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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Somehow I think you pee yourself even when your not laughing.
  2. It's gonna come down to what Fabian said. They will have to play for the name on the front of their jersey, not the one on the back. They will have to play as a team. Hak said it's the second half of the season and our freshman aren't freshman anymore. No more "they're a young team" excuses. They have to start playing together consistently, not just when it's live or die.
  3. Standing throughout a game makes me a better fan. Geeze how ignorant of me!! I stand during breakaways, goals scored (us), scuffles and other 'exciting appropriate to stand' moments as does everyone around me; THEN I SIT DOWN. I scream, cheer, yell, sing the beer song, etc. I even say "oh $hit" when the other team scores. The Gopher series, hmm, I seem to remember that one. The EF the gophers chant, yeah that shows real team spirit. What happened to the student spirit when we were losing? Where I sit, I didn't hear any students cheering on the team. And when I looked over at the student section, you were all sitting looking like mommy had just taken your blankie away. The 'old farts' around me, me too, were clapping, and trying to start up the 'GO SIOUX' chant. When the gopher fans were out cheering us, I tried to get things going, NOTHING from the student section. Don't try to tell me the students cheer the team on when we're losing. Usually DOESN"T HAPPEN!! Now, if we're done trying to crap all over each other, why don't we act like SIOUX fans and work together. The main complaints are 1) Standing thoughout the game. Solution: Stand when it's appropriate according to the hockey action on the ice. Educate the ushers on what 'appropriate standing' is. Students police each other-tell the jerk next to you to sit down when there's no reason to stand. 2) Stop with the EF and Suck chants. Students police each other. Tell the jerk next to you to shut the EF up when he/she starts an inappropriate chant. Learn new cheers. When you were watching all those other games, I'm sure you did not hear any EF or suck chants. If you can't come up with reasonable alternatives to what is going to be presented to you at your meeting, you are going to lose. Even if it means Grand Forks will become a ghost town and UND shuts it doors, you will lose. I know that we need students to liven up the joint but that doesn't give you free reign to do and act as you please. If you can't do it at home, you can't do it at the Ralph.
  4. NO ONE wanting to watch the game has come this board and said the students have to sit all the time. NO ONE. But for some reason that's all some of you are reading/hearing. "The big money wants us to sit all the time". Geez louise already, can't you see we're saying the same thing!? Stand when appropriate, sit when it's not. I don't spend thousands of dollars for my seats but I also have a right to see what's going on on the ice. Luckily for me the people in front of me sit and stand when everyone else does. Well, except when the regular season ticket holders sell/give their tickets to idiots who have never been to a hockey game but that's another story. There are students who don't want to stand all the time but when everyone around them is standing, the only way for them to see the game is to also stand. DON'T STAND ALL THE TIME. STAND ONLY WHEN APPROPRIATE AND THEN SIT DOWN.
  5. I think the funniest part of this hit was that it was their 'HIT OF THE GAME'. I would think the hit of the game is equivalent to our 'COLLISION OF THE GAME' which shows one on our team squash a guy on the other team. They showed the hit and yes Mike went down first. That's all they showed for 'HOTG' but Mike jumped up and kept on playing. In the mean time Wheeler limped off, went down the tunnel, came back and when shown on the bench looked like he still wanted his mommy. Yes, it's always a good time when we win.
  6. My seats at the Final Five are surrounded by Gopher fans. They are constantly throwing stuff at us. Of course everyone looks innocent when you turn around. I'm ready to sic my 250 pound son and 185 pound older son (he teaches Jujitsu to city and highway patrol cops) on all of them. Well maybe not, the bail would break me.
  7. Happy happy boys on the bench
  8. Hear the SIoux fans cheering!!
  9. The hit of the game, Wheeler colliding with Prpich. Wheeler limped off and down the tunnel to recover. MY MAN MIKE kept playing. Hit of the game indeed!!
  10. 1:30 still 2-2 Crowd realy into it
  11. Big push by SIoux, no goal though
  12. Great two saves by Lammi
  13. HE!!, it's 2-2 of course they're in the game AND they're playing the Sioux
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