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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. The underage players being in the bar is old news, but the underage recruits being in the bar is new.
  2. It's usually pretty sterile. Although admitedly anecdotal, usually I've been seated next to someone who hasn't been to many games, knows a little bit about hockey, knows very little about the Gophers, and knows nothing about the Sioux. People have generally not been openly hostile to me, usually just disparaging remarks about the school, the city, and the state under their breath, but loud enough for me to hear. Pretty tame overall. They do not serve alcohol there. And, yes, there is usually a healthy showing of Sioux fans.
  3. If people just delt with things and moved on, there would be no reason for message boards.
  4. I took G. Shepard's comments differently. I thought he was implying that if parking a man in the crease violated the intent of the new rule, it should be enforced accordingly. After all, the referee still has discretion.
  5. That was me. It just seemed like your first posts were all about how UND was getting beat by a better team and that Sioux fans should stop whining. Given all of the Gopher fans that tend to show up just for this series, I figured you were a Gopher fan posing as a Sioux fan. If I was wrong...my apologies.
  6. Not classless, but not as classy as I had hoped. I figured Hak might have told his players not to sink to that level, but apparently he did not. But I suppose he has much bigger things to worry about.
  7. Good posting, as always jk. Everyone talks about hosting the west regional, and being the pessimist that I am, I've always thought that Murphy's Law will dictate that the one time UND gets to host NCAA playoffs since 1983 (and likely the last time ever), UND will not even make the tournament. And even if UND does make it, based on their performances at home this season, it doesn't appear home-ice "advantage" is going to help them much. We're not in Panicville yet, but I can see it from here. Yes, the team started out terribly last year, but turned it around and made a run when it counted. But last year's team was senior-laden with good leadership. This team has only question marks in the category. It should be interesting.
  8. Sorry fellas, all I have is an invitation to go with a Gopher fan who has tickets. I don't actually have tickets to give away. There's no need to talk about ledges (I'm not that screwed up ), I just think it's better to watch from the comfort of my living room than to go with a Gopher fan. If I had a couple Sioux buddies to go with, I'd be there for sure. And I might change my mind as the sting of this weekend wears off.
  9. I feel a little like KJL on NRO posting so often (wtf?), but I just have to say that this series really takes a lot out of me. I have tickets lined up to the Friday night game in Minneapolis, but I think I'm going to turn them down. I'm better off watching the game alone in my basement. And so is everyone else.
  10. Hak sounded genuinely upset in the post game interview, but still defended the play of his team. It was a strange interview and I really couldn't get a good feel for it. Anyone else have an opinion on it?
  11. Well, as bad as the atmosphere usually is, it's still no worse than Mariucci at its best. So take his comments for what they're worth.
  12. And don't forget the humiliating loss to Denver the Sat night before that. I have a feeling there just may be a few empty seats against BSU next weekend.
  13. IMO the main problem with the new arena was that it wasn't designed with a student section in mind. As a result, there has been a ongoing issue with the students standing and blocking others' views. It certainly has created a lot of animosity between the students and the season ticket holders. Some claim it has hurt the atmosphere.
  14. FWIW - Greg Shepperd was on with Greg L. between periods and pretty much said (without specifically saying it) that last night's goal should have been waived off. He said the rule change was implemented as a result of the Maine-DU NC game a couple years back where the Maine goal was waived off because a skate was in the crease that had absolutely nothing to do with the goal. He said the rule change was never intended to allow a player to park in the crease (as the Gophers were doing on their powerplays). His implication was that if that's not the intention of the rule, then it should have been enforced accordingly.
  15. Nope. They can't play. For the record, I thought UND was classy enough to refrain from reciprocating the jersey pop. Apparently I was wrong.
  16. Anything is possible, but I would tend to think that if UND plays them at all it will be at home.
  17. I believe you've lost your credibility. Perhaps you should just go away and enjoy the win.
  18. Terrible weekend of hockey. It's tough to swallow getting swept at home by the Gophers. UND hasn't done that to the Gophers since 1980. I think back to Bacardio's past earlier this week that his inside source said there is a lack of leadership on this team, and after the lack of emotion the first 50 minutes of this game, I'm starting to think there's something to that. You just can't wait until a few minutes left to start trying. Maybe it will be the catalyst for the rest of the season. Where have you gone Drew Stafford?...a Sioux Nation turns it's lonely eyes to you.
  19. Beat you to it. Check out the post before your's. I was hoping UND's squad would be classy enough not to retaliate. Apparently I was wrong.
  20. Chorney reciprocated with a jersey pop. Stupid.
  21. How many of your first 8 posts have been backhanded digs against the Sioux and their fans?
  22. End of 2nd - 4-1 Mn. There was about 5 minutes of that period where the Sioux looked decent. Then they quickly reverted back to pathetic hockey. The goal with 13 seconds left is a back-breaker. Things could get ugly at the end of this one.
  23. Lee Marvin (paraphrasing) - Right now we're just a perimeter team. We had no quality shots and we're making it easy for them.
  24. That may have been the most pathetic period since the Sat night game last season against Minnesota (I didn't see last night's game). No flow by UND, no hustle, no physicality, no crisp passing, no anything.
  25. The old Ralph. I've yet to see one at the new one. End of 1st. 2-0 Mn.
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