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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. 4 minutes ago, Dagger said:

        My misunderstanding.    I thought it was said that Hammer was going to do the rest of the broadcasts this year.    You guys are getting way of topic.    It has nothing to do with the importance of the game.   Never mind.  Carry on.

    Hammer is doing the rest of the hockey broadcasts this year, with the exception of a single exhibition game. I'm sure that was all spelled out to both KFGO and Midco when the agreements were made. Since KFGO and Midco are the ones paying Hammer, it is probably up to them rather than a couple of fans on the internet.

    • Upvote 2
  2. 1 minute ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    either you are with us (und) or against us (ndac)....is it that hard to fine a person that bleeds green and black???

    Most broadcasters bleed green (cash). They root for whomever is paying the bills. Not a lot, especially in a blended market like this, can broadcast for a single school like Tim Hennessey has.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Dagger said:

    What does that have to do with anything.   The game will be on television and his  commitment is to do televised UND games in Grand Forks.   Who said it was the most important game of the year?    Your getting off topic.  The fans and the players will treat it as a regular game.  They don't want to lose.

    I haven't seen you complain about Boeser and Schmaltz missing the games this weekend against UAB. It would seem that their presence would be a bigger deal as the top 2 players on the team missing games that actually mean something versus the TV guy missing an exhibition game. And I didn't realize that the TV guy had any bearing on whether the team wins or loses games.

  4. 15 minutes ago, petey23 said:

    How will this shake-up affect UND football on Midco and radio? I have heard a couple rumors but aren't reliable enough to throw out here and was hoping someone had better confidence and could confirm.

    Midco is looking for a replacement for Hammer. The replacement will do all of the TV games. The only way it would affect football on the radio is if Sweeney was hired for the Midco position, otherwise I believe that they plan to have him do the football games again next year on radio.

  5. 35 minutes ago, Dagger said:

    Didn't Hammer say he was going to do the TV broadcasts for UND hockey the rest of the year?  Apparently he won't be doing the January 9th home game cause he says he will be in Frisco following the Bison that week.   Either you are doing the UND games or you  are not.    His commitment seems a little insincere.  In fairness maybe he is going to be there that week and come back on Saturday for the hockey game.  I guess that is possible.

    Do you mean the EXHIBITION game against the Under 18 team? A glorified practice that doesn't count in any standings? You're right, that should be the most important game of the season for everyone.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 1 hour ago, bison73 said:

    Having your feeling hurt and being pissed over asshattery are two different thing.

    They are both an emotional response to something. Neither is a good basis for making business decisions. And a lot of your fellow fans have admitted to both emotions, so you might as well give up trying to sell us that they didn't have their feelings hurt.

  7. 16 minutes ago, petey23 said:

    This didn't fly......with keeping Tribe as a nickname.

    The NCAA policy says No Native American names or Imagery. There is a good chance that they will have a problem with anything that resembles a Native American headdress. Especially coming from a school that has caused them headaches in the past over a Native American nickname.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bison06 said:

    That's bulletproof logic there.

    I heard NDSU called Ohio State for a game in Fargo and they wouldn't schedule it. I'm sure Urban Meyer was scared.

    You have now claimed that NDSU and Ohio State play at the same level of college football. That is the only explanation when you use this as a comparison to NDSU playing (or not playing) UND in Grand Forks. Congratulations on reaching a new low.

    • Upvote 4
  9. 19 minutes ago, Teeder11 said:

    Thanks, Goon!  Not saying I'm correct, just a strong hunch. I was getting a little tired of people (some on here, mostly on Facebook and some blogs) throwing out as absolute fact that the reason most of the 55,000 didn't vote was that they were ticked off at the way things went down and that their non-vote was instead a sort-of vote of protest, if you will. Again, I am sure that did happen, but not to the degree that some would argue. There's just too many alums who have passed through UND who couldn't care less. Or, there are the thousands of folks like my retirement-age mom who who loves UND athletics, but lives in the middle of Nowhere'sville, North Dakota or wherever, with no computer or Internet access, and very little ambition to vote. She's anything but PO'd about the whole thing.

    I know a lot of UND alumni that had no interest at all in the nickname issue. Some of them aren't interested in sports. Some are casual sports fans, so it wasn't very important to them. And some are more interested in sports, but really just wanted the issue to be done. I believe that you're right, most of the people that didn't vote just didn't care enough about the issue, the group that didn't vote as a protest is more than likely a minority.

  10. Then how about getting corporate sponsors to cover the rental costs to bring this event to GF instead of Scheels Arena in Fargo?

    The NCAA gets the bulk of all revenue from the NCAA tournament.  They get all sponsor dollars. It is their event. They aren't going to give up those dollars so that UND fans can watch their team play in Grand Forks.

  11. Pretty sure they have rented ice making equipment for Disney on Ice shows.  Hockey boards, probably can rent those also.  Ask someone who has hosted an outdoor game.   I'd rather keep the event in GF and have more seats than the Scheels Arena.  There should be a way of making this work.  Huge potential for concession sales (like a concert).

