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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I click on the link and get a PRIVATE you don't have access message.
  2. Thanks. Maybe, it's because I'm a little under the weather but I'm confused. Is the first post the article? And why is a General calling Buning about a coach?
  3. http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/story/6234416...HCP&GT18901 It's official, Florida and OSU!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I watched the video a few more times. Tormey's right hand coming off the ice looks like it's in a tight fist. I don't think he would be able to do that if tendons were cut. I hope I'm right..........
  5. Yes, dear, 'sick and elitist racist' fits you very well.
  6. Phew!!!!!!! I'm just glad SS.com hasn't banned Mexican-Americans or Jewish people. Otherwise, where would RW77 and I get to play!?! Is there a thread on Fighing Sioux homosexuality issues that I missed?
  7. http://www.thedartmouth.com/article.php?aid=2006111702020 So, given what has happened at the wonderful, Pro-Native American institution of higher learning - Dartmouth, IF and when the University of North Dakota decides to retire the Fighting Sioux name and logo and if the UND community reacts to the retirement in the same manner as the Dartmouth community has, we can look forward to an abundent 'hostile and abusive' actions against all minorities (none of which occur in the here and now at UND), Native Americans included, for the next three plus decades. Hmmm...... But, fellow members, we will then be hailed as a premiere school by the NC$$ because we will not have a Native American name and logo. OK, I think I get it now.
  8. Sh!&, I hope the info is wrong but I was worried it might be a tendon. The way he was holding his hand/wrist looked to me like it was a deep cut. Damn, I hope they're wrong.
  9. Yep!! Better the Barbie than a Andy Schneider, game worn, autographed home jersey!
  10. Much as I would love to agree with you, I don't think it was intentional. Wheeler's body was literally turned by the Mav player just before he hit Tormey which caused his skates to be turned into Tormey. I hope it's just a superficial wound and didn't involve any tendons or bone!
  11. How terribly sad, their poor families! My condolences and prayers go out to them.
  12. And Name and Logo Change supporters like our newest member, 'dumbpeoplesuk' can say what ever they like about Name and Logo supporters and you have no comment?!? What a bunch of b/s.
  13. Ah huh. Your respectful like and we love you like a snotty little, dirt covered, stinky, sticky little brother that just won't stay out of our room and takes our stuff without asking.
  14. I hope his tests all turn out ok and he can continue to play hockey this season.
  15. Really! Where do I sign up?
  16. I leave the forgiving to God. The day I roll over and let someone abuse me is the day you can bury me because I will be dead.
  17. Hey! Lighten up. No one is slamming you. I know it was a mis-type. It made me smile! And I DO think he should be fried.
  18. Great letter!! I especially like, 'Whatever her state of ignorance.....' Kupchella is showing us he is a force to be reckoned with!
  19. Shush! I try to pretend I know something about cooking. Don't blow my cover!!
  20. Agreed. I'll start the grill.
  21. Nope. After what he did to me, I am going to point out every stupid thing he does and every lie he tells whenever I am made aware of them. Yep, I'm a vengeful bitch and proud of it!!!
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