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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. three on gophers and two on sioux
  2. 'They're trying to get it right' the refs on penaltys
  3. Don't need the penalties but if it gets our guys blood flowing, so be it
  4. Penalty on prpich and finley
  5. Using your rationale, those student who don't like hockey should be refunded their tuition. I can see from your post that you will be an asset to your fellow students should you attend the meeting. I encourage you to attent the meeting and bring forth you ideas the way you have to this thread. You won't be missed at the games.
  6. No one approves. It's done. Hak has very likely 'dealt with' the situation. Phil will never do such a stupid thing again, guaranteed.
  7. Section 113. He sits behind me somewhere. It's probably the same person.
  8. Well, ok...but only if they shoot to wound, not kill. Don't want the action on the ice to be affected after all. I think they should shoot all 'inappropriate standers'. Oh, could they shoot the moron who sits behind me the one that thinks his shrill whistle actually has an affect on the game? Aw what the heck, I'll shoot him myself.
  9. Sorry, I didn't take the time to qualify my standing statement earlier but if you read this , you'll see that I do distinquish between 'appropriate' standing and 'nuisance' standing.
  10. Damn straight I won't compromise between being able to watch the game or somebody's a$$. When I want to oogle a$$s, I watch a football game. See my previous posts for my ideas.
  11. If you look around the arena during a break away, scramble in front of the net, etc., nearly the whole stadium is standing. I would think the 'standing police' should be educated as to what is appropriate standing and 'nuisance' standing. They can then regulate standing according to hockey game 'norms'. Are the seats directly in front of the suites kept empty? I seem to remember this was one of the solutions? If student season ticket holders are really passionate about keeping their seats, they are going to have to take a pro-active role and police themselves and those around them to keep the profanity to a minimum.
  12. It's not a matter of money. The folks who pay thousands of dollars for a suite, either as a personal or business expenditure, are not going to take a cut in cost vs seeing the game. Believe it or not, there are suite holders who are as die hard fans as the students and maybe the clients/family/friends that they bring to the suite don't all watch the game, but they pay for the privilege; even if it's only Granma who wants to see the game, she should be able to.
  13. Let's see, hmmm, standing and obstructing the view of the people sitting behind you and beside you may be seen as a big friggin' deal to those folk, ya think? No cupholders? When were they removed? Any special reason they were taken out?
  14. EVERY game I go to, and that is every game, I see students who are sitting in the student section whose sole reason for being there is to get drunk-guys and gals sucking those big beers down as fast as they can and getting 'em filled just as fast; to be with their honey-girls looking totally bored as their dates are watching the game AND to be seen - guys and gals looking everywhere but at the game. So enough of this @rap about some season ticket holders only going to the games to be seen, socialize, or sit in the bar. Goes both ways! Again as suggested, go to the meeting, hat in hand (that means respectfully, not bent over), propose alternatives and work with the AD and REA. This subject has been brought up many times and many good suggestions have been posted in the past. I remember Dirty coming up with some pretty good ones in the past. Go back to some of the old threads and check 'em out.
  15. I want to responds to this but can't stop laughing. Sorry....
  16. No offense but that's a pretty lame statement. The majority of season ticket holders LOVE HOCKEY and many sacrifice in one or more areas to pay for their season tickets to be assured seats at the game they love to watch in person. Not wanting to listen to profanity that they find offense is not the same as not going to an establishment that is not smoke free. At least you have a choice between a smoking and a non smoking bar. I have been know to say a profanity or two during an upsetting, to me, incident on the ice BUT I'm not standing and chanting it over and over again. I don't think that UND or REA is going to take anyones season tickets for an occasional outburst. I don't have a problem with the students standing, cheering, holding up signs, profanity etc. But the profanity does offend many including some students. Some one posted to leave your kids home. Another lame statement obviously made by someone who did not grow up in a hockey dominated area like GF. Maybe GF wouldn't be much of a city without the university but along the same vein, FS hockey wouldn't be much without GF, UND alumni and season ticket holders. Work together. Go to the meeting, state your position as students, offer solutions and COMPROMISE!! I agree with Sic. The name change issue is a priority on UNDs 'to do list'. It's important UND and the community show their respect for the name and logo. I don't think this meeting is coincidental to the issue.
  17. Teeder11, since you were at the meeting, do you know what DeMers position is on the name and logo? I 'assumed' she is against the name and logo but I may be wrong. The Herald only gave that one statement of hers. Was she asked or did she volunteer? How many American Indian students were in attendance? Did they speak? Thanks
  18. I noticed that too. GK and KTF keep bringing up the fact that a non-Indian (isn't he from Sweden or some such place) is teaching the Lakota language. In addition to applying for the position and knowing the subject, there are certain academic accomplishments and degrees required to teach at the University level. If indeed there are American Indians who meet the requirements. have applied for appointments and positions in the American Indians Studies Department/programs/services and not been hired, why are the American Indian activists not all over this? And while I'm on the subject, another issue that the NameChangers keep bringing up is that the American Indian programs and federal monies are here because of the action of American Indians. If UND is such a hostile and abusive environment to American Indians, why don't those responsible for the federal money,etc. that is funding the American Indian programs take their programs elsewhere. I think it's because of the support that the UND and Grand Forks community provides to those programs but what do I know, I'm not American Indian. Judy DeMers, leading radical leftist, oh, and associate dean at the medical school stated that an American Indian student turned down an INVITATION to study medicine at UND because of the name and logo. Don't American Indians have to apply for a position in the med school? As pointed out in another thread, if you go on line and Google UND, the home page states "HOME OF THE FIGHTING SIOUX". If the student didn't look up UND before applying or didn't know UND's name or logo before appllying, IMHO, he/she isn't smart enough to be in med school.
  19. I agree. I did see him use his body more than ever before at the last home game but he still looked a bit hesitant when he did. He's got to get over that. I'd like to see him sit this one out even though I think he's going to be awesome once he starts using his size more. I mean this is the Stinkin' Goophers we're playing after all.
  20. In my limited experience with newspaper 'policy', it's my understanding that the layout of the paper is the editor's respponsibility, i.e. whose pieces go on the front page, where they go on the front page, how many words, headlines, etc. But that may not be the case at the Herald?
  21. And, or, maybe, future scouts/recruiters?
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