    The NCAA gets most of the ticket revenue for NCAA tournament games. It would be hard for the Alerus Center to compete with regular arenas with hockey capability if they have to add costs for rental of ice and hockey equipment. It would be great for UND fans, but not much chance of it actually being viable.

  12. I was talking to a student yesterday about the lack of students at the football games. He wasn't sure what the problem is. He is a big football fan, and he didn't go to the game on Saturday. He did go to the hockey game, he's also a hockey fan. He said that some of the students lost interest after the couple of bad games in the middle of the season, but didn't know if that was a good reason. He also mentioned that a lot of students didn't like the football players. He didn't have any good ideas about how to fix the problem.

    Way back when I was in school there were players on several teams that students didn't like, so it probably isn't a new issue. I remember hearing about issues with football players and hockey players. Wrestlers (I'm so old I was in school when UND still had wrestling) got into fights with hockey players in the bar and at parties. Basketball players pretty much stuck to their own group. There were plenty of good guys on the teams, but normally some that don't get along with everyone. The difference today is that with social media it is easier to hear about issues, unlike the old days where you had to find out about the problems through gossip.

  13. I'm pretty sure that the NCAA gets most of the revenue from playoff games just like they do for all NCAA tournaments. The venues make some money as a rental and off concessions. The traveling schools get expenses paid. The host schools make some money if there are enough tickets sold, but I also believe that they have to guarantee whatever the minimum amount is in their bid. So games can cost schools money if not enough tickets are sold to meet the minimum in the bid. But schools are not making huge piles of cash on the playoffs even if they sell out their stadiums.

    3,000 is probably the max that would show up outside at the end of November. If the weather turned cold, windy, or snowy that number would drop.

  14. In this region, the fall is preparation of winter time. Most folks do that on Saturday (because they're working the rest of the week). A 1 pm Saturday game blows the whole Saturday. If they'd run games later in the day you could get some things done and still go to the game. 

    i know that some of the people that travel to the games appreciate having the 1 pm start. They have plenty of time to get to the game in the morning, and don't spend the entire evening driving home or have to spend the night. I think the coaches appreciate having the same schedule for each home game, so they wouldn't like having different times for hockey weekend versus non-hockey weekends.

  15. Run your business like a destination, and people will find their way there.  As for "casual" grocery shoppers?  "Hornbachers" enjoys zero brand recognition outside of FM, so I'm not sure they're going to draw folks in off the street on building signage alone.  That location kind of sucks for visibility anyway…stuff's built up all cattywampus on that lot.

    Everyone I know in Grand Forks knows the Hornbacher name. Much of the advertising media reaches both Fargo and Grand Forks, so people have seen their advertising for years. Plus most people in Grand Forks know people in Fargo. People have been waiting for Hornbachers to move into the market. They will get quite a bit of walk-in traffic over the next few months, especially during the Christmas season as people spend extra time along 32nd Avenue for shopping.

  16. It's not like Hugo's is trying to set up a store in front of Hornbachers, it's a freaking restaurant. It might even drive up business as people will eat and then grab a few grocery items while they are there. But no, that makes too much sense. :silly:

    Hornbachers should worry more about competing with the local giant (Hugo's) and stop worrying about a totally different kind of business being built next door. ???

    I'm pretty sure that competition has nothing to do with their problem with the restaurant. I'm sure they are worried about visibility, about whether the restaurant will block the view of the Hornbachers store from 32nd. I haven't seen the plans so I have no way of knowing whether the concerns are valid or not, but it sounds like the restaurant is going to be built right out along 32nd like Pizza Hut and the pet store. Visibility for the casual shopper (and mall shoppers) is a big deal.

  17. when I look at the Blackhawk hawk logo, it doesn't look like a man at all.   not sure which one you're looking at.  

    the main thing that would need to be changed is the little button that is holding the colored feathers.   get rid of the button, and tame those wild, large feathers as desired, change the colors, and it will look more hawkish and still resemble the Blackhawk logo.

    I don't remember seeing any hawks with colored feathers like that. It sure seems like it is meant to resemble a Native American headdress. And we all know that the NCAA has issues with all Native American names and IMAGERY. Both are mentioned in the original policy. Native American imagery is why William and Mary was not allowed to keep the feathers in their logo. If feathers look like they are part of a bird they are fine, if they are Native American related they are not good.

  18. http://www.wdaz.com/news/north-dakota/3881793-hornbachers-blocks-new-business-moving

    Doesn't say much for the business climate and welcoming new development.  Although I'm not sure I would have picked that spot in that lot for a new restaurant.  

    It sounds like the city was encouraging development, but Hornbachers has a problem with it because of potential parking issues and cutting down the visibility of their store. The city says the plans fit within the city codes, Hornbachers doesn't like the infringement. That is more a dispute between a landlord and tenant than a problem with the business climate in town.

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