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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Isn't that a Canisius jersey? And I think Durno was one of the Canisius players that got drunk and trashed their room when they were here a couple of years ago?!
  2. Good job, HockeyMom. I'd run with you but I'm too old. (That's my story and I'm sticking with it.)
  3. I don't know that the theft had anything to do with the movie BUT the lens are valued in the thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars. They're likely to get more in the black market than popcorn and candy.
  4. Hey, Chica, you have never been an outsider!!
  5. You hold him, I'll slap him, HARD!!!
  6. Whoa, wait, stop, ooohhh, ooowww, my head hurts!!! http://www.pjstar.com/stories/051906/ILL_B9RRR8CL.083.shtml http://www.dailypress.com/news/local/dp-27...ews-local-final
  7. How about the weekend of the Manitoba game? We could meet in the afternoon?
  8. The Gophers lose to Holy Cross was HISTORICAL!! It's one of the, if not THE biggest upsets in NCAA history. Owning a Holy Cross jersey is owning a HUGE piece of college hockey history. And as I have said before, it's just plain FUN!!! And hockey1, you are 100% correct, why the hell should it matter to any Gopher fan what we wear or spend our money on?! I've spent my kids' inheritance on game worn hockey jerseys (and professional football memorabilia), they don't care, why the frick should a Gopher fan!
  9. Here's the NC$$ press release re. W& M http://www.ncaa.org/wps/portal/!ut/p/k...mascot_rls.html Scoll all the way to the bottom of the page to View All Press Releases. Again, the inconsistencies just boggle the mind! There are many Seminole Indians who opposed FSU's use of the name and logo, there are many non-Seminole Indians who oppose FSU's use of the name and logo. Given the above NC$$ statement, why were they exempt? Tribal leader approval doesn't matter for W & M but it does for FSU. I know this is beating a dead horse but I feel like someone at an awful accident, you don't want to look and see the horrific remains but you just can't not look!!
  10. My bad, . I have great memories of the old Ralph as well but boy I appreciate and enjoy the new Ralph so much more! And I have to say, you are right up there with being decent to Gopher fans, trolls, etc. I would try it more often but those times I have been, I've been burned.
  11. Sorry to hear that you don't enjoy the new as well as the old. If you're going to worry about what other people are doing at the games, I guess that does take away from the fun. As for myself, I have a fantastic time at the Ralph. I'm there to watch good hockey, cheer on the team and be with family and friends. Who gives a rats a$$ if the students are too drunk to watch the game or the 'rich corporates' are too busy schmoozing to watch the game. Geeze, let it go already, quit your bitchin' and have fun!!!
  12. Thanks for the info. I'm sending a thank you note out tomorrow.
  13. Excuse me while put on my waders, the $hit is getting way too deep around here!!
  14. Say, can you provide a link to that site? I want to pick up a couple dozen for some friends.
  15. You compare a player getting a potentially life ending, potentially career ending injury that did result in major surgery with losing a game?! I think it's ok to enjoy a historical lose by a rival, the #1 ranked team in the country who lost to the # 18 ranked team in the country. I do not think it's ok to make fun of a player who fell due to a cheap shot and ended up losing a year of a 'normal' life. I guess I'm stupid or something because I don't see the similarities. Please, explain it to me.
  16. Tacky, tasteless, no class...Oh wait, we're talking about the Gophers, so yeah that type of crap is totally expected. But UMD.... .
  17. Yours was donated to the Mission! 'member? You said you wanted it to go to a good cause.
  18. I think I'm going mad!! Everytime the NC$$ comes out with a new edict, I want to go outside and bang my head on a brick wall!!!
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