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Everything posted by GrahamKracker

  1. "UND is home of the Fighting Sioux. UND officially adopted the name of the Fighting Sioux in the 1930s to honor the American Indian tribes of the state. We ask that you cheer your team to victory and exhibit good sportsmanship, as well as respect for the American Indians and their rich culture and heritage." A. The Sioux are only some of the Indian people of this state, I bet you can't name the other tribes. B. What does hockey have to do with our rich Native American culture and heritage? C. 1930's? How many Natives attended this school back then? When did the first Native (and was he/she Sioux) attend this school? D. How can you say cheer your team to victory when we lose like we do, even though we have the most high tech, bestest(sic), fastest players, on the planet? E. Do you really think that the way the players play has ANYTHING to do with the logo? Do you think that they would be less if they were something...oh, like a Pioneer/Gopher/Husky....or something that doesn't offend a Nation? I don't think so. F. Do you really think that Kupchella wants to be here, where he has no power? Maybe we should become the Fighting Bevs.....she's seems to have the biggest kahunas of them all. Fire away oh great defenders of the Sioux.......
  2. Why must everyone compare the "Sioux" with the Vikings? I never got this comparison. First of all, are there any vikings around now? Are they pillaging villages and conquering new lands? If not, then why do you assimilate yourself to this, I don't know what you'd call it, a profession? On the other hand, I know many Sioux people. My parents, my sister, my cousins, my grandparents, many of my friends, they are Sioux. They were born Sioux and will die Sioux. Unlike many of you reading this. I'm sorry you can't be enrolled in a federally recognized Sioux tribe. I'm sorry that your skin burns if your out in the sun too long. But most of all, I'm sorry that you think that taking your kids to a hockey game will educate them on the history of Indian people. That would be like me taking my kids to the Viking Inn to teach them about Norwegians, or taking them to a Viking game. I can only imagine it now "you see that mascot down there in purple? He represents the proud Norwegians....lol, yeah right" I don't know, but from the the experiences I've had with Norwegians, I think there is more to their people than those horned hats and blonde braids. I know that whatever I put here, I'll get tons of responses, probably comparing the Sioux to......irish.....vikings.......whatever other sports team you can come up with. But the bottom line is that a MAJORITY OF THE SIOUX NATION WOULD LIKE YOU TO QUIT USING OUR NAME. That's what it comes down to. Hetche to yelo
  3. I guess I don't understand your question. I don't care if the world wants me or not. I've been around the world and it was a humbling experience, but I need to focus my time what I can to do better the socio/economic status of my people the Sioux, the Oceti Sakowin, the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota Oyate.
  4. We had over 300 in 2001. Unfortunately, like most, we value our time away from this place and it just so happen to be a 4 day weekend for the students. Our turnout was better than I thought. But that's beside the point. I don't care if there's 4 protesters (like during the 30 below World Jrs) or 10000000, the fact of the matter is that the majority of the Federally recognized Sioux Tribes have asked that the University change its names (this protest was much smaller, the one in 2001 had over 300 uniformed officers as well as snipers, just in case we rushed the "new" statute and spit on it or something. This one only had 1 officer...lol) Thanks for your question
  5. lol, (I don't blame you, 11 hours is a lot of time and fuel) I don't know what Delta Gamma is, I assume its a frat/sorority. On that note, did you know that if you look into the Laws of some of these Frats that originally it stated that Indians are not allowed? I'm not doing the segregating. As far as the name calling, I think that the name issue plays a big part in providing a catalyst for this hatred bitterness towards native people. Even if you agree with the name (except for a few well known "hang around fort Engelstad" Indians) you have felt this resentment by people on campus. We all have been subjected to stereotypes, hell I even catch myself doing it to, but I myself am working on it all the time. My fight isn't w/ the people on this campus, my fight is with the SBHE, and a Dead guy's money. I'm glad you know that your not Sioux. I'm not Norweigan, nor do I play on campus, lol
  6. I have submitted police reports, I'm sure I can get you copies from the University PD. Unfortunately I don't have exact documentation on all of the cat calls and war whoops people hollar while I'm walking around this campus at night, but I'm sure all of the students on this campus must have been called a "prairie nigga" at one time or another, right? Oh, maybe not. I can give you one example, though. You still call yourself a fighting sioux. When a most of the Sioux nations have asked you not to, when many student organizations on campus have asked for UND to retire the name, when various Government agencies are getting involved, and also the NCAA, you still hold onto a name that is not yours to claim. We need to sit down and talk sometime. Come over to 317 Cambridge and we can talk about this.
  7. I don't know, I'm not Irish, or Deutche. What I do know is that a majority of the Sioux Nations have called for an end of the use of this name and logo, the same people that are so-called "honored" by this institution. Besides, you know this Sica, they have their own countries, Ireland and Germany, This is OUR country. Our children have to deal with this every day, our people have been hurt long enough.
