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  1. https://northstarknights.com/2022/04/28/cody-croal-commits-to-university-of-north-dakota/
  2. Laddies.
  3. Saw this on a local job site in Wisconsin.
  4. I’m not a huge conspiracy person by any means, but believing our government tells us the complete truth on anything is a fair statement to think about sometimes. Whether it’s this, other medical stuff, the economy, etc. It feels like a real life game of Survivor with our government: “Outwit, Outlast, Outplay”. The truth is unfortunately somewhere in between the extremes. That’s just my opinion.
  5. This isn’t directed at anyone except for this poorly written article, but the virus hasn’t even been around for 4 months yet unless my math is wrong. How someone can type this with what I assume is minimal or zero proofreading is why there is hysteria in this country.
  6. The bolded part is what some of us are saying: No one knew or cared about this virus until a week ago and we were all OK going about our lives. But, Because the media IMO is blowing this thing out of the water, look where we are now. It’s ridiculous in public because of a false panic/hysteria. Everyone is still out shopping, restaurants are busy, etc. How big of a deal was the flu this season?Really big relative to this from what I can tell and I don’t really remember hearing anyone blow up the news about the number of people that died from the flu so far. How many people have gone to work with a cold/flu in the past 2-3 months? Lots. And no one missed a beat because it’s flu season.
  7. I/We could make a day trip from the Duluth area if people are meeting still. That’s assuming MN doesn’t shut down the interstates in the next week to drive on.
  8. Can we get an update on this?!?
  9. In my opinion, The reality is in the business world you don’t make or buy things you don’t need at that moment. That’s why we are in more of a reactive state vs. proactive state. That’s just the reality, I don’t stock things at my business that I might need in 3, 6, or 9 months. That’s wasting money and preventing me from buying other things with that money.
  10. So 20,000 have died from the flu this season. And now they’re predicting 800,000 for this? That’s 40 times the amount of people. Get outta here. This is ridiculous.
  11. Im 80% in. Might be bringing the wife.
  12. Sorry for the late notice, but I will not be there tomorrow. Could only make it to today’s games. Hopefully you have enough people to have a quorum tomorrow morning.
  13. As of now, I plan on being there with a plus 1 as well.
  14. I am watching the Minnesota and Penn State hockey game and the commentators talked about the Penn State rink using distilled water versus regular water. Apparently makes the ice smoother. Anyone hear that before? What’s The Ralph use?
  15. All I know is that if someone(NDSU) was questioning my honesty and integrity, I’d call a spade a spade. Name the coach if it’s true. NDSU is throwing him under the bus and calling him a liar in the article. Someone is lying. Time to show your cards.
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