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Posts posted by SiouxFanatic

  1. It sure is Doom and Gloom here. Is it time to start the "Fire Hakstol" thread? :D

    It was a good game. I thought we played pretty darn well it's just that the other team got the better breaks and won. Let's get out of this losing drought and win one today. GO SIOUX!!

  2. I try not to put anything negative about a team on there own board. This does not include your team, only many of your fans. You need to get over the fact that YOUR biggest rival (it doesn't go both ways, Wisconsin is ours) lost to HC last year. Its one thing to enjoy the moment, but you people go on and on and on and on about it. Yes I enjoyed Ferris State beating ND a few years ago at Mariucci, but after I left the arena it was over. I wast't calling it my greatest moment at Mariucci 7 months latter. If you don't have a ND moment that is better to talk about then what does not say much about your program. The only thing I can come up with is ND beats the Gophers so seldom at the REA, that you have to take joy in someone else beating them. See some of you at Mariucci in January, it should be a fun time.

    It was only a matter of time a gopher fan would come grumbling about the words "Holy Cross" being mentioned.

    As for my opinion the only one I can choose is the 2006 West Regional since it was really the only biggest thing I went to. The only disappointment was that I was in the damn restrooms when HC scored the OT goal :silly:. I should've listened to my dad when he said to hold it cause I might miss something ???.

  3. Should be a good series. I hope we're able to rebound from last weekend's floundering...as for our goalie situation if Lammy is unavailable then I'd have to say give Grieco the start on Friday and see how he does. If he doesn't to well then give the Saturday start to Walski.

    I wanted to go to this series with a couple of my friends but they all denounced my efforts because there going to have a small halo tournament :silly:

  4. Really we just need a goaltender who can pick up for most of our D's lapses(Lammy). I hope that he'll be ready to play against CC or Hakstol just better wise up and at least allow Walski to start the first game...

    Also congrats to UAA. They definitely deserved the sweep and I'll be at the rematch in January. Lawson is heckuva goalie!

  5. All I can say is that UAA is definitely not the team that I use to think as a team that UND could always beat up on. There definitely a good quality team and that it should be an interesting series when the visit the REA in January. I'm gonna purchase some tickets to that series to just hope we get sweet revenge with Lammy in net.

  6. May I ask what the score is? I'd rather be told than having to go back and read through the pages. Just got home after having to spending 'quality' time with my older sister. So if it's not to much trouble :lol:

  7. That must have been because people got so sick of rebooting it by the end of the first period. I kept rebooting it through the first period and then just gave up. I am sure by the second period there were alot of people that had given up on the feed that it freed it up some for the last 2 periods.

    I'll see if it works for me at all tonight. I'll just have to be sure not to give up till the third period. :huh:

    Yeah, the feed froze up a lot during the first period and I had to reboot at least every 2-3 minutes. However a lot of people must've quit trying like you said because I had no problems at all in the 2nd and 3rd periods or maybe it was because we were losing by then and people left :silly:

  8. Strauth is hurt, being helped off the field.

    lol, I was confused when you first said 'Strauss' I was looking at the roster trying to find that name. :silly:

    I hope Strouth isn't seriously hurt though...that wouldn't be good. I mean I'm not a big fan of Fumblin' Beatty to take his spot.

  9. Haha, I never thought I'd see a little warrior fan P.M.S. like a friggin girl. Take deep breathes. I guess the second time around of a total beat down he loses his cool and resolves to calling people names. All I can say is that the score would be they same if we played you in Winona. I mean we kicked your teams asses last year at your place and we'd easily be able to do it again. :silly:

  10. I'm happy that our loss can make those people who live up in Alaska a nice warm smile since they probably don't get a lot of times to do so. Congratulations to them though they beat the No. 3-ranked team in the nation!(:silly:). However, I do have to say that there goalie isn't to bad at all :huh:

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