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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Well, uhm, it's just that I, umh, the fact of the matter, uhm............
  2. Math?! You give him to much credit.
  3. Finley and Spirko are so similar in size, shape, appearance and style of playing anyone could have confused the two players. I don't think we should be so hard on Zelkin. After all, he just made an honest mistake. (We waaant Shepaaard. )
  5. Tell her not to bother printing them. That obviously did not work.
  6. As I was standing by the jerseys waiting for the bidding to end, a woman came up to me and asked, "Do you know who the..., oh, oh.." I finished, "Who the crazy woman is bidding on the jerseys?" She said, "Yes, I was going to say that but then I thought maybe you were her!" I said, "I am!" She laughed, embarassed. I laughed like the crazy woman that I am. My son played hockey with and against Andy and plays hockey with Andy's dad on Sunday nights. And he's a homie. And, well, you all know how I feel about Mike. I won the bids for both jerseys. You know working until your in your 80s before retirement may not be such a bad thing.
  7. Notice they did not start the fight when Smaby, Prpich, Jones were out there. They took on our youngsters, 'little guys' and Radke and got their butts kicked. When Oshie broke up the fight between Finley and the Mankato guy, I thought good for him, he knows we need to keep the focus on the game or we could end up losing. I thought how mature of him. Then Mankato went after him and I thought, "Maim that cow, tear his head off." I do love my Fighting Sioux hockey.
  8. I called the Ralph and the box will be at the security office by the student entrance as planned.
  9. Right on fargosioux. Let's hope you're waaaay off tonight and siouxguyinstpaul, 5-1, wins the prediction tonight.
  10. Sioux-cia


    AND you're a scappy kinda guy with hutzpah, too.
  11. OK Dirty, I left the box at the Ralph. There wasn't anyone in the security office. A Green Sports Coat guy,Gordon (tall, 70s gentleman), took the box. He will be at the employee entrance, to the left of the student entrance, where the white fence is. I wrote on the box's cover, 'For Dirty, From Sioux-cia. KINKOs ran out of green paper, so there are only about 2100 sheets. Thanks. CHEER LOUD, CHEER PROUD!!!
  12. Uhm, where's the student entrance?
  13. OK, I'll tell them 'Dirty' is going to pick them up.
  14. Let me know. I could pick them up but can't get them to the Ralph early enough to get to the students. My son and his girl won't be getting to town until after 6. Would the staff at the Ralph let me drop them off there for you to pick up?
  15. I graduated from a Catholic HS and the toughest person, man or woman, I have ever know was Sister Louis. I came from a public school environment and considered myself a pretty tough cookie but she scared the hell out of me. Maybe the UofMary could use her picture as their logo and the school song could be Louie, Louie>> "Ok, lets give it to 'em, right now"
  16. I know a group of day-care attendees who will be emotionally devastated when they hear of the name change.
  17. Sioux-cia


    Don'cha just love it!!!
  18. I'm having Kinkos print up 2500 sheets of the two school songs, Fight on Sioux and Stand Up & Cheer. Who wants to pick them up and pass them out to the students at tonights game? They will be ready by 3P. (They're paid for.)
  19. I'm having Kinkos print up 2500 sheets of the two songs. They will be ready for pick up by 3PM. Who wants to pick them up and pass them around to the students? (They are paid for in advance.) I'm putting this request out in the Students Cheers thread as well.
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