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Everything posted by GrahamKracker

  1. Why not? Sioux Hockey has educated so many people about the Native of this country. While my sons and I sit around and watch Viking football, we read the newspaper, check out Hagar the Horrible, and I educate them on the Sons of Norway, and the Vikings......
  2. Everytime I do, its "not really" racism, its just some stupid kids having fun, right? Lets see....there was this time our tipi was egged ( I was there, and it was premeditated,unless everyone carries eggs in their pockets....there are the many times I was told to go back to the reservation and work at the casino.....my friends threatened and called prairie niggers......the summer I called the cops 5 times because my Native High school students were spit on, cussed at, threatened, had things thrown at them, why? Because of their long hair? Because they don't look like you? Whatever. I have seen and felt the racism here on campus. Its not everywhere and not everyone does it, but its there. Will it get worse before it gets better? Probably. But does that mean I'm going to let up? Hell no. So go ahead and think I hate the world. But I know that what I'm doing is because I love my people. I see them hurt, so I will stand up for them. Someday this will all be over and my people will be able to be treated with respect, treated equally, and not used as logos/mascots, but until then I will keep up the fight.
  3. I love how the people in this forum attack everything about me EXCEPT the bottom line that my people, THE SIOUX, don't want you to use our name.....keep it up, though.
  4. If it happened to your wife/sister/mom I bet you wouldn't feel the same way, would you? But of course your not a woman (not physically anyways), nor are you Sioux......so I guess you wouldn't.....no, you COULDN'T understand. Back in the early 90's there was this incident in the Navy, called "Tailhook". All but a handful of women came forward, telling the world what happened to them. The women who didn't come forward didn't want to "cause waves", and didn't want to potentially damage their careers. They wanted to just "be one of the guys". But they won their case. And we will to.
  5. I thought we were talking about the logo here? See, that's your problem, you assimilate a bunch of Non-Sioux running around chasing a puck with HONOR, RESPECT....blah blah blah....for my people. Why don't you change the name, then go honor something else. Its sad that y'all can't just be proud of who you are and what your people accomplished rather than hide behind a name/logo of a people that are tired of your "honor"
  6. (Read the following text with the theme to As the World turns plays quietly in the background)
  7. Then if you don't like the NCAA's decision, why don't YOU go back to where you came from? You claim Mexico so much, go back and help your people. Mexico isn't the richest place in the world you know. I know, I've been there on numerous occasions helpin your people by buying trinkets and bottle of tequila. I don't need to answer you questions.....Why? So I can get harrassed more? Remember, there are only a handful of people willing to even come in here and express our feelings, and why give you even more information....so what....you could compare yourself against me? Ikce wicasa hemaca. You brag all you want about who you are. We were taught not to. but go ahead and try to make yourself feel better. The Catholic faith explains alot....thanks for putting that in....
  8. A) How do a bunch of white people chasing around a puck "honor" my people? B) Casinos were an option because we of our legal right to open casinos. If "other" races could open casinos, they would in a heartbeat. C) How are we making money off of the NCAA? please answer that.....
  9. I don't ever recall saying that removing the name would improve reservation life. It won't. But what it will do is remove some of the stereotypes people have of my people, stereotypes that hurt. Do you know the one of the Greatest Oxymorons to this entire thing? "FIGHTING Sioux" is meant to be warlike and feared by all, killing buffalo everywhere they went. Yet the translation to Lakota is "Friend or ally", and Wolakota translates to "Peace", so which is is friend or fighter? Because of this Logo/name, when people think of Sioux, they think of fighting. Not true. Yes we did fight, when we had to. But didn't all civilizations? I think you could find something honorable about every culture and society, not just the Sioux.
  10. I'm making a mockery of things I've read on this board. duh.....
  11. where have you been, under a rock? the Sioux Tribes do not support UND and the use of UND's name/logo.
  12. I don't hate white people. I even have white friends. And I even root for the Vikings once and awhile, but that's only when I'm trying to learn about the Scandanavian culture. I even talk to white people daily. Hell, I'm married to a woman that's 1/2 white, beat that!! lol Disagreeing, if I didn't disagree, y'all wouldn't have anyone to fight with, you'd all just post miserable, non-factual, hateful posts and just sit in here and whine about the NCAA, the Sioux tribes and how poor and antisocial we are, and of course hope that the Mascot gods find you an Indian that supports you.
  13. I am home!!!! Isn't this the HOME OF THE SIOUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.......lol
  14. When was the last time you seen a Leprechaun? or a Unicorn for that matter? THEY DON'T EXIST. Sioux people do. As for the garbage can thing, I don't know, I didn't hear that, but could care less about that. Now if you truly want a Siouxer dog, why don't you come to the next ceremony where REAL dogs (puppies, actually) are used. I can hook you up, if you really want to call yourself Sioux.
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