Here's a little speculation/rumor/claim/allegation>>>the cops let the boys go with a warning more often than not 'back in the day'. Public scrutiny doesn't allow that type of police behavior in this day and age of social media like Facebook, etc. Just sayin'/speculatin'/rumor-mongering/alleging........
As the mother of two young men, I am keenly aware of 'boys will be boys' stupidity. My youngest, an athlete in his day, not a drinker or user did more to drive me to the Lady Clairol bottle than I thought possible. I acutally took him to the cop shop after I found out about an illegal 'shenanigan'. I don't condon irresponsible/illegal behavior and I don't condon irresponsible rumor mongering. As a fan, I have respect and trust in Hak and his crew taking care of business.