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Walsh Hall

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  1. For sure... but the problem I see is that way too many parents are delusional and believe their child is part of that "top end talent." I'd like to see a long-term summary of the kids who left, for any program, and how it ended up.
  2. I was thinking the same. Great hands, but sure is floating and waiting for the break.
  3. It seemed like there was more time to kill for hockey related activities, but as a parent of pretty much every traveling sport, hockey definitely had the most drinking…by far.
  4. Sorry if I missed it... are the WDA games being streamed?
  5. Even posing the question is quite the tip of the cap to the GF youth program.
  6. That really isn't much of a thing... But no, there is just a strong dislike of the expansion of legalized gambling. Couple that with the tribes and charitable gaming (a large and well-funded group) being very against it, this was a huge uphill battle.
  7. Had absolutely nothing to do with it. This was not a close call.
  8. Officially dead. Voted down in the floor vote. Not close.
  9. Do not pass recommendation to SB2376 at the committee level considering the GF casino proposal.
  10. What specifically has happened regarding the potential classification of sovereignty of the land or local/law enforcement not being “allowed on the land.” Being a tax exempt entity is an entirely different concept.
  11. Dakota Magic (Hankinson) and Prairie Knights (Standing Rock) would be toast if a casino like the GF proposal opened in Fargo or Bismarck. They have to have major concerns if the door is opened to a 3rd party tribe opening a casino which would essentially put them out of business.
  12. Much much smaller ultra-right contingent for that stupid one... This issue, and its precedent, has the potential to cause significant financial issues for many entities. I'm curious to see the position of the other tribes on this one. The tribes lobby hard against charitable gaming as it negatively effects their casinos. This may be the same for fear of casinos in Fargo, Bismarck and Minot.
  13. I'm not at all saying that it won't pass, but from being around the capital there will be opposition from formidable groups. The conservative rural legislators may be an issue on this one.
  14. Not much opposition in the first hearing this morning. Charitable gaming will have something to say in addition to the conservative/religious groups. Part of the issue is that if this is approved by the legislature it will be hard to deny other off-reservation projects. I'd expect similar requested for the other larger communities in the State. The legislature doesn't even want the citizens to be able to vote for sports gambling. I won't be overly surprised if this gets voted down.
  15. Here's the SB if anyone is interested. SB 2376 - Overview | North Dakota Legislative Branch
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