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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Guess I thought they were smarter than that.. .
  2. Sioux-cia


    Pfffffffftt.......... (the raspberry with plenty of spit spewing about).
  3. Sioux-cia

    Ryan Duncan

    Hum, I believe the was a clue. We all know about his thumb.
  4. Sioux-cia


    Poppa Kozek is a pretty nice guy as is Poppa Oshie. Oh, and I understand that all the Goofy players call a certain ref, Poppa Campion.
  5. I thought this was cute. I was teasing a little (Navajo) guy yesterday about his Dallas Cowboys jacket. I told him he should get a Chicago Bears jacket instead. He looked at me like I was nuts and said, "Na huh, Bears aren't peoples."
  6. I'll take the two ends and throw away the center. Ewww, gopher meat...........
  7. Just look at the tapes of this past week ends series. Okposo who???
  8. I always wondered about you. I guess I know now!!!
  9. I hate the guy and every time I see his name in print, I want to puke!!!
  10. Just spit water all over my lap top!!!
  11. Hum, #17 of this group of pictures is, well, uh, strange..........
  12. Sioux-cia


    I can vouch for THETRIOUXPER, it wasn't him. I can't remember the name of the guy with the McGuilicuddys (BUTTERSHOTS!!!). Didn't his lady break the bottle?
  13. Sioux-cia


    Yeah, right. Why bother asking the question, not once, but twice!!!!
  14. Sioux-cia


    Go back, there was a response. Waiting for mine? I could care less. In fact, I wouldn't even know who anyone else's AD is and don't care to find out. Not important to me. What do you expect us to say?? If my AD were cheering FOR the Goofs, then you'd get a reaction!!!
  15. Hmm, notice how he refers to us as North Dakota but refers to the Goofs as the Gophers in Minnesota?
  16. Sioux-cia


    HOLY CROSS!!! He's a friggin' FAN for Pete's sake!!! Because he's an AD, he's suppose to act like 'it doesn't really matter, yawn', that we, the #15th team in the country, beat the #1 team in the country!!! A team that, depending on who you talk to, is one of our biggest rivals?!? Get real!! You act as if you've never been to a hockey game before!! Our teams and our AD are plenty classy when they're in front of the media. But in 'private' they're all jumping up and down and hollering and slapping each other on the back with the excitement of it all! Sitting in the stands watching a hockey game as a fan to me is 'private' time' not AD time. I'm glad that our AD is a 'normal guy' and not some stuffed shirt who can't get from behind his desk to see what's going on with the school's teams.
  17. I could only find singles away from the Sioux section on Friday night and none for Saturday night!! So unless there's a nice Sioux person with an extra ticket to sell for both nights, I'll not be going.
  18. Did you play hockey with him at that age? My son did. I've been watching Robbie play football and hockey since grade school because they were on the same teams at different times. Phats was a year ahead of Robbie in school although they're the same age.
  19. Ooops, too late! Although I understand they did get one seconds later. So I don't think they were cheated out of anything.
  20. Sioux-cia


    We partied with the AD and his wife last year at the Final Five. They are both lots of fun!!! Real people, not like the hoity toidies that usually are in administrative positions. What's wrong with having fun when your team is winning? Sitting on your hands and acting like that's beneath you because you're an AD, is NOT what being a sports fan is all about!!!! Geeze Louise lighten up all of you who are worried about this. The only ones who see this as a problem are Goofy fans.
  21. The ceremony for Sgt. Keeble was a genuine ceremony for a man who was truly a here. Unlike the ceremony held for the NC$$ which was obviously a charade!
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