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Posts posted by SiouxFanatic

  1. I would love to see this Fargo South team play the West Fargo team from a couple of years ago that had Roehl (believe he plays for the Bison now), that absolutely destroyed Minot in the championship and every other team they played that season. :blush:

    I remember going to that game. If my memory treats me right we scored first but after that we got pummeled by them. I believe Steve Brennan was playing as there running back? Cause I remember our defense could not stop the RB.

  2. wow warrior_08 a div2 title in basketball what a GREAT accomplishment congratulations. Good job.

    Great win for the Sioux!

    P.S. Why hasn't this warrior_08 person been banned yet when all he has been doing here is trolling? It's getting ridiculous.

  3. Typically what I do is wear some sort of Sioux apparel at least once a week. And during the school year 2 times a week. It's always fun to have little trade off remarks with a couple of teachers who are Bison fans. However going to my American Government class last year was painstaking since it was loaded with Bison paraphernalia all over the place. However I must say the teacher showed his Sioux-lovin when he let the class watch the Sioux-Badger Final Five Game on the screen projector.

  4. I have a GI Joe of General Erwin Rommel in Nazi regalia. Does that mean I'm a Nazi? This truly reminds me of the movie "Rat Race" where the guy goes to the 'Barbie' Museum but it's actually a Nazi Barbie Museum and they steal Hitler's car and crash it into a WWII Veterans ceremony...heh

    Back to the point there's no reason to argue what a deceased man did and did not do. What's done is done. Quit living in the past. Move on.

  5. Wasn't expecting a change in the ruling even in light of the supposed Tribal support. We are the NC$$'s show monkeys and are being made as examples of it's 'PC' power that it wields. If only we had major $$$ like the institutions that got exempted. We could then pay them 'hush' money.

    It's time to bring this issue to court where I think the right decision will be made and the NCAA will hopefully be humiliated by it's idiotic rule against what they term 'hostile' and 'abusive' nicknames.

  6. Champions of the WCHA Final Five maybe :D. But yeah we truly did what people didn't expect. Had a very lackluster start of the season but stepped it up a towards the end. Sioux for #8 next year? :)

  7. I also like that fact that there were a couple of classy Gopher fans that came here and congratulated the team on a great season. I find that very classy. Never would see a badger fan doing that.

  8. Also, am I the only one that is having a hard time not breaking down right now?

    Oh man, in the 2004 season when we lost to Denver 2004 I broke down and cried and pounded my fists to the floor. IMO that was OUR championship season and it all ended with a flash. After that I was able to cope with our post-season losses.

  9. Even though we lost I'm happy to stick it to every Boston College fan who thought there goalie was a demigod. It was amazing to see them all predict huge blow-outs and saying we'd never get anything more than 2 goals. ;)

  10. We went farther than anyone expected this season. Both teams played sloppy but BC capitalized on basically every mistake we made. Even though we lost I'm proud to be a Sioux fan and I'd like to thank the Fighting Sioux for such a thrilling season. And I'd like to say my farewell to seniors Mike Prpich(and Lee Marvin) It was great to watch you Prp for 4 seasons. We came up short this game and that's how hockey games go. And finally congratulations on Boston College. Collins played extremely well and he truly deserves to be a Hobey Baker finalist. Is it next season yet? ;)

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