than DII, but I believe the Elite teams in DII are right there with almost all the top teams in DIAA. There are a lot of scores out there from some teams and particularly SDSU and NDSU over the last two and three years that back it up. I believe that the Texas team that was in the National Championship game in DIAA this year had to come from behind late in the game to barely beat Delta State. Delta State lost four games this year in DII. UND would do just fine in DIAA football. And they would do just fine almost immediately. Snaggles...you are right on about this subject.
  24. sultan


    Over the years we have won and lost many recruiting battles with NDSU. In fact in more recent years we have won more than we have lost. They have more money to offer right now and that does hurt. The recruiting wars are not over yet. If losing these two kids would continue to be a pattern then we should be concerned. We have to give UND a little more time and not just base our concerns on two recruits. We definitely need to keep an eye on it. Go Sioux.
  25. I'm not exactly sure why going DI is automatically going to make our Men's team any better or more fun to watch. It does seem like there are other problems going on that a couple more scholarships wouldn't help. To get on to a more " uplifting" topic, the Sioux women's team is worth the price of admission. I guess they looked tremendous out in Colorado. What a future they have.
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