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Everything posted by GrahamKracker

  1. You should have been there, at the Spirit Lake Council meeting, it was awesome! So many TRUE SIOUX stood up against the logo. I knew that this would be the outcome, but I didn't know it would have went this well. For all of the people in this area "honoring" the Sioux, there sure weren't many at the meeting, I wonder why?
  2. Poor Kupcake, I almost feel for for that invertebrate.....he pissed off the people for change, with this flip-flopping ways, now FS lovers will dis-own him after he loses this battle..
  3. Diggler....lol, are you following me around....lol...anyways, He (you must know him, since you called him a him) said that he taught history classes....read his post....
  4. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/12517168.htm here's that website
  5. With the withdraw of the Spirit Lake Nation, I wonder what Kupcake will do now. He was sooo damn proud of the fact that 1/2 of the Sioux Nation (In this state only, because they didn't ask for the resolutions from all of the other SIOUX Nations....) was FOR the name. Check, your move. (not quite checkmate, but we're getting there) Hetche to.
  6. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
  7. This just shows how much you really know. Its the Turtle Mountain Tribe that is getting the casino here, not Spirit Lake. Before you comment, you should know what you are talking about. Its unfortunate that in this day and age, with all of the information out there, that people just don't know the truth and because they don't know they facts they make comments like yours.
  8. First of all, we are not the same people. There are more than one out there that opposes the name, and if you'd like, I can get my BRIDGES people to come in here to, but anyways, that's up to the Government. Regardless of the name, you still have an Indian as a logo, you forgot to mention that.
  9. No they won't, because this FS name won't be around that long, only in hockey history books
  10. Then change it to Fighting Martinez. Difference is that you want the name. The real Sioux do not. Go Fighting Martinez! <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  11. Wow, two whole years? Wow, you have enough experience to "teach" Indian studies here at this University!!lololol I really don't get your point, but I'll tell you what countless have said to me here, If you don't like it, go back to where you came from, plain and simple. If you don't like the fact that this University is on the brink of changing its logo/nickname, go somewhere else. Easy as that, right? Oh wait, if someone says that to me its okay, but now I'm wrong for saying it back?.....we'll just have to wait and see in the next posting...lol
  12. Ask the NCAA. Maybe they will say, "Okay, yeah, that is not offensive in any way". What do you think?
  13. These are your words.... "Helping people forget that the Sioux ever existed would be honoring them? How so?" We, the Sioux people, won't forget who we are. Can you speak your language? Whatever culture you claim, can you speak it? Do you practice your customs and ways? Many of my Sioux People do, some don't, but many do. QUESTION -- There are over 500 Federally recognized Tribes in this country, and with 18 colleges being forced to change, what happened to the other tribes w/o colleges honoring them? ANSWER -- They are doing just fine w/o your "honor"
  14. Again.....I'm not going to answer that over and over and over....go check out www.UND.edu/org/bridges, it will clear things up for you, but thanks for asking. I don't agree with everything that is said there, but they do have many many valid points pertaining this issue. Thanks for asking though. It would be quicker to do it this way rather than typing for the next couple hours.
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