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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. LadyDi told me about the bus trip. I would love to go but because of work retraints, I would have to fly. That's not a problem as I have enough miles but I would love to get a ticket from Al's batch and sit with the Fun Bus crowd. It was great being with everyone in Columbus.
  2. Ah, Dirty,always the voice of reason. Standing for the sake of standing, no. Swearing, no. Cheering, chants, signs, singing, all good. Drink as much as you want but if you don't behave, face the consequences like a man, er, woman, uhm, drunk student.
  3. Wow! I didn't know he came in at 17. He should have held a press conference.
  4. Hmm, my son and his girlfriend were here for the weekend from Mpls. My dogs, a white German Shepard and a German Shepard cross, were peeing on their car all weekend long. Must have been the Mn plates.
  5. He was writing something down in his little black book the entire time. Don't know what. I wouldn't call Sparky's actions a 'melt down'. To me that implies, his reactions were a result of his own actions. He was acting defensively for what was happening throughout this game and, in retrospect, perhaps was being pro-active for future games. He's not going to be looked at as 'the guy they can push around because he's totally focused on the game' anymore
  6. Hopefully, it's not too serious and they're just being smart and giving him time to heal properly. They still managed to sweep the 'Dogs without him. I just noticed, the St. Cloud times doesn't refer to us as the Fighting Sioux. Hmm, I thought is was just the school. Oh well, doesn't matter; just an observation.
  7. The poll is over. 68% for keeping the name! Not bad for a PC school poll.
  8. 1) Less than 10% of the student season tickets holders attended the "MANDATORY" meeting. That is a pretty unimpressive number for 'die hard Fighting Sioux hockey fans'. 2) I agree with dagies. The tone of this open letter is very confrontational. There are very good ideas but the manner in which they are presented may tend to turn a person off. 3) The no 'drunk or disorderly' recommendation to ban the consumption of alcohol at the Ralph is as mature as the editors comment last week. They agree that profanity should not be allowed but were upset that alternatives to profanity were not offered. DUH!! Since when does anyone need to be educated as to what is an alternative to profanity. Are they two year olds? 4) Proportionality equals student fees. What Sicatoka said, 'Don't go there.' If that's the math you want to us, you'll lose almost 50% of your currently allotted seating. 5) Relocation, I have a real problem with that as well. Why reward bad behavior? I sit at the end where the opposing team shoots twice. There are boxes behind us. The other end has the bar behind them. As far as I can tell, the only place to be able to stand and not obstruct anyone but another student's view is the upper deck. 6) A boycott or sit in? I think that you'll get as much cooperation there as Mr. Buning's mandatory meeting received. But, hey, go for it. I don't believe that it will have a huge affect on the other 9000 hockey fans or the flow of the game. 7) As a student, I stood in line outside for hours to get hockey tickets for the upcoming week end series. That type of distribution of tickets certainly separates the wheat from the chaff. 8) I love the music recommendations. Why weren't they brought up at the meeting? 9) If you don't go to the games because you don't like rules, don't call yourself a die hard hockey fan. It just doesn't fly.
  9. What!!! Only one computer!!! How can that be? Weren't we recently informed that every Fighting Sioux fan has two late model cars and lots of other good stuff that the Name Changers don't have!? Sell the Mercedes, already and get another computer, for Pete's sake. Thanks for the recap! I especially liked
  10. You're all right, of course. AND we want the best for Drew and his career but.....
  11. Ok, I'm sure the three of you can take this kid. I'll be the look out. We can share the jersey on a rotating basis. Deal?
  12. Yes. my older son was wearing the throwback jersey that NO ONE was ever suppose to wear but me. He wore it to bug his 'little' brother.
  13. I'm thinking about renting it out so I can recoup some of my children's inheritance!! Is your friend Brad?
  14. Palmiscino's went for $250. And Prp's and Andy's went for A LOT more. The second best thing about getting a game played jersey is that the money goes back to the athletic department. Writing a check a couple times a year and only getting a thank you is ok BUT writing a check and getting a jersey......WOOO HOOO!!!!
  15. Herein lies one of the problems with the name change crowd. They (he) think(s) we want to be Sioux Indians. We are fans of the UND Fighting Sioux athletes. And dam# proud of them we are. Did you see that 71% graduation rate?!! GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!! Spending thousands of dollars on jerseys is one of the benefits of leaving the farm, the hood, the rez, etc and working your butt off to get to a position in life where spending a few thousand dollars to support the Fighting Sioux athletic department is a choice a person can make if they want to. Some people will spend thousands of dollars on other athletic gear, such as for football teams such as the Vikes, Bears, Packer, Raiders, etc.
  16. Sioux-cia

    Hi All

    Welcome to the party!
  17. The bids started at $150. with $25.00 bid increases. The sky's the limit depending on how many people want the same jersey. I know that the Ralph is hoping to put more up for bid. These last jerseys were only on bid for one night. You had to be at the game to bid on them. Saturday the jerseys on auction were Schneider, Prpich, and Palmiscino. Friday the jerseys were Nick Fuhre (sp) and sorry I didn't pay attention to the other two.
  18. Have you noticed that people who have a problem with nicknames and logos of sports teams are not sports fans? I deduced that from the stupid 'should wear their solid black/color jerseys' in this and a couple of other posts/editorials. Maybe if they were fans, they would understand the pride and alliance fans have to their schools/cities athletic nicknames and logos.
  19. My first thought when I read that statement was, "Boy cow doo doo." Or words to that affect. Besides having no heart, why/how would Shepard care/know that Sparky's family was here? IMHO, his family being here had no impact on the decision. I think that after reviewing the film, he saw that Finley should have a DQ and Sparky's only other choice in the matter would have been to have the stuffing kicked out of him (which is what happens when you 'turn the other cheek').
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