  8. What are you talking about Sica? I'm the only Native Senator on Student Goverment, I'm a part of various committees, including the American Indian Programs Council, All Nations Veterans BRIDGES, Parking committee, and I'm segregated? WE weren't drinking in the tipi, we don't allow that. We were out at a sweat during that time. It would be different because we would still not allow drinking, and we would be there to watch it the entire time.
  9. It is being taken to a higher power, as we speak. Exactly. This name issue is greater than you or I. Its greater than anyone on this campus. When it comes down to it, it has to do with a millionaire that's dead now, and a large sum of money. We were sold out by the SBHE. You know it, I know it, the world knows it. Yet we are in denial about what happened. If it wasn't for Ralphies money, the name would have been in the process of being changed now, and it would have been over with. FSU has the support of the Seminole Nation. They back their University. The Sioux Nation does not back the Fighting Sioux. I don't know, maybe they (the Seminoles) have a better relationship with the indigenous people of that region. Why wear a name of a people that don't want you to? Because you don't want "them" to win? Because if the name changes, it will show that they are "right'? I can tell you that I can't wait for the name to change, because when that happens, I can be a part of every part of this UND community. I will be able to attend games, Homecoming, and even concerts. Also, after the name changes, we can begin a reconciliation process that will unite this campus in a way that will be felt all across this region. Hell, we can even bring our tipis over for tailgating parties. Then we can call ourselves a premiere indian institute.
  10. Its fine for people to degrade me (dating way back to the tipi incidents-- assuming that we were the one's responsible to the vandalization of our tipi), but yet you jump on me in a heartbeat, I knew I had to walk a tighter line because of my views, I just didn't know how tight that line was. Now I do.
  11. That's fine to be a North Dakotan. Most of this countries state's names are derived from Native words and that's not what we're asking. The "Sioux" people are not history. We are a part of history, but we are still here. We still practice our Lakota/Dakota/Nakota ways of life. We are not only in history books, we are here making history now. Lets face it, naming a team the Sioux has nothing to do with the History of the Sioux Nation, not a damn thing. We are not going to disappear when the name changes (even though I know some of you would like us to disappear now). In a Hundred years when you look up Sioux in the Dictionary, there won't be a hockey team or even a reference to UND, it will talk about the Sioux people, not people wearing green wigs. This name was started when there were other characters like little black sambo, Popeye beating up on the "Japs" (or so the comic said), and others dehuman others because they are different from the majority. How many Sioux were going to school when this "honorable" name was started in 1930? I big fat goose egg. I don't think most go to a hockey game to learn history. I think they go to make history, not to think "I'm so grateful I came and seen these Native Americans perform at intermission and read plaques under these indian statues. Wow, Now I feel so informed about Native American culture and have a deeper understanding for those Sioux people. (I just wish those whining Indians would go get jobs and get the hell off our campus)" How ironic is this? Those you hate are the ones who you are "honoring"....lol
  12. Wow, you "will always be Sioux". I know some people won't ever let go. But only a couple hundred years ago this country thought it was okay to own slaves. 100's of thousands died to change that mentality. Only half a century ago, if you were of color, you weren't allow the same benefits as those with white skin. Traditions run deep in this country, but does that make them right? Every month there is a school that has changed it's name because it is considered dehumanizing. I know some will never understand this view because they have never been out of their comfort zone and surrounded by people not of the same background. Do me a favor, go look in the mirror and say to yourself "I will always be Sioux" 10 times. Does that make you feel like a powerful warrior? Now imagine coming to next weeks Wacipi and saying it to the Natives that will be in attendance there. I'm sure you won't feel the same. Regardless of how people on the streets feel, the Sioux Tribes have requested the retiring of the name. This one fact means more to me than the opinions of others including Native people who are for the name and especially how the Higher Ed Board feels. By the way, I didn't know they were the Redskins, I always thought they were the Knights, so i guess not "everybody", maybe just those in your circle. peace.
  13. Good question. Where I'm from in SD we have the same HS's using names like warriors and braves, but I think you answered your own question. These schools are predominately Native, most of them were founded by providing an education to Native children and have a long history behind them. The state of ND is made up of approximately 8% Native Americans, yet at this institution there is less than 4% of Native students, with even less than 2% of them being of Sioux Ancestry. Would it be difficult to find a problem with the FS name if we had 25%, 50%, 70% of Natives at this school, or if this school was founded as an "Indian" school back in the day? You bet your ass, but that isn't the way it is. This school was founded in 1883, at a time when My people the Sioux still roamed the plains w/ no fences, when the Government was trying to find ways to exterminate my people. Why is is that Native people are put into a category of mascots that includes animals? Sure you can claim Norwegian ancestry and bring up the Vikings, but not all people of scandinavian descent made it their life to pillage villages or roam the seas. Besides, do Vikings exist today? I don't think so, but the Sioux do. Our language, our stories, our way of life is still alive and well. We may not live in tipis anymore, but we are still here. Sorry to make that so long. I hope it helps.
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