Isn't the ultimate goal of curbing carbon emissions to stop "global warming." If so, speaking of "global warming" is in fact then staying on this thread.
If cap and trade is passed, this will have a CATASTROPHIC effect on our economy (corporations, and the jobs that they provide will be packing up and leaving this once fine great nation). If you think things are bad now...
If Minnesota doesn't want our ND coal, fine by me. But I don't think Minnesotan's will enjoy reading by candle light, or heating their houses with fairy dust (obviously they won't be able to use wood, or other materials that are too dirty to burn, and I'm assuming fairy dust, although to be clean burning, it's also quite expensive). Wind energy isn't at a point to be able to supply that much power to the state, and obviously nuclear power, even though okay for Iran (Obama's words), won't generate any more power than it already does. So where do you get your power